CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 630: Punishment for him

Chapter 630: His Punishment

"Last time?" Vivian didn't follow Fu Muzhen before, so she didn't know much about it.

"This, it ’s a long story. If you want to listen, invite me to have a drink tonight, and I will tell you slowly." Zhao Wei said, and put his hand on Wei Wei'an with a smile. On the shoulder.

"I want to listen too, let's go together." Yu Hui also said at this time.

"..." Zhao Wei gave him a white look. "What do you listen to? Check the file yourself."

Fu Muzhen looked at the three competent men under his hands, shook his head, and said coldly, "Xi Wen hasn't found it yet. Do you still have a drink to drink?"

"Isn't Miss Huo's person looking for help? Those private detectives are not capable of doing anything else, but the effort to find someone is still very good. However, why is there no news yet? The Sanda guy just took Miss Huo Where are you hiding? "Zhao Wei frowned again.

"Anyway, Sanda has been caught by us now, just go and ask him not." Vivienne proposed.

"Okay, you are responsible to ask Sanda. I will go out with Yu Hui." Zhao Wei said.

As soon as his voice fell, Fu Muzhen's cell phone rang. The phone was called by Lao Liang.

"Murray, it's all gone. Mita didn't show up. Will he play with us?"

"Sanda has been arrested by me. It should be almost at the police station now. You can take the team to the police station." Fu Muzhen said.

"What? Mita was arrested by you? This ... OK, I won't tell you first, I'll go back to the police station." Liang Zhong finished, hung up the phone, and ordered the team to be closed.


In a basement.

Huo Xiwen was lying drowsy on the cold ground, and suddenly heard a sound from the door, the sound was like someone breaking the door outside.

She immediately sat up from the ground and turned to look at the door. Within three minutes, the door of the basement was violently opened from the outside, and the strong light of a few flashlights came in from the outside.

The moment the light hit her eyes, she understood that she was saved.

There were four or five people who came forward, untied the tape on her mouth, and helped her cut the fetters and the rope on her hand.

Suddenly rescued Huo Xiwen tried to find the familiar figure in the crowd, but what she saw in the end was Su Chenhao.

"Xi Wen, all right, it's okay, you are safe." Su Chenhao walked in front of her and pushed her scattered hair off her forehead to make her vision clearer.

"Brother Chen Hao, what about him? What about Fu Muzhen?" Huo Xiwen leaned in Su Chenhao's arms and asked.

"You can see him right away." Su Chenhao said, picking her up horizontally, leaving the nightmare-like basement and rushing to the hospital.

It was more than half an hour after Fu Muzheng received the news that Huo Xiwen was saved.

When he rushed to the hospital in a hurry, Huo Xiwen had a full physical examination and returned to the ward to rest.

At this time, it was already three in the morning.

Su Chenhao was outside the ward, and when Fu Muzhen came, he didn't wait for his words of thanks, but he patted his shoulder with a heavy expression.

Fu Muzhen saw that he didn't look right, worried about what happened to Huo Xiwen, and immediately asked, "Is Xiwen all right?"

"Ah ... I don't know what to say, anyway, look at it a little bit." Su Chenhao dropped this sentence, turned away, and hid his strength and name.

Fu Muzhen was frightened by his words, and immediately opened the door of the ward and rushed in.

Before long, a roar came from the ward ...


The next day.

In the morning, Zhao Wei and Yu Hui took Vivian to the hospital to see Huo Xiwen.

Going to the door of the ward, Zhao Wei stepped forward and knocked on the door. It was Fu Muzhen who opened the door.

Seeing the three of them, Fu Muzhen's expression on his face seemed a bit unexpected and unnatural, as if he was not happy about their appearance.

He didn't immediately invite them in, but just stood at the door and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Boss, what's wrong with your neck?" Vivienne saw Fu Muzhen's neck with a tooth mark, which looked like she was bitten, and she couldn't help asking.

As soon as the words came out, Yu Hui beside her took an elbow and bumped her arm slightly. Wei Wei'an was unknown, and she turned to look at Yu Hui: "What do you push me for?"

Yu Hui's face was dark, "Nothing, I accidentally bumped into it."

Zhao Wei saw Fu Muzhen's face a little awkward, so he said, "Boss, let's take a look at Miss Huo, how is she? Okay?"

Fu Muzhen just wanted to say it was okay, and asked them to go back. Huo Xiwen's voice came out in the ward: "Is it Zhao Wei? Come in."

When Zhao Wei heard the sound, he immediately smiled at Fu Muzhen, and regardless of whether he wanted to, he went straight up into the door.

Yu Hui and Wei Wei'an quickly followed the door, not paying attention to Fu Muzhen's face that was darker than carbon.

Zhao Wei entered the ward and saw Huo Xiwen. Seeing her red face and good looks, she said happily, "Miss Huo, how's it going? Are you all right?"

"It's okay, do you look at me like someone? I'm not as fragile as some people think." When Huo Xiwen said this, he deliberately glanced at them behind him, and finally came in Fu Muzhen.

As soon as Zhao Wei heard this, he knew that Huo Xiwen was still blaming Fu Muyi for not concealing her identity because she was afraid of involving her, so she helped explain: "Miss Huo, the president, he cares too much about you For fear that you have been hurt a little bit and kept hiding from you, you do n’t know, when you were abducted by Sanda, the president was so anxious, he ... "

"Well, you don't need to speak for him anymore, anyway, I punished him last night anyway." Of course Huo Xiwen knew Fu Muxun's painstaking effort, so she waved her hands, and her eyes fell on Wei Wei next to Zhao Wei. An, he raised his tone on purpose, and said, "Well? Isn't this lady Miss Vivian? Fu Muzhen, what's the matter with you? When your girlfriend comes, don't invite others to sit down. . "

Fu Muzhen covered his face with black lines, gave a cough, and gave Vivian a wink.

Vivienne reacted at this time and quickly said: "Miss Huo, that ... I'm sorry, I used to pretend to be the boss's girlfriend for the purpose of performing the task. There is nothing between me and the boss. It is purely a subordinate relationship. You Don't get me wrong. "

"Yeah, yeah, Miss Huo, we testify, boss he has never had any ambiguous relationship with any other woman besides you, not at all. Before he and Vivian, it was better than pure water Innocent. "Zhao Wei also explained to help.

Huo Xiwen looked at them seriously and finally couldn't help but laughed out: "Okay, see you say the same thing, then I won't embarrass you. Vivian, you sit, don't be nervous , I don't believe your boss, but I believe in you. "

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