CEO’s Secret Lover

Chapter 815: She does not sign

Chapter 815: She Does Not Sign

Luo Qingyun also looked at Jiang Yanxin worriedly: "Heartless, are you okay?"

Jiang Yan shook his head, "It's okay, I just didn't control it for a while, so you laughed. Rest assured, I have adjusted my mentality, and I won't be stupid again."

He Meixin was relieved when she said this: "That's good, I said, for such a man, it's not worth it at all. You see that you are now big stars, and some are chased by excellent men, no Sorrow can't find anything better than Zhou Yi. "

"Thank you, Maxim. I didn't know that you would be so comforting." Jiang Yan heard it, and a smile appeared on his depressed face.

"You're welcome, yes, I came to you today. I have an important question to ask you. Can you answer me now?" He Meixin finally had a chance to answer her doubts, and she hurriedly asked Jiang Yanxin.

"Well, you ask, I have half an hour left, and after half an hour, I'm going to an event." Jiang Yan said in his heart.

"You're all like this, you have to go to the event?" He Meixin was unbelievable.

"I'm fine, and you know that I'm busy now, every minute and every second is precious, so I can't waste it any more." Jiang Yan walked to them and sat down.

He Meixin nodded in agreement: "Indeed, big stars like you are charged on a minute-by-minute basis. That's it. Then I'll make a long story short. I'm looking for you, but I just want to know, my father-in-law. Which woman are you with? Do you have any information about that woman? "

"I don't think it's better for you to take part in this matter. You can leave it to Mr. Huo or Mrs. Huo. The reason why I let Chen Dongdong tell you this is just to help you marry into Huo's family quickly. I believe If Huo Linzhi knew that you had his handle in his hands, he would definitely not stop you again. "Jiang Yan said.

He Meixin heard the words, and then realized that it turned out that Jiang Yanxin told himself about this matter, in order to help himself.

"I thank you first, but I don't want Jiabao to know about this. I'm afraid he can't accept it. You gave me the woman's contact information, and I went to meet her and let her leave Jiabao's father." He Mei thought that God had dealt with this matter unconsciously, so that Huo Jiabao and his mother would not be harmed in the slightest.

Jiang Yanxin listened to her and shook her head: "You don't understand that this kind of thing does not happen to the woman, but to the man. You go talk to this woman today, she left your future father-in-law, and the day after tomorrow You found another little woman in the future announcement. How long have you been able to manage this method but not the root cause? "

"Then what should I do? I ca n’t just leave it alone for a long time, do n’t you? I do n’t know. I heard Jiabao said that his father had hardly stayed at home, so I ’m afraid I have n’t married yet , Their family will be dispersed first. "He Meixin worried about his face.

"Okay, you must ask, then I will tell you. That woman is Tian Yufei. She is a model debut. She is only 25 years old this year. She has appeared in several TV series of female No. 2. Now the momentum is not bad. Your father-in-law She cast a movie for her. She acted as a heroine, and the director was a famous domestic director. She was also a front-line male actress. If this movie is successful, she may burst next. famous."

"I didn't expect that his old man would make a female celebrity." He Meixin listened to Jiang Yanxin's description and began to sigh.

Her future father-in-law is really fashionable.

"Well, I've told you everything I know. If you have nothing else, I have to go. Xiaobing's car has arrived at the door." Jiang Yanxin said, and stood up from the sofa.

"Then let's go together." Luo Qingyun also stood up and left.

The three walked out of the villa, and the sun outside was bright.

Jiang Minxin glanced at the sun above his head, but his heart was cold.

The three got into their respective cars and headed for their destination.

Jiang Yanxin was sitting in the nanny car, and Xiaobing handed her a contract from the front passenger: "Heart, this is the Hollywood movie contract we have waited for a long time, and now I have finally decided to let you act as the number one woman. This movie Zhu Dong There is also an investment. When I went to the company to get a contract today, I also heard that Zhu Dong was saying to President Zhou, thanks to you last night, you did n’t take a rest to take care of him, otherwise he drank so much wine and spit it out. People stay in the hotel and don't know what it will look like. "

Jiang Yanxin listened to Xiao Bing's words, but his face was not half happy.

Although she and Zhu Dong did not happen last night, she understood that it was just that she was lucky and drunk people.

If it were the next time, she couldn't believe it, and she could retreat like that.

"Turn your head and go to the company." She suddenly said, looking at the street scenery slowly moving back out the window.

"Ah? Go to the company? What? The event organizer is still waiting for us at the scene." Xiaobing asked quickly.

"Notify them, I'm not going, and let them find a company to pay liquidated damages." Jiang Yanxin said with disapproval.

"This ... worry, what are you going to do in the company?" Xiao Bing asked in embarrassment.

"You don't need to worry about this." Jiang Yan said unwillingly, she kept her face cold and continued to look out the window.

The driver did not dare to disobey Jiang Yanxin's order and had to turn around and drive in the direction of the company.

After more than half an hour, the car stopped in the parking lot on the first floor of Zhou's negative film industry. He got off the train, Jiang Minxin lowered his head and walked to the elevator. Xiaobing followed her, and looked around constantly, for fear of meeting a reporter Candid.


Tenth floor, office of the president.

Jiang Yanxin took Xiaobing's contract to her and walked in.

At this time Zhou Yi was sitting at his desk and immersed himself in the office.

After Jiang Yanxin went in, he didn't say a word to him, and threw the contract directly in front of him.

Seeing the contract, Zhou Yi slowly raised her head, and her beautiful-looking face had deep eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I don't sign this play." Jiang Yanxin said with ease.

"Don't sign?" Zhou Yi heard the words and sneered. "You didn't sign the contract that took so much thought?"

He didn't believe how such a good opportunity she would be willing to let go.

"Mr. Zhou was wrong. I didn't take care of this contract. The person who took care of it was you." Jiang Yanxin dropped this sentence, no longer looked at him, and turned to leave.

"Stop!" Zhou Yi said, and stopped her.

"Why? President Zhou wants me to accompany me today?" Jiang Yan turned his heart back, with an ironic sneer on his face.

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