CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 389: Romantic date

Chapter 389: Romantic Date

That night, Zheng Baozhu received Qiu's appointment call, and the whole person took off happily.

Su Yinghao rarely asked her to take the initiative to go to such a romantic Western restaurant. She believed that this shows that Su Yinghao should at least let go of the unpleasant thing that happened in W City.

This made her more confident that she was about to become Su Yinghao's woman.

The following afternoon, she deliberately started dressing up three hours in advance. The whole person looked bright and beautiful.

Wearing a low-cut backless dress, **** and sensibility are still lovely, with loose hair behind her head, it doesn't look so deliberate, but that's it, it makes people feel more full of magic in their eyes, attracting people's attention .

At the same time, in order to make the matter with Su Yinghao known to the world, she also specifically contacted some gossip journalist paparazzi to take a walk out of their news about going on a date, and let those people go to the restaurant to squat and take a photo. In this way, with the help of public opinion, she firmly believes that she can help her marry into the Su family more quickly.

She had a good abacus, but she didn't know that she was already on the cutting board of someone else.

In the evening, Su Yinghao's car appeared on the door of Zheng's home on time. Zheng Baozhu received the news and immediately went downstairs.

At that time, Zheng's parents were all at home, and it was naturally a warm greeting to see the future son-in-law approaching the door.

Father Zheng even dragged Su Shihao to talk endlessly, but he gave Zheng Baozhu beside him anxious. Finally, he couldn't help reminding him: "Daddy, Mommy, Brother Hao came to ask me out For dinner, if you continue to talk like this, the restaurant will be closed. "

Seeing her daughter was anxious, the parents of the Zheng family finally realized that they might be delaying their daughter's date with the future son-in-law, and sent them out of the house with a smile and watched them leave.

In the car, Zheng Baozhu was sitting in the co-pilot seat, his face was hard to conceal the joy, and the whole person looked a little excited.

Su Yinghao drove the car silently, very quiet.

Neither of them have spoken yet. Zheng Baozhu couldn't hold his breath first, and said, "Brother Hao Hao, you haven't contacted me since you came back from the last W city. I thought you were angry with me. Ignore me anymore. "

"How could it be." Su Yinghao said in a light tone, unable to hear much emotion.

"Aren't you angry? You're not angry with me at all?" I still felt a little uneasy in my heart.


Zheng Baozhu heard his answer, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled even more happily on his face. "I know Brother Hao you are the best to me."

After all, his body moved a little and rested his head on his shoulder.

Although Su Haohao did not avoid her approach, she reminded her: "Sit down, this is very dangerous."

Zheng Baozhu coquettishly said, "No, I just rely on you."

Su Yanhao heard the words, and a sneer of imagination sneered at the corner of her mouth, and suddenly the steering wheel hit a dozen. The car turned to the right at an extremely fast speed, and the inertia threw Zheng Baozhu's body directly, causing her head and shoulders to hit hard. On the door panel, she grinned with pain.

"Brother Tong Hao ..." She stared at the man next to her with a strange tone, wondering if he was intentional.

"There was a pit on the road just now. I'm afraid to bump you, so avoid it, are you okay?" Su Shihao calmly said without changing his face.

Hearing that he was driving for himself, Zheng Baozhu felt warm again and laughed: "I knew you were good to me. I'm fine, but I just hit him. It doesn't matter."

"Fasten your seat belts and sit firmly." Su Yinghao whispered, and the car began to speed forward.

It didn't take long for the car to leave the city and head towards the suburbs.

Zheng Baozhu, who was sitting in the car, watched the city farther and farther away in the car, and his heart was a little weird, "Brother Hao, aren't we going to eat? Where are you going?"

"There are too many people. Tonight I just want to talk to you and find a quiet place to stay." Su Shihao said with a slightly ambiguous tone.

Zheng Baozhu heard that, his heart couldn't help getting hot, his cheeks gradually turned red, and the whole person couldn't help but start thinking.

"Then where are we going now?" Zheng Baozhu asked and took out her cell phone from her bag. Since the date was changed, she had to hurry to notify the paparazzi.

Who knew that Su Haohao didn't tell her the address directly, only mysteriously said: "I'll know when you arrive."

Well, it seems impossible to get people to take a photo of them together today.

However, Su Haohao is ready to be with her alone in the two-person world. It seems that this shows that his heart has completely accepted and recognized her, and whether it can be photographed by them is less important.

The car went all the way, opened for about 40 minutes, and finally stopped in a beautiful resort.

