Hearing the voice of the visitor, Lin Peier wiped her tears with her hands and said, "I'm ok. Thank you for your concern. I'm going back. "

Jiang Yi said with a smile: "I'll see you off. It's very far from the city center. It's not easy to take a taxi if you want to go back."

"No more..."

Lin Peier doesn't want to get too close to this man. He came to him with a purpose that day, and it is the same today. Anyone who knows that a person is purposefully close to themselves, or even to use their own, who do not want to have something to do with that person Lin Peier went straight outside.

Without waiting for Lin Peier to go far away, Jiang Yi's secluded exit: "Miss Lin, why didn't you come for an interview?"

"Well? Interview? " After two steps, Lin Peier turns around when he hears Jiang Yi's question.

"What interview?"

"Miss Lin doesn't remember. Did she receive the notice from Yongxin of our Jiangshi group?"

"Ah! It's all Jiang Mujun's fault. He forgot the stubble. "He murmured silently in his heart again,

Lin Peier said," so your company is going to interview me. I'm sorry to break the appointment yesterday, but I have signed the contract with Hengxin! Maybe I can't be a colleague with you. I'm sorry! "

"Is Miss Lin sure she won't change jobs?" After picking her eyebrows, Jiang Yi said, "this is my company's business card. If Miss Lin wants to come to me at any time!"

Because Jiang Yi is much higher than Lin Peier, he hands over his business card. Lin Peier doesn't take it or not. He just stays there.

The woman in front of her is so beautiful that a little shadow of her skin just splashed on her clothes, which makes her whiter and whiter. Her innocent eyes blink and blink pitifully, especially because she makes her helpless behavior look very pleasant.

Jiang Yi chuckled and put his business card close to him.

Lin Peier looks at Jiang Yi? President of Jiangshi group Yongxin? Looking at Jiang Yi's eyebrows and eyes, Lin Peier feels vaguely that he knows something

"I'd like to thank you for your kindness first."

Taking the business card from Jiang Yi quickly, Lin Peier runs away as quickly as possible.

Looking at the back of the woman leaving in a hurry, Jiang Yi clenched her fists tightly. This woman was obviously stupid and was bullied by Jiang Mujun. Why? Why don't you accept your invitation? Why is he inferior to that man? Jiang Mujun!

Originally he is still hesitant, is to choose the difficulty coefficient bigger Yin min Or this woman who doesn't know whether she is really stupid or not, but now he is serious! Ha, Jiang Mujun, you pray that my decision is correct, and help you drive away the YingYing and Yanyan around you! Or you can't blame me for robbing you.

Lin Peier, who just got out of the parking lot, saw Bonnie's phone call and hesitated for a moment. She still picked it up,

"hello? Sister Bonnie... "

"Stupid woman! Where have you been! Did I ask you to leave? "

On the other end of the phone, Jiang Mujun bit his teeth and spit out the words one by one. Lin Peier shudders. However, he still insisted: "isn't Jiang always letting me go? I think I understand what you mean

Jiang Mu Jun listen to the ears of a stupid woman some grievances, some stubborn voice, inexplicably at the heart of the gas suddenly dissipated more than half.

Bonnie looked at her boss's cold and hot expression. She felt cold and cold. Miss Lin is really a capable person. Even miss Yi Min failed to light up the skill of calming down after general manager Jiang was angry! She did it! I don't know if it's her luck or the foreplay that's going to suffer

"Miss Lin Peier, as an excellent student of clinical psychology, can you understand what I want? Well? "

Jiang Mujun said that Lin Peier's face turned red. She She was angry for a moment. How could she know to observe his willingness! Who makes him so annoying. Even if you yell, you kiss her!

But Jiang Mujun said that would not open me? But the first day was so difficult, after I was afraid I couldn't control it, and I would make him angry. Lin Peier shakes his head decisively. Where to go to work is not irritated? Since it is my first job, I can't give up easily!

"Well, come on, Lin Peier!" Blowing his nose, Lin Peier cheered for himself silently!

"Cough..." Hearing Lin Peier murmuring there, Jiang Mujun almost couldn't help laughing.

Have you ever seen such a fool? Are you still cheering yourself up? He thought it funny. He has never been hit by anything to cheer for himself, because he knows that he can do it! At all costs

Even Jiang Mu Jun himself did not notice the tone of soft down: "come on Help me sort out the information. "


As soon as she got up, Lin Peier saw Bonnie holding a pile of clothes. She thought it should be work clothesSure enough, when she saw her, Bonnie said, "Miss Lin, this is your work clothes. Change them quickly."

After receiving the clothes from Bonnie, Lin Peier went to her office to change clothes.

When Jiang Yi saw Lin Peier go far away, he called Bonnie,

"Miss Bonnie, have you missed me for a long time?"

Mr. Jiang is busy. Please speak quickly

"Well, I'd like to see you, Mr. Jiang."

"Just a moment, please."

After waiting for a few seconds, Bonnie replied, "Mr. Jiang, this Thursday at 1:00 p.m., waiting."

Sipping, Jiang Yi drove off again. He has sent someone to keep a close eye on Lin Peier and follow her wherever she goes. He's going after her now. Don't you think it's ok?

Lin Peier, who has changed his clothes here, is going to arrange the documents for Jiang Mujun.

"Mr. Jiang, I'll sort out the data! are you there Did I come in? "

After knocking for a long time, no one answered. Lin Peier opened the door gently and looked around. No one? Do you want to rest in it? Then I want to go in, go in and disturb his rest. How can he do when he is angry, but if he doesn't go in, how can he blame himself for not doing something??? Ah, ah, ah, I'm so flustered!

Bonnie was just about to go to dinner when she saw Lin Peier looking around in front of the president's office. Her funny appearance almost made her laugh. After finishing her facial expressions, she walked up.

"Miss Lin, what are you doing?"


Lin Peier, who was furtive, was startled and exclaimed. In a twinkling of an eye, it was Bonnie

"hoo, sister Bonnie, you want to scare me to death!"

"What is this for?"

"Hey, Mr. Jiang asked me to sort out the materials, but I didn't seem to see him?" Lin Peier touches his nose with a smile.

"Sister Bonnie, do you know where Jiang is?"

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