CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 383: Hidden Love

Chapter 383: Hidden Love

"I really didn't remember anything at all?" Lian narrowed her eyes and asked carefully.

After listening to her question, Qiu Yan looked at her with curiosity: "Why? Was Lianhua afraid of what he thought of?"

Lianhua was panicked by his questioning, and quickly turned his eyes away, a smile on his face: "I just think about it from my wife's standpoint."

"You're loyal to your wife." Qiu Yan dropped the sentence with a smile on his face, and looked up in front of him: "My car is parked outside, there is no need to send it, please come back."

Lian Huan didn't really send him to him, so when he said that, he didn't intend to continue sending him, but only watched him leave, but he was puzzled in his heart.

After Qiu Qian left, Lotus did not return directly to the house. She turned and walked towards the garden on the side of the courtyard. She took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

The call was quickly connected, and Zheng Baozhu's voice came from inside: "Lianyuan, why do you remember to call me? Is there anything wrong?"

"I asked you, didn't you go to W City a few days ago? Why did you go there that day, and the young master came back the same day? Is there anything unusual in him?" Lin Huan asked, in fact, she wanted to ask Zheng Baozhu a long time ago. It's just that these days, Su Yinghao has returned home, everything is normal, and she is not suspicious.

Now that he is so concerned about Tuan Tuan, and his attitude towards Bai Cihui has changed, she has some doubts in her heart.

Just now I wanted to test some news from Qiu Yan, but Qiu Yan's mouth was so tight that she couldn't find anything.

Zheng Baozhu didn't know the doubts in Lotus's heart. Since returning from W city, she has never been to the mansion. The main reason is that she did not face Su Yunhao because she did nothing in W city. Wait a little longer, things are lighter, and then come to Su Yinghao.

Now when I heard Lianhua ask, she was a little alarmed and worried that Su Yanhao was still angry about the W city incident. She didn't want to let this incident be known to Bai Cihui. If it passed to Bai Cihui's ear, she would be afraid Really never want to enter the door of Su's house again.

"No ... nothing abnormal, what's wrong? Isn't Hao Hao what he said?" He asked Lian Hua nervously, Zheng Baozhu's voice sounded very weak.

Through the phone, Lianhua couldn't hear the emotions in her voice, only a little peace of mind: "It's good if not."

After all, she remembered something, and said to Zheng Baozhu: "Yes, now the younger master has encountered a trouble. You can worry about it for him. Maybe this matter is dealt with, and it will make the wife right. Your attitude improves. "

"Really? What's the matter?" Zheng Baozhu heard the words and immediately came to the spirit and asked quickly.

"That's it. Tuan Tuan fought with people in the kindergarten. He was pushed down from the stairs. He was hurt. The lady was so distressed. But you know that the young master is so good-looking, he can't make trouble for the children. Go and talk to each other, so ... "Lian Hua hinted on the phone.

"Do you mean, let me come forward and teach each other lessons for him?" Zheng Baozhu immediately realized and asked.

"You're done with this matter. Madam's anger is out of her heart, and you will naturally know how good you are. On the younger master's side, you will also feel that you are particularly concerned about Tuan Tuan and thank you." Lotus said.

"I see. You send me the child's information, and I will find someone to do this. You can reassure your aunt that Tuantuan will not be beaten for nothing." Zheng Baozhu said solemnly.

After hearing this reply from Zheng Baozhu, Lin Huan's mouth rose unconsciously, and the two of them talked a few more words before hanging up.

Turning around, she was preparing to return to the house, and suddenly a tall figure rushed out of the flowerbed.

Lian Hua was scared by the other side, and almost shouted out. When she could see the other side's face clearly, she was relieved, and looked at him with a strange expression: "What's the matter with you? No sound at all, almost scared you dead."

"This should be what I ask you, what do you want to do? After all these years, can't you let it go?" The other side looked at her with burning eyes.

"Let it go?" Lianhua heard the two words and couldn't help sneering. "How can it be so easy? Why have I been staying at Su's house for all these years? Now Su Yehao has lost her memory. I just need to work harder, This family is afraid that it will be dispersed. "

"You ... Can you say that it was you, Master's accident ..." The other side was shocked when he heard this.

"How? Are you surprised? You have been by my side for so many years, and I thought you knew me well. No one can stop what I want to do," Lianhua said harshly.

"Have you ever thought about forgetting all this and living your own life?"

"My own life? Since the day I entered the gate of Su's house, I haven't had my own life. Su Hanbo has lost me and will have to pay a painful price."

"Mr. He has already given his life, isn't it enough? Not to mention, it was just an accident when Mr. and you were with you. Mr. was drunk and misunderstood you as a wife, those things will happen. Still wondering? "

"Who said it was an accident? Where are so many accidents in the world? That's just an excuse that he doesn't want to be responsible to me. Do you think he is affectionate towards his wife? What happened then? I haven't found the fox spirit, but I still want He wanted to leave Su for his fox divorce and wanted to leave Su's house, "he said, his eyes softened suddenly, looking at the tall and strong man in front of him:" Brother Hui, the person who should hate him the most should not Is it you? If it wasn't he who gave me ... we were together already, wouldn't you hate him at all? Now you still help him speak. "

"Alian, I didn't help him. I just think that, even if the sir was wrong, he has already paid his life. Master, he didn't know anything about that year, you shouldn't kill everything. In these years, I am here In the garden, every day we trim and cut these flowers and plants, many things are also taken lightly, my only wish in this life is to keep you and watch you safe. "Peng Ruohui looked at the woman who was no longer young in front of her, her voice was low.

Over the years, he has watched his beloved woman hate for a man that he will never get, and refuses to let go. His heart is like pressing a heavy stone. I don't know which day it will take. Moved away.

Although Lotus herself refused to admit it, he knew in her heart that she had a deep feeling for Su Hanbo.

In his youth, Su Hanbo was a talented man, handsome and golden, and no woman did not love him.

Lotus is a woman. Although she is a personal servant with Bai Cihui, she occasionally has some thoughts of exceeding her duties.

One day Su Hanbo was drunk and mistakenly thought of lotus root as Bai Cihui. The two had a relationship that shouldn't have happened. Since then, Lotus has fantasized that one day he could replace Bai Cihui and become Su Hanbo's wife.

But how could Su Hanbo be fond of her, and that incident was only an accident to him. He offered to pay compensation, but Lianhua refused to accept it.

In order not to let Su Hanbo think she was a threat, she has always been patient, pretending not to take this matter into her heart, so Su Hanbo looked at her differently, only to find that she was considerate and considerate, and she no longer looked away from her eyes in ordinary times. , And occasionally talk more with her.

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