After fleeing from the hotel to his basement, Lin Peier found that there was a shining invitation in his mailbox, which simply stated the time and place of the party.

"Isn't it just alumni? Why is it so formal? "Lin Peier turned away his mouth with an invitation card with a good handle and design feeling. He would not have attended such a boring party unless he had no job.

However, now that I have no choice, I have the opportunity to know the "dignitaries". Of course, if the sky drops, which executive will take his business card, it will be a big step closer to having a job.

After cleaning up, Lin Peier had to drag his tired body to the gathering place - Huixi group.

Lin Peier stands in front of a splendid building, and is at a loss. Such a design can only be written by the rich and powerful Jiangshi group in city a - Huixi hotel.

Lin Peier is a city a and a graduate of the top universities in China. However, she grew up in a small border town. She came to a city for the first time to come to such a complex, charming and cruel magic city. Lin Peier looked at her mobile phone, and her companion's mobile phone had automatically turned off. Her bright and clean mobile phone screen reflected her pale and helpless face.

"Well, here we are. Take your chance." Lin Peier, at least, is a high-quality student from a city's higher education institutions. She has no doubt about her working ability. After all, under the influence of her grandfather, she has been very interested in psychology since childhood, and has been striving to become a first-class psychologist. Over the past decade, her accomplishments in psychology have been obvious to all. When she was in college, she had her own counseling room, and the teachers told her to go on with her further education. But Lin Peier knew that her family couldn't support her to go on, so she had to go out to work

"Well, maybe practice is the best thing for me." Lin Peier no longer sighs. She is a natural optimist. She soon gets out of some embarrassment and discomfort. She simply arranges her hair in front of the smooth floor. She raises her head and smiles sweetly at the welcome lady who shows some scorn. She turns around and walks away with a strong spirit.

"Sorry, sorry --" Lin Peier grabs his body. Seeing that the elevator is just about to run, he runs up and enters just before the elevator closes.

After going in, Lin Peier felt vaguely that there was something wrong with him. At this time, no matter which elevator is in front of, there are so many people in front of him. Why is there so few people on his own trip that there are only two people besides himself?

The metal of the elevator buttons reflects the man's side face very well. Lin Peier hasn't come to taste the angular shape of a man's face. He finds that "You Why are you here? " Lin Peier jumped away and stood as far away from the man as possible, "I I gave money, I really have no money, these are all accidents, and how to look at it, I am more at a loss You, what are you doing with me

"What are you talking about, young lady?"

The fresh and mellow smell of the man makes Lin Peier feel strange to this strange man. But this cold tone, how can people not like it.

Lin Peier raised her head and was facing a pair of impatient, naturally indifferent eyes. The dark eyes were like endless black holes, hiding all the men's worries. Lin Peier's major was clinical psychology. At one glance, she could see the sadness that the man was trying to cover up with indifference.

The man looked at the reluctant woman in front of him and thought that she was another attempt to bind himself with his body and blackmail money. "I only say once, if you want money, follow me. My secretary will give it to you. If you have nothing to do, please leave immediately."

"Are you sure?" Lin Peier feels humiliated. The man doesn't care. He sleeps so big for nothing. In fact, it's not a loss.

Ding -

here comes the elevator.

Of course, the man remembers her, but his experience is limited and he can't remember all the women who are happy with him.

This woman is just a little special to him.

She is very white, it seems that her skin can be broken. Her black and white eyes are full of innocence and sincerity. After being drunk, her slightly narrowed eyes are full of unspeakable temptation, and her slender waist is so thin that she can hardly grasp it Jiang Mujun shakes his head, and the aura of slight fever organizes him to continue to recall the footage of last night. When he passes by, he coolly says, "if you want money, follow me." Casual sarcasm is the most penetrating --

"wait a minute." Lin Peier grabs the corner of a man's dress. The texture is soft and tough, and the dark patterns remind Lin Peier of the dignity of a man in front of him. Lin Peier laughs and releases his hand.

The man looked back in disgust at the corner of his wrinkled coat, as if he had been subjected to some intolerable humiliation. He took off his coat directly, took it off smartly and carried it in his hand. It seemed that he was ready to throw it away at any time.

The same woman in formal dress waiting at the elevator door glanced at Lin Peier coldly, took over the clothes, made a defensive posture, and stopped before the man and Lin Peier, "excuse me, miss, we Mr. Jiang is a serious cleanliness addict, please respect yourself.""I just want to --" Lin Peier took back her grasp of the empty hand, and she said with a smile, "forget it, I just want to tell you," she snapped her finger and gave a hearty smile. The tip of her finger still has the unique and luxurious feeling of men's clothes. "You've done a good job." He turned around and walked away neatly.

The man behind him finally couldn't help but look back and see the figure of Zhou Peier with flowing hair. The woman was just drunk and went to her room. What happened after the two of them was just as it should be. Can see the girl to the attitude is not good welcome sweet smile, his cold heart inexplicably some palpitations.

"Yes?" The man bent down and picked up a thin business card that had fallen from the ground -

Zhou Peier, a city w University, majored in clinical psychology, was next to Zhou Peier's certificate photo with a sweet smile and a line of beautiful small characters beside it, "looking forward to cooperating with you."

Who is Jiang Mujun? The only son of Jiang's family group, the largest family group in city A. his family assets remain in the top 10 of the Forbes list. He can shake his feet and wave his hands and shake hands in the financial, investment and even political circles with close contacts. After graduating from University, he directly enters the enterprise and starts from the president, but he still keeps his family assets in the Forbes list He was three places ahead of time in the list. He was the object of flattery all over the world. He refused and threw away countless business cards every day. Now he was attracted by such a simple and humble business card.

"Mr. Jiang?" The beauty assistant inquired carefully, followed Jiang Mujun's eyes to see Lin Peier's photo, and then looked at Jiang Mujun's mouth with a vague smile. In her heart, Gordon said that she had never seen the president of his own family care so much about anyone.

"Bonie, this man, I want her to be my secretary." Jiang Mujun quickly put his business card in his pocket and walked forward Yes. "Bonie, reply, and keep up.

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