Jiang Mujun is satisfied to draw up the corner of his lips. It is indeed necessary to finish the Qing Dynasty.

He didn't want so many people to see her in a bikini.

A large area of skin exposed outside can only be seen by oneself.

Lin Peier didn't think so much. He found a big umbrella and spread the blanket on the ground. Then he took off his coat and lay down on it.

Lin Peier is wearing a set of purple bikini. The colors and styles are very new. The purple also suits her skin color.

Lin Peier, who was already white, was illuminated by the sun, and the whole person was glowing.

Jiang Mujun went to her side and lay down, chatting and basking in the sun.

"I'll get you that juice."

Jiang Mujun gets up and goes to the hotel, but he doesn't know that Lin Peier is entangled with him.


Lin Peier is still waiting for Jiang Mujun's juice. The sun makes her sleepy.

she thought about it and rubbed some lotion and sat up.

Because the head will be a little dizzy after a long time in the sun, when she returns to her senses.

In front of him stood a strange man.

The man was a foreigner with deep features, blue eyes and golden hair.

Not far from him stood a woman who was also a blonde foreign beauty.

The bikini she was wearing, Liu Yan was more exposed than Lin Peier, and she looked like she only covered three spots.

The rest of the place was exposed to the sun, and she stood there in all sorts of ways to the beach, and a man in the distance was winking.

"Miss, do you have the honor to invite you to dinner tonight?"

Lin Peier looks at the sexy man with peach blossom eyes smiling. Is he being accosted?

She has a family. She knows this kind of thing and has to refuse.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'm not available."

Lin Peier's reply was very polite. He stood up and laughed at the man.

But the man tried not to give up, he used the international language, English.

As a university student, Lin Peier is not only outstanding in psychology, but also in English.

She still firmly refused the man.

The man was repeatedly rejected, the heart has been unhappy.

He invited this woman is her honor, you know, he is the son of the shareholders on the island of wind key!

His father owns shares here. If he is not happy, she won't want to stay here any longer.

"Don't be ignorant of your appearance. If I invite you, you are worthy of your respect."

As soon as the voice fell, the man wanted to come and pull Lin Peier, but Lin Peier hid him.

Lin Peier frowned and looked behind him. However, there was no shadow behind him. Naturally, Jiang Mujun did not come back.

The man was more uncomfortable to be avoided, and now the woman still dares to ignore herself and frequently looks behind her.

The young master of the shareholder's house was angry and waved his hand directly. Lin Peier saw four or five strong men coming out of nowhere.

Lin Peier knows that they are thugs, and they are probably the men's men.

Lin Peier wanted to leave when she saw these people coming. Isn't she here for her honeymoon.

How can you meet this kind of person?!

Lin Peier wrapped his coat around himself and was about to lift his feet away when he was about to get his wrist under control.

The strength is not small!

Lin Peier looked at her, and it was this man who held her.

She tried hard to break free, but the strength of women was always inferior to that of men.

Lin Peier didn't break away. Instead, the man held on tightly. He looked at the beauty in front of him with a proud smile.

Lin Peier is also angry. This is a fair and aboveboard rascal, OK?!

"Let go

"Well, let go. You don't know who I am."

"I don't need to know who you are!"

Lin Peier uses another unbound hand to pull his own one.

She even used her feet, but because she only wore a long coat, Lin Peier's struggle now attracted more interest from the shareholder's son.

He didn't want to be kicked by little beauties. When he saw the beaters coming, he asked them to stop them.

When Lin Peier was controlled by several people, he finally saw a figure from a distance.

Naturally, Jiang Mujun's drink didn't take long, but Lin Xiaoxia started to cry. He looked at it and remembered his eyes. The wet nurse kept coaxing him. He had no choice but to bring his son with him.

Maybe Peier can get rid of this boy!

Who knows that as soon as his figure appeared, he saw other people around Lin Peier.

They were all men, and several of them, like bodyguards, grabbed their daughter-in-law's hand.

Jiang Mujun's eyes suddenly cold down, inside the cold and merciless, directly scared Lin Xiaoxia to stop crying.He stupidly looked at the eye river Mu Jun, and then spewed a saliva bubble.


as soon as the bubble of saliva broke, he was held by Jiang Mujun to his mother.

Lin Peier looks at Jiang Mujun like a savior. He is running over with some sweat on his forehead, but his whole face is gloomy and terrible.

His whole body also exudes a cold breath, and his eyes are like hawks and falcons.


Lin Peier called out excitedly, and he also settled down a lot. He could always settle down in the place where Jiang Mujun lived.

He did fulfill his promise to protect their family.

"Peier, don't be afraid"

Jiang Mujun looks at Lin Peier's scattered hair and pulled off his coat, and his anger soars in his heart.

And let people catch Lin Peier's young master and look at the two people who are talking.

"Oh, this is the little lover coming to the hero to save the beauty?"

As soon as his words were uttered, several people who had pinned Lin Peier burst into laughter, and even the blonde woman who was not far away was also enchanting.

She stuck to the young master's side and said something in his ear. The young master mercifully raised his head to show that he agreed.

Then Lin Peier and Jiang Mujun saw the woman walking in the catwalk.

She goes straight to Jiang Mujun. Lin Peier can't help but guess that this beauty is not in love with Jiang Mujun?

At this moment, Peilin looks at her as if there is no more eyes to send her.

Even want to laugh, don't ask her why.

Is Jiang Mujun the kind of man who can be easily picked up?

If so, Lin Peier doesn't believe his vision.

"Handsome boy, what do you do with such a big anger?"

Beautiful women don't seem to know Chinese very well, so they still use English at the moment.

Jiang Mujun stepped back one meter away from her and stood behind the beauty.

He is closer to Lin Peier.

A trace of embarrassment flashed on the beauty's face. She quickly turned around and wanted to pounce on Jiang Mujun and take people away, but Jiang Mujun was not a soft persimmon.

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