"Now we just take it out. As for the danger, it depends on whether he wakes up tonight..."


Can Jiang Mujun really wake up in such a short time?

No! He can. She believes that he is so powerful that he can't wake up.

"May I have a look?"

Lin Peier begged to look at the medical staff, hoping to keep her by his side.

The first thing she wanted him to wake up to was herself.

The medical staff nodded: "talk to him more, maybe it can make him more conscious to fight with his illness, but miss, don't touch our patients.

In case of a wound, it's over. "

Lin Peier nods wildly, pulls Lin Xiaoze and prepares to go in, but is stopped by the medical staff.

"Miss, only one person can go in!"

The medical staff blocked two people with a worried look. It's not good to have more people in this ward.

It's because the patient has arrived at a special moment.

"Will you discuss who will enter?"

The medical lady sincerely dissuaded several people.

Lin Peier lowers her head and throws Lin Xiaoxia to Xiao Fei. She squats down and looks at Lin Xiaoze.

"Zeze listens to Uncle Xiao Fei and mummy will come out tomorrow."

Lin Xiaoze nodded: "Mommy, I understand."

Lin Peier nodded happily and then looked at Xiao Fei. Xiao Fei clearly pulled Lin Xiaoze.

"Don't worry, Miss Lin. I will take good care of the two young masters."

Lin Peier put her heart down and turned into the ward. She was detoxified and put on her special clothes and walked in.

The medical staff helped her with the door, and she saw the man on the hospital bed. She was really handsome.

She has never seen such a handsome person as a surgical assistant for so many years, but what impresses her is his willpower.

They saw him drowsy, to avoid the increased risk of surgery, no anesthetic at all, this man raw pain wake up.

The rest of her light swept to him, and his eyes were tough and fierce. He said nothing and soon fainted.

Such a man, let her heart is very agitated, but it is a pity that someone else.

Lin Peier looks at Jiang Mujun on the bed. His whole face is pale. If not for the ECG on one side, it is still ringing in the quiet room.

Lin Peier thinks he has No breathing.

She caught some of the mist on her oxygen mask and watched as if she had found a home.

Lin Peier is sitting on the chair. She doesn't know how to put her hands. She wants to hold his hands, but she also remembers the words of the medical staff.

Can only shake hands on their own legs, sit upright.

"Jiang Mujun, will you wake up? I won't leave you at all, as long as you wake up. "

"You have a lovely child, and you only held him once, which is not enough."

"Jiang Mujun, why did you like me before? It's clear that I'm not very impressive."

"You answer me."


Lin Peier kept talking at Jiang Mujun's mouth all night.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Peier made a promise, the promise Jiang Mujun had always wanted.

Lin Peier looks forward to his every breath, but Jiang Mujun shows no sign of waking up.

She comforted herself that it was only a fraction of the night, and there was still time. Give him a little more time, and he would open his eyes to see her.

But in the middle of the night, Jiang Mujun did not move. Lin Peier even saw his eyelashes tremble slightly.

But after he rubbed his eyes with joy, everything returned to the same as before. Jiang Mujun still lay motionless on the bed. Clearly, the bed was so small, how could he get used to it? But either she's dazzled or she's dreaming.

Lin Peier looked at the sky gradually brightening up, and her fear deepened slowly. She could not imagine that he would lie here forever.

She could only pray all the time, cheer him on and look forward to a bright future.

"Jiang Mujun is about to sunrise. We can watch it together when you get up! Just like the time you told me... "

Lin Peier opened the curtain, the rising sun was still slowly rising, and a little bit of afterglow came in, just a little bit.

Lin Peier hopes that it will rise more slowly and give him more time.

She anxiously looked out at the people in bed.

The sun was rising so fast that when she turned her head for the tenth time, it was already high in the air.

And Jiang Mujun Still sleeping.

Lin Peier stares at him in disbelief. She looks at him for a long time, as if remembering something.Suddenly I turned my head and looked at the heart beating instrument.


is still ringing! It's also fluctuating!

There's no line like that!

She can't wait to get out of here. There's hope. There's hope.

When Xiao Fei saw Lin Peier running out, he ran away.

He was surprised. What happened to the young master?

After finding the doctor, Lin Peier quickly sent people to see Jiang Mujun.

When the doctor arrived, he shook his head.

"People don't wake up."

"But doctor, he still has a heartbeat."

The doctor looked at the haggard girl, sighed and said:

"such patients have such patients who are still awake but breathing.

It's just that There's not much hope. "

He didn't say "soon to go". The little girl is young. When the couple are in love, if the lover goes away, the girl Ah.

"How? impossible. Such a strong man as Jiang Mujun... "

How could he just lie there?

She doesn't believe it. Lin Peier's tears fall down. Xiao Fei comes in and hears such words.

He never thought that the young master would die. If he would It must be that he wasn't very protective.

He won't be so alone!

He is a young master's person, from the beginning to the end, he is only loyal to him, without the young master, he also has no value of existence.

Xiao Fei trembled at the room, but he did not dare to step closer, turned out of the ward.

Miss Lin has given him two children. He has to take care of Take care of.

Xiao Fei at this time has completely dare not think of other things, he can only paralyze himself.

After the doctor left, Lin Peier collapsed on the chair. She began to cry, but did not dare to make too loud a noise, for fear that Jiang Mujun would be disturbed.

He must not like the noise in his ears Oh, he doesn't like it.

Lin Peier cried heartbroken, lying on the edge of the hospital bed.

Suddenly a hand covered her head and rubbed.

Lin Peier couldn't believe it. She stopped crying and breathing, but she was still smoking. It was hard for her to raise her head in a tense atmosphere.

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