She tried to weaken herself, like the background board, P to the degree of virtual.

In this way, Lin Peier, who has reduced his sense of being, has not evaded between the two tall men.

Jiang Mujun directly hugged her in the past. He swore sovereignty, but also defiantly glared at frett.

Flett didn't answer at all. He laughed twice and went to drive.

Lin Peier also added a smile, which was to compensate him.


She looked back and saw Jiang Mujun staring at his face.


Lin Peier immediately put his hands on it, and his big eyes looked puzzled.

"Don't show it to him."


Finally, Lin Peier nodded solemnly and got on the car.

During this period, frett has been introducing the characteristics of G country, food and so on.

In short, as long as it is related to country g, he seems to know the same.

Lin Peier listened and listened, but he still had some ideas. This made Jiang Mujun uncomfortable.

He became more reticent all the way, if it had not been for Lin Peier's tactful approach to comfort him.

Is Jiang Mujun likely to jump? No Jiang Mujun would not do such a stupid thing.

To the place, the Sao Bao's car stops, that kind of stop and go feeling, we can see that the price of this car is not cheap.

But it's none of Lin Peier's business.

As soon as it got out of the car, it marveled at the building in front of it, the standard European style house, but it looked more like the sense of seeing of a conference hall or a court.

"The nearest place we lived, the embassy."


Embassy, how can they live in it? It's not about money, is it.

"Hahaha, I live here too. Miss Peier can come to me at 4-101 if she has any needs or questions."

After that, he lifted Lin Peier's right hand, bent down and gently dropped a kiss.

, "Fred, it looks like you're really busy."

The death of Flett and added some work for himself, so that he can not go out after a letter night club, suffocating the anxious.

It was this thing that made him know that Jiang Mujun could not be provoked.

Because Jiang Mujun doesn't need luggage at all. So they quickly went back to the room to tidy up.

It's just that Lin Peier washes his face and wakes up. It's a three hour drive to G country.

It's still around 4:00 in the afternoon. It can be said that Lin Peier can't understand the concept of time.

When she arrived at the embassy, she looked up at the old clock that was lowered by the wall.

Good. I can't understand it at all.

Or touch out the mobile phone to see the eye, she just knew that it was five o'clock.

No wonder I'm hungry.

She rubbed her empty stomach and waited for Jiang Mujun's arrangement.

At the moment, Lin Peier is really like a child in a kindergarten. He likes to let the adults decide and arrange everything.

Jiang Mujun noticed her action and frowned. The shop here closed early.

When he came, he saw that many of them were closed. He called barbiron restaurant.

After booking a seat, Jiang Mujun directly pulls Lin Peier out of the room.

"To where?"


Lin Peier stares at his side face and can see his firm chin from below.

His face is like a sharp sword. When it gets cold, it can kill everything.

But now it was a worried look on her face. She could not help but guess: what was he thinking?

He always said that he didn't know what he meant. So, what is he thinking now?

Lin Peier thought about everything all the way. She didn't react until she sat down in the restaurant.

Looking at the concern in Jiang Mujun's eyes, she thought she might understand what he was thinking.

As long as through its surface camouflage and deep mystery, one layer of his heart will be stripped, and the last remaining answer will be

love for her.

The next second, it's like confirming Lin Peier's conjecture is correct.

He said, "are you hungry? Do you want mashed potatoes "

the first thing to do when entering the restaurant is to order her favorite food. How can she repay him?

"Jiang Mujun, you are a real villain."

Jiang Mujun raised his head and looked at her, as if from her eyes to see the countless strands of love.

He seemed to smile, the end of his eyes were bent, and only one person's reflection was left in his extremely charming eyes.

Jiang Mujun's body in a trance took off a layer of indifference, the whole person was dyed into color, become vivid.

Lin Peier bit her teeth and didn't know what to say for a while.Can only be fixed to watch his face every change.

"Are you ready, sir?"

The waiter comes and reminds him respectfully. Lin Peier and Jiang Mujun look over.

The man was embarrassed to be seen. I don't know what happened to the two lovers.

Doesn't it look like a fight?

He saw two people smiling at each other with tacit understanding without words.

He didn't understand, but the gentleman had given the menu to him.

The waiter naturally bowed again, and usually left when he came.

"What do you want these days?" Asked Jiang Mujun.

"I don't know, don't you? Why don't you go boating and go shopping Well, we'd better make Ferris wheel

When Lin Peier opens his talk box, he is like a music box in a whirling circle.

Jiang Mujun looked at her endless talk, sometimes with a sentence, let her have the momentum to continue.

However, he made a memo in his heart, as long as Lin Peier said it.

All for her.

"Well Unconsciously, it seems to have said a lot. "

"No Smiling at her.

"No?" A face of disbelief.


"Because we have a lifetime."

Life time, do these things, how is enough.

Lin Peier's cheek is red. It looks like two red butterflies flying over her face.

There is also a trend that China and Vietnam are playing more and more fiercely.

"Calm down, you have to be calm, Lin Peier!"

It happened that the dish came up, breaking the "deadlock" between the two.

The waiter will bring up a dish and give the name of the dish, and the two will explain it.

Although Lin Peier can't understand the G language, Jiang Mujun can understand it.

His direct online real-time translation gives Lin Peier the feeling of being a free translator.

I don't know why she wants to experience the feeling of being a translator.

Because mashed potatoes were not the food Jiang would like, he simply put them in Lin Peier's bowl.

Then there were roast geese and oily duck legs, one by one. When Lin Peier came back to his senses, her bowls had been piled up like a hill.

Speechless, he looks at the food in front of his eyes. Lin Peier turns his head and stares at Yanjiang Mujun from the food gap.

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