After getting off the bus, the manager of the resort welcomed the waiter and said, "Mr. Su, you are here, please come inside."

Su Yinghao nodded toward the manager and lifted his feet forward.

Zheng Baozhu hurried forward and held Su Yihao's arm. The two followed the manager's steps and went to the direction of the villa area.

In front of a villa facing the lake, the manager stopped and opened the door and made a "please" gesture towards the inside. "Mr. Su, Miss Zheng, the two inside please, I have ordered the kitchen for ten minutes Two of them will be served dinner. Our waiter will be standing outside the door and will not disturb the two. If there is any order from the two, only a call is required. "

Su Yinghao nodded, signaled that he could retreat.

Before the manager stepped down, he deliberately explained that the two waiters who stood outside the door were careful to serve, and then turned and left.

Zheng Baozhu went into the villa with a look of excitement, and found that there was no light in it, but he lit the scented candle, and many rose petals were scattered on the ground.

There are two sets of cutlery on the long table in the restaurant. It can be seen that Su Shihao made this arrangement carefully.

He is not a very romantic person, and she is satisfied to be able to do this for herself.

Su Yinghao walked to the side of the dining table, reached out, pulled the chair away, and turned to look at Zheng Baozhu: "Please sit down."

Zheng Baozhu was excited and looking forward at this moment. She carried her long skirt and symbolically held her chest. She walked in front of the dining chair and sat down, turning her head to look at Su Shi behind her. Hao: "Mr. Hao Hao, is there anything special about making this arrangement today?"

She was thinking, did Su Yinghao want to propose to her?

But that's not right, she has lied to him to be his fiancee, and there is no reason to propose marriage.

No, he is going to marry her. Is he planning to discuss the date of marriage with her today?

Thinking of this possibility, her heart could not help beating.

Su Haohao didn't rush to answer her question, but walked in front of her, leaning on the dining table in front of her, holding her soft palm with one hand, lifting it up, and watching carefully.

This was the first time they had come in such close contact, feeling the temperature from his palm, she just felt that the heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and her body was getting hotter.

"Where's the ring?" Su Yuehao said suddenly, three words came out of her mouth.

Zheng Baozhu heard the words, his expression was stunned, and he didn't understand the meaning in his words for a while.

Su Minhao then reached out and grabbed her other hand, and found that except for the exaggerated diamond ring on the index finger, the rest of her fingers were empty.

"Since you are my fiancee, did I not give you a ring when I asked you to marry you? Or did you not like the ring I gave you, so I didn't wear it?" Su Yinghao asked softly. .

Zheng Baozhu didn't expect Su Suhao to ask this question suddenly, but this was a question she hadn't considered, and taught her how to answer.

Her expression froze slightly, and she froze.

"It doesn't seem to like the ring, it doesn't matter what you like, I'll give you another one." Su Yinghao watched her froze, overwhelmed, and couldn't help but chuckled and stopped questioning Already.

After hearing what he said, Zheng Baozhu's hanging heart fell to the ground again. She smiled a little awkwardly and said, "No ... I don't like it, but the ring size is not right. I'm afraid of wearing it. It will fall, so take it to resize it, and it can be changed in a few days. "

"So ..." Su Yinghao said, leaning forward slightly, leaning her head toward her neck, her fingers gently raised her broken hair scattered on her shoulders, taking a deep breath, in her ear Bian softly said: "It's so sweet ..."

Zheng Baozhu heard the sound. As soon as his body became hot, his eyes waved, and he stretched out his hand and caught his neck, his face close to his face: "Do you like it?"

"It suits your taste." Su Shihao said.

"This is a perfume that was specially made for me personally by a friend of my perfume master in France. It is named after me and can't be bought on the market." Zheng Baozhu couldn't help but be proud of his scent.

"Do you use this all the time?"

"Yeah, I have been using this since last year. I haven't changed it. The taste is unique to me, but others don't." Zheng Baozhu said, blinking at him with a sweet face, " Brother Hao Hao, when you close your eyes and smell this smell, you can guess that it is me. "

Su Yihao's body leaned back slightly without any trace, and opened the distance from her. At this time, the waiter brought dinner in.

Su Yinghao returned to his seat and sat down. The two faced each other, sat across the long table, and began to dine.

After dinner, Zheng Baozhu got up, walked to Su Yinghao, leaned on his lap with a little drink, and said lazily, "Brother Hao, I'm a little drunk."

"Really? Then I'll take you home to rest." Su Yinghao said, holding her up and standing up.

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