CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 372: The picture is not beautiful

Chapter 372: The Picture Is Not Beautiful

Meeting room.

Su Yinghao was listening to a report from the project team members, and suddenly, the mobile phone on the table rang.

He glanced hurriedly at the phone and saw the text message from Su Qize, which was very short: "Come to Room 2709, there is a surprise waiting for you."

Seeing this message, Su Minhao frowned slightly, looked up at Qiu Yan beside him, and gave him a gesture.

Qiu Yi understood and looked up at the project team members: "Okay, today ’s meeting is here for the time being. President Su is a bit tired and needs to rest. Tonight, President Su will leave the city of W. The inspection work here will Taken by the second son, Mr. Su Qize, the hotel will be in this meeting room tomorrow morning. I hope everyone will not be late. "

After all, in the doubtful eyes of the crowd, the two left the conference room one after the other.

Entering the elevator, Qiu Yi saw Su Shihao stepping down on the 27th floor. He was curious: "President, are you going to find Miss Zheng now?"

"Someone sent me a message saying that there was a surprise waiting for me." Su Shihao casually said.

With his knee, he could probably guess that Su Qize must not know what moths have come out, but if the object is Zheng Baozhu, he would be quite looking forward to it.

At this time, Luo Qingyun upstairs was also called by Su Qize, got into the elevator, and came downstairs.

As soon as the elevator got on and off, they all stopped on the 27th floor, the elevator doors opened, and the four of them came out at the same time.

"Qing Yun, second son, why are you here too?" Qiu Yue was surprised when he saw them both.

But immediately, he reacted again and looked at Su Qize: "Is it a message you sent to the president?"

"I thought he would be too lazy to come up, I didn't expect to get it fast." Su Qize said with a funny expression.

"I'm curious, what is the surprise you prepared for me." Su Yinghao said, lifting his feet and walking towards the door of Room 2709.

The three followed him and walked into the corridor. Luo Qingyun walked next to Su Qize, obviously feeling a smile on his face, reminiscent of what he had told her before, in her heart. I knew instantly that I was afraid that Zheng Baozhu was going to have a bad mold this time.

After all, the person who wanted to rectify her was Su Qize, and Su Qize was a violent person who didn't even let himself go.

Seeing the seemingly absent smile on Su Qize's face, Luo Qingyun shuddered in his heart silently, mourning for Zheng Baozhu.

After a while, they and their party had already reached the door of Room 2709. Su Yinghao had a room card in his hand, so instead of knocking on the door, he swiped the room card and the door opened in response.

Zheng Baozhu was not seen in the living room.

Su Yinghao turned to look at Su Qize, and Su Qize gestured to indicate the direction of his bedroom.

Su Yuhao did not hurriedly walk to the bedroom, but gave Qiu Yi a wink.

Qiu Yun was very bitter. He already had a bad hunch at this time. He firmly believed that there would never be a beautiful picture inside the door, otherwise his boss would not have directed him to open the door.

However, when the boss spoke, he didn't dare to follow suit.

With a sigh, I walked up to the door of the bedroom, and before opening the door, I heard a sound of disharmony inside.

"President, it doesn't seem right ... Are you sure you want me to open the door?" Qiu Yi asked weakly.

At this time, Su Qize stood on the side to stir up the flames and said, "Qiu Yi, everyone is an adult. What have you never seen? You just have to open the door."

Qiu Yi knew he was the originator of the figurine, but the thought of him was Zheng Baozhu, he had no psychological burden.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he reached out and pushed the door open.

All four looked into the room at this time, only to see the white bed, a man and a woman, naked body entangled, the quilt had been kicked to the ground, and the clothes were scattered on the ground.

Qiu Yan is a good baby. He closed his eyes for the first time.

Luo Qingyun was also startled by the scene in front of her. Although she had long guessed that Su Qize would have unusual means to pack Zheng Baozhu, but he did not expect that he would be so fierce. What does this mean?

Just when she was shocked, she saw Su Qize slowly take out her mobile phone, and "click" to the two people on the bed was ten consecutive shots. At this time, the person on the bed finally recovered from the great joy. Come and look at the door.

The man's face was scared green immediately, and he hurriedly got down from Zheng Baozhu to pick up the clothes on the ground.

And Zheng Baozhu was naturally frightened. She stretched out her hands and pulled the sheets, wrapped her body, and hurriedly tried to explain to Su Yinghao.

But Su Yinghao didn't give her a chance to speak at all. He just threw down a sentence indifferently, "get your clothes on." Then he turned to the living room.

The four sat down in the sitting room, all of whom looked good. Of course, as a party who was "green" by his fiancee, Su Yuhao still slightly converged his true emotions, but showed angry expressions. It looks scary.

Zheng Baozhu took a long time to dress his clothes neatly, left the bedroom, and stood with Su handsome in front of the handsome guy.

"Hao Hao, you ... listen to me and explain that things are not what you think." Zheng Baozhu's voice was a little stubborn, but she was desperately thinking in her heart, how can this lie be passed.

Seeing the handsome guy beside her kneeling on one side, the atmosphere did not dare to come out, she simply crossed her heart and pushed the responsibility to the other person. Thinking of this, she raised her hand and pointed at the handsome guy: "It is him It was he who forced me. I could n’t make it. There was no way.

The handsome guy didn't dare to speak. He heard Zheng Baozhu talk about pushing responsibility onto himself, and quickly shook his head: "No, Mr. Su, I know she is your fiancee. You just borrowed ten of my courage, and I dare not force her Ah. It ’s Miss Zheng. She asked me to stay with her. She also said that you had a meeting in the afternoon and did n’t have time to take care of her. You promised to give me 10,000 yuan afterwards. I was confused for the money. I promised her. "

"You bullshit, no, Qi Hao, this is not the case." Zheng Baozhu didn't expect him to speak without saying, but when he said it, he told the truth directly, and was anxious to tear the other person's mouth.

"Hmm ... Dear Miss Zheng Family, she doesn't lose anybody else, even to the point of spending money to buy a man. Brother, it seems that your 'fiance' is very incompetent and does not satisfy your fiancee 'Requirement, this is wrong with you.' Su Qize sat aside, saying in a cold tone in the principle of watching the liveliness not matter.

As soon as his words fell, Zheng Baozhu noticed that there were two people in the room besides Su Yinghao and Qiu Ying.

And between these two people, there was the one she least wanted to see-Luo Qingyun! !!

Why is she here?

Looking at the man next to him, can it be said that ... he was designed by others?

"Brother Hao Hao, you believe me, I really don't, I didn't spend any money ... this man, he ... he ..." Zheng Baozhu said suddenly, his tone suddenly paused, his eyes looked at Luo Qingyun viciously: Are you right? You arranged for this man to approach me, right? Luo Qingyun, I didn't expect you to be so despicable and shameless that you can use such tricks. "

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