"One out."

Jiang Mujun raised his hand, and everyone saw that the only woman in the crowd came out.

She was tall and well proportioned, and if she had not been wearing a suit, she would have been thought of as a model.

The woman took off her glasses. Her facial features were deep and delicate, and she looked like a minority.

Lin Peier praised the woman's demeanor, and then gave his son to Jiang Mujun.

She rubbed her swollen arm and looked at the show.

At first, carris also coveted the woman's appearance, but the woman made a direct hand and waved a circle on his face.

Carris broke his face in an instant, and his mouth overflowed with a little blood. He wiped it and saw that he was bleeding?!

He ignored everything and just wanted to clean up the group.

"Give it to me!"

Then the people behind him started to move. Jiang Mujun's people did not move, until a person's cry came from a distance.

"Don't fight, young master!"

Then the man behind carris stopped. You should know that this man is a housekeeper and can directly command them.

Even the young master did not dare to be presumptuous in front of him.

Jiang Mujun mouth with a smile, but this time on behalf of the other side will not be good.

Lin Peier looked at him as if he had expected it. But she didn't ask.

"Don't move, young master. This is a big man."

The old housekeeper had already run over and finished this sentence breathlessly.

This is Jiangshi group, the eldest young master of Jiang family! How can you offend the leader of the four?

What's more, the wind key Island invested by their master is the largest investment under the company. It would be miserable if the young master messed it up!

"What do I care about him? You don't want to go on soon?"

Carris was challenged with dignity. Naturally, he was very angry. Even the housekeeper would not listen to him.

Obviously, the housekeeper also knew Carlisle's temper. He calmed down and said again: "young master, in front of you is the president of Jiangshi group, Mr. Jiang Mujun! How can you be so unreasonable

Although Carlisle is a man who plays with things and loses his ambition, he still knows who Jiang Mujun is.

His anger dissipated and looked at Jiang Mujun and the people behind him.

Jiang Mujun gave him a sidelong glance. His eyes were full of malice and icicles.

Carris gave a shiver. At this time, he realized that he had made a big mistake, which made him step backward.

"You, you, you, Jiang Mujun?"

How could Jiang Mujun answer him? Only the housekeeper responded to him, and then began to explain his apology to Jiang Mujun.

Jiang Mujun raised his hand and interrupted him: "it's not me that you need to apologize. It's my wife.

Why does Carlisle want to get rid of my family by force

Carris looked at the housekeeper dully. His eyes were full of help. The housekeeper gritted his teeth and said, "what do you say to Mr. Jiang's wife?"

For a moment, Lin Peier gathered a lot of people's attention. She subconsciously looked up at Jiang Mujun.

Jiang Mujun did not say anything, only gave her a "bold to say" look.

Lin Peier's eyes twinkled. Since she can avenge her affectation, what?

"Why don't you let master carris marry this young lady

Lin Peier is talking about the beautiful woman with golden hair and blue eyes.

Lin Peier can see that this woman can't be a simple person. She is better than carlis, who is impulsive, irritable and irritable.

I don't know how interesting it would be to get these two people together.

Obviously, carris is is not a man who can be bound by marriage, and he still lets a mistress he has been tired of getting married.

This is definitely a great punishment to him, but now carris has a sudden idea that he can leave even if he is married.

As soon as he was about to say yes, Lin Peier suddenly made a noise.

She had already seen through the big idea of the young master who was greedy for beauty, and then she said faintly:

"no divorce or cheating within five years, how about that?"

Carris was stunned. He couldn't exert his cleverness at all. He couldn't help getting angry.

"Don't deceive people too much!"

"Oh? Master carris, this is the rejection of less time limit? I don't mind a little more. "


The housekeeper knew that it would be out of control to talk like this again, so he interrupted them.

"Mrs. Jiang, is this young master Jiang?"

Lin Peier looks over and nods. The housekeeper praises Lin Xiaoxia. She knows that the man is diverting the subject.So he made a perfunctory remark and went back.

The housekeeper also knows that he can't finish the game, so he can only pray to see carris, hoping that he can understand his meaning.

Carris felt it, but his face was blue and blue, struggling to agree, but the reality had to make him surrender.

But carris, as a second generation ancestor, has been exposed to it for so long. He knows clearly that if his father's company goes bankrupt, he can still have a good life?

He can only compromise the nod, in that moment, Lin Peier brush smile, carris a look at a daze.

Just now his anger was completely dispelled. Now the beauty laughed and his head was blank.

Even Lin Peier has forgotten about him. Subconsciously, he wants to reach out and let Lin Peier know him.

But suddenly a tall figure appeared in front of him. It was Jiang Mujun.

He stood in front of him with a cold face. Not only was he higher than him, but also his momentum was oppressive.

Carris shuddered. At this time, he realized that he actually wanted to hit the wife of the president of Jiangshi group.

Lin Peier has a cold face. This man has really formed a habit, so this is the best punishment for him.

She pulls the clothes on the back of rajiang Mujun. Jiang Mujun understands Lin Peier's meaning. He only warns him a few words, and asks the housekeeper to take people away and clear the place.

"If I see an extra figure, I doubt the efficiency of the housekeeper."

The housekeeper quickly nodded and left with a large group of people from his young master.

Lin Peier looked at their backs and the people behind them. She pointed out what they should do.

Jiang Mujun waved his hand, and those people quickly retreated.

"Don't worry about that. Peier is just the two of us now."

Jiang Mujun just wanted to kiss Lin Peier's red cheek. Lin Xiaoxia suddenly said, "Gee, mom Mommy. "

Jiang Mujun's action was stiff. He completely forgot that there was a little fart boy here.

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