When Jiang Xu'an looks at Lin Peier, her sadness is gone. " Schoolmaster, since the party is over, I'll go first. "

" wait, are you hungry? "Jiang Xuan's emotional intelligence is extremely high. He studied in England and studied in China. So he always does things without revealing anything. He is exquisite in all aspects. Without mentioning the embarrassing topic just now, he has successfully attracted Lin Peier's attention.

"I -" Lin Peier hesitated for a moment, thinking that food is the most important thing for the people. It seems that he has not eaten since yesterday. "He felt a little hungry. "

" follow me. "Jiang Xu'an said with a smile and turned to lead the way. Lin Peier quickly followed him.

Soon, a glittering hall appeared in front of Lin Peier, which was almost as luxurious as a palace. Lin Peier could not help but feel shocked when he saw the floor which was like a gem under the light.

In addition to the luxurious decoration, Lin Peier's favorite food is of course beautiful.

"Wow, western style, self-help." Lin Peier was overjoyed. He said thanks to Jiang Xu'an, went straight to the theme, and pretended to say something to Mr. Ruya at the dinner plate. With a sweet smile, she got the plate handed to her by her husband, so she began to wander around the place to eat delicious food and exchange greetings with people from time to time.

"Beauty, this wine is very strong." After watching Lin Peier drink five cups of shoot in order to quench his thirst, the elegant Mr. plate reminds him.

"Miss?" Mr. dinner plate found Lin Peier looking at himself with a silly smile. He seemed to be drunk.

Lin Peier kept talking with a smile, but no one could hear what she was talking about. Seeing that Zhou Peier was no longer able to think, Mr. dinner plate had to dial the front desk and reserve a room for her. Seeing the waiters helping Zhou Peier leave, his mood was complicated. There was no room left in the hotel. The only thing left was for the president There are several rooms in the hotel.

Lin Peier was carried by others in a daze, but he found that the more he walked, the more familiar he was. Isn't this the place where he had a "luxurious" sleep yesterday?

But the brain paralyzed by alcohol could not allow her to think at all, and she walked unsteadily. The waiter behind him holds Lin Peier in disgust. He opens a deserted room and pushes Lin Peier in. He does his most basic duty and turns away.

Lin Peier got up unsteadily with the strength of the wine. He always felt sick, so he tried to find the bathroom. The door that the waiter didn't close was pushed open by Lin Peier --

Lin Peier fell directly behind the door into the corridor, and his limbs were so weak that he couldn't stand up at all.

"Miss? "There was a man's voice above Lin Peier's head, which was drunk.

"I'm so sick, I feel like vomiting." Lin Peier said in a muffled voice. His voice was soft and soft, and his little daughter's coquettish and charming manner made the man's heart wander.

"Miss, you are drunk. Let me help you to your room." The man leaned over and tried to help Lin Peier up. "Miss --"

"go away, I don't know you." Zhou Peier saw a greasy, obscene face that was approaching her. She subconsciously protected herself and asked her to sit up and move back step by step.

"Miss -" before the man finished his words, he fell to the ground, and the woman behind him gave a sneer, and gave the man a cruel kick on the waist. The man didn't react at all and fell forward involuntarily. Lin Peier screamed when he saw the man fall towards him. Then he crawled back.

Before Lin Peier's body got close to Lin Peier's body, the man was kicked by a flying foot and fell backward on his side.

Lin Peier was unconscious. He felt as if he had been held in his arms by a broad shoulder. Instinctively, he wanted to resist, but his body seemed to be melted by the fragrance of a man. " Throw this man out to me and find out who he is. If he works with the company, he will be expelled directly. If he cooperates with the company, he will be blacklisted directly. Any loss will be borne by our company. "Jiang Mujun told everything coldly on his face. Looking at the sweet woman sleeping in his arms, he did not know that the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Lin Peier is totally drunk. Leaning on Jiang Mujun's arms, Lin Peier feels as if she is in a small boat, floating on the surface of the river with slight waves. She can't see who is holding the boat. In a trance, she just feels secure.

Jiang Mujun swipes the card skillfully, along with the crisp prompt, a fine wooden door answers and opens.

Lin Peier fainted in her imagination. She frowned and made some noises from her throat. Subconsciously, she struggled to get down.

"Don't move." Jiang Mujun's voice just came down, and he reflected the meaning of the sound in Lin Peier's throat. He simply and cleanly chose to let go, but he couldn't bear to let Lin Peier fall to the ground, so he had to push forward to get her to bed. However, Jiang Mujun underestimated Lin Peier's weight. He let go of his hand, and both of them screamed and fell forward subconsciously To embrace each other.

Lin Peier felt nauseous at first. Under such a violent impact, it directly stimulated her stomach, and she vomited out like Tiannvsanhua.Lin Peier vomited out and finally felt comfortable, but the man in front of her was attacked.

Jiang Mujun felt that time seemed to be still. His body was covered with vomit from an unruly woman!

Jiang Mujun throws Lin Peier in his arms to the bed and rushes into the bathroom.

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