CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 726: a familiar stranger

Chapter 726: Familiar Stranger

He didn't speak, just watching her quietly.

He stared at him with a bit of horror. As soon as He Mei was shaking, she gritted her teeth and got into the car.

Sitting next to him, she gazed at her nose and nose, and said nothing.

The two staged a silent drama all the way down to Huo's Group. She got out of the car. She had thought he would go upstairs with herself. He didn't expect him to hit the steering wheel after she got off the car.

He Meixin looked at the tail of the car that was gradually disappearing into her sight, and a strange thought came out of her head.

He ... wouldn't she be here to send her to work?

how is this possible?

No, absolutely not. How could someone like him be so kind.

She shakes her head and shakes away all ideas that might change him, and she steps up into Huo's building.

Although she hasn't been to the company for three or four months, her signature face, He Meixin, has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and everyone already knows her identity quite well.

After entering the building, countless colleagues came to greet her diligently, and even while waiting for the elevator, some colleagues gave her a place for her and changed to the next shift.

He Meixin enjoyed such treatment for the first time after so many years.

The elevator reached the 23rd floor, the core part of Huo's.

She stepped out of the elevator and went straight to her office.

Probably because she already knew in advance what she was going to work, Miss Huo Jiabao's secretary had already put all the work progress in these months on her desk.

According to the original plan, at this time, the preliminary work should be completed long ago, the project is already under construction, and the publicity and pre-sale can be carried out. However, why has it progressed so slowly and no pre-sale plan has come out?

After a careful study of the specific implementation process of this plan, she found that it was actually Luguang Group that had delayed the investment of this plan.

However, this cooperation case devoted a lot of effort to Wu Wei, how could such a low-level error occur?

After sorting out the information, she received a meeting notice from Luguang Group. It was just right, and she also wanted to go there to find out the specific situation.

I haven't seen Wu Wei for several months. She kept her mobile phone and kept the number unchanged. Unfortunately, she didn't wait for a call from him, and she didn't feel qualified to call him again. Already.

I used to think that time can dilute everything, things in the past will slowly fade.

But it wasn't until he appeared in front of her that she knew she was wrong, and that it was outrageous.

Time just obscures the memory, creating an imaginary that is easily blurred. Once a real side appears in front of the illusion, all the previous ones will hit her like a tide.

He is still so personable and handsome.

From the second he walked into the conference room, she couldn't keep her eyes away from him.

The content of the meeting was a discussion on the first wave of market advertising investment.

The meeting was still chaired by Ye Rongrong.

He Meixin still remembered the last time she met Ye Rongrong. At that time, she was still Wu Wei's fiancee, and she could openly despise her for being coquettish with Wu Wei. But now she is no longer qualified.

After the entire meeting, Wu Wei's eyes had not stopped her face for a few seconds while He Meixin expressed some professional opinions on behalf of the Huo Group, the rest of the time, he did not even look up at her.

He Meixin's mood was extremely lost. She used to think naively that in the future, even if they couldn't really be together, she didn't want to lose his friend. But now, she probably lost him completely.

Because he occasionally entangled her eyes with her eyes, what she saw was also his strange alienation towards her, as if they had met for the first time, it was wrong, even more indifferent than the first. Not a bit affectionate in the past.

Wu Wei, it seems that you have put me down completely, isn't it?

He Meixin sighed lowly in her heart.

During the meeting, instead of going down the stairs by elevator, she chose to take the stairs of the safe passage.

She felt that maybe this was the only way to calm her down.

When she got down to the first floor, she walked out of the Luguang Group's building, but saw Wu Wei's car just passing by. There was a smiling Ye Rongrong sitting in the co-pilot seat.

Are they together?

The combination of the prince and the princess would lead a happy life, wouldn't it?

There are too many Cinderellas in this world, but the princes are limited. Not every Cinderella can get the prince's favor, let alone every prince will always only love Cinderella.

So, now, this is the best result. Yes, at least, there is someone around him, so she doesn't have to worry about his heart being hurt.

She stared at the car that was far from her sight until the phone rang happily.

Pulling out her phone from the bag, she saw that Huo Jiabao's number was displayed on it, and reluctantly pressed the answer button.

"What is it?" She asked casually.

"Come to the Milan restaurant." He, like her, jumped out without any prelude to it.

"Why?" She asked conditionedly. Although she had never violated any of his orders, this did not mean that she would not question him.

"Your daughter wants to eat steak outside and let you accompany her." If it was usual, Huo Jiabao would definitely hang up after finishing the order, but today I don't know why, and actually explained it to her.

"I see." Since it was the baby girl's request, of course she had to try to satisfy it.

Walking to the side of the road, she reached out and stopped a limousine, and ran straight to the Milan restaurant.

By the time she arrived, they had already ordered the food.

He Yimeng sat beside Huo Jiabao, and danced and told him some foreign news, and Huo Jiabao listened with interest.

"Baby, haven't you been tired of eating steak this time? Why do you still want to come out and eat this stuff?" He Meixin asked as soon as he sat down.

"Actually, eating steak is not my purpose. I just want to have lunch with Mommy." He Yimeng said with a small face, and smiled at Chao He Meixin.

"This way, Mommy really feels so honored." He Meixin listened, her heart was filled with joy. It was so cute when her daughter didn't follow her.

"Mummy, you haven't been to work for so long. Would it be okay to go to the company today?" He Yimeng delivered the children's steak. She asked while cutting the steak gracefully.

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