His big eyes stare at Lin Peier for a moment, and then glance at Lin Xiaoze.

"Come and have this, son."

Instead of taking yesterday's cake, Lin Peier took the dark chocolate cake first.

The tentative swayed in front of Lin Xiaoxia, Lin Xiaoxia: "ah Wu" directly bit up.

This is definitely not a child greedy, but when the child looks at the unknown, he will always try it with his tongue.

Eat it. Anyway, it's all for him, but it's a little bit too much.

Lin Xiaoxia spat two times and spit out the same.

Fortunately, Lin Peier was ready and took a plate to catch it. As a result, all the chocolate on it was gone and only cake was left.


What do you mean?

No disease, but vomit out again, that is not like to eat?

Lin Peier fed him another mouthful of yesterday's cake. There was a lot of cream in it, so Lin Xiaoxia spat it out unexpectedly.

"Well, the boy just doesn't like cream."

Lin Peier is a little speechless when he comes to such a plain conclusion after a serious thing before.

Now that you know the answer, "Lazarus will arrange it yourself." Lin Peier gives all the cakes to Lin Xiaoze.

there's no need to eat too much for you. The child's teeth are not full. What should I do if they are broken?

"Hoe up the sun at noon..."

Lin Peier looks at Lin Xiaoxia who suddenly talks. He doesn't know what he said.

"Chivalrous man?"

Finally, Kobayashi shook his head and clapped his hands.

"What a wonderful job, young Xia."

Looking at some unknown mummy, he explained in a voice: "Mommy, the ancient poetry of chivalrous swordsmen. In the afternoon of weeding, sweat drops down into the soil."


What did she hear just now? Hoe paste day big afternoon?

"Well, chivalry is great!"

Forced to resist the smile, Lin Peier got up and encouraged his son.

Lin Peier checked the two children's homework and played with them for a while.

It was only when the two little guys were sleepy that Jiang Mujun took them away.

Lin Peier was also a little tired and didn't do anything. He went to sleep in the quilt area.

Jiang Mujun, who sent the child back to bed, saw Lin Peier snoring in bed.

Jiang Mujun, who felt something was wrong, went over, pulled down a bit of the quilt and touched her forehead.

It's a little hot.

He frowned. It was his negligence.

Jiang Mojun quickly called the family doctor over. During the examination, Lin Peier opened his eyes and saw two vague figures. His brain had no time to think about it and fell asleep again.


Jiang Mujun saw the doctor who shook his head and sighed. He was anxious to tear his mouth open and get the content.

He doubted that he didn't know the doctor. How could he shake his head and sigh?

"Mr. Jiang, madam, it's just that I didn't pay much attention to the weather changes during this period. I caught a cold and my body temperature was 37.7 degrees. I don't have to take any medicine. I'll just sleep."

Jiang Mujun

When people are worried, they will panic, even Jiang Mujun is no exception.

"Go away."

Jiang Mujun, who is not angry, pushes the door and lets people go out. The doctor is not professional at all. He has nothing to sigh about.

After struggling for more than an hour, everything is quiet. Jiang Mujun rubs his eyebrows. There are many documents today.

He can't stay at home tomorrow. There's a batch of new goods at the shipping company. He can't help but go.

But Peier couldn't put a snack down. He seemed to think of something.

Jiang Mujun picked up the phone and dialed the phone with the words "Jiang Xu an".

After the beep, it was connected quickly, "Hello! Brother

Ah ~ Jiang Xu an yawned, his eyes were full of fatigue.

He has been very busy recently. It is all his brother's work that he did not deal with.

"In the evening, will there be any urgent notice? No

"No, you tell Du miao'er that she will come to the villa to accompany Peier tomorrow. She is ill and I am not in."

"I'm scared to death. I know. Anyway, Miaomiao has been talking at home for a long time and hasn't seen Xuemei My sister-in-law. "

"Hang up, hang up."

Jiang Xu an yawns and hastens to return to the warm quilt. As a result, there is a busy tone at the end of the phone.

Jiang Mujun has been dead for a long time.

Jiang Xuan is stunned with the phone, which is in line with his brother's character.

Jiang Mujun, who had called, was relieved. He came out of the bathroom next door and got into the bed. He hugged Lin Peier and didn't let her kick the quilt.

The next day.

Lin Peier wakes up all night. He is very comfortable. The sun is shining through the window. There is no Jiang Mu Jun around him.She seemed to have suffered a little last night, but then she was better, as if she had seen some figure?

It's not like Jiang Mujun.

As soon as she turned around and hugged the pillow next to her, she saw a note on the bedside table --

Peier, I went to work and asked someone to accompany you. The housekeeper and they all came back. If you need to find them, you can call me.

Jiang Mujun.

Lin Peier looked at that sentence and asked someone to accompany her? Who is it?

After getting up slowly, Lin Peier went to wash and change his clothes. Only in these two days did he walk out of the room for the first time.

After stretching, Lin Peier goes to the children's room to have a look. Lin Xiaoze has already gone to school, and the nanny is playing with the children in the garden, but they are not there.

She went downstairs for breakfast.

"Madame, someone is looking for you at the door."

A maid came up to her with the phone and gave her a report.

Lin Peier thought of the man on Jiang Mujun's note, "what's her name?"

The maid replied, "the lady said her name is Du Miaoer. This is the telephone."

Lin Peier's face flashed with surprise, but was soon filled with a cold smile.

"Hey, you're an accomplice who comes to the door automatically!"

Murmured, Lin Peier answered the phone.

The maid saw that the hostess's expression suddenly changed from implicit to cheerful.

The maid who had rubbed some goose bumps decided that these rich ladies had better not be provoked.

Totally misunderstood, Lin Peier asks Miaomiao to come in.

Now Lin Peier holds a big pillow from the sofa, waiting for Du miao'er to drive.

"Peipei! Did you miss me? "

before entering the living room, Lin Peier heard her voice, and then a figure came over.

She dodged and dodged. Du miao'er almost fell down, but tactfully she grabbed the sofa on one side.

Stable Du miao'er began to gasp: "Huhu, peipeipei, why avoid my arms?"

"I gave you such a surprise birthday gift with President Hejiang. You didn't even know how to repay me!"

"You don't want to say that!"

Lin Peier was furious at her words and threw a pillow in the past.

"Whoa, whoa! Kill people. What is that for? "

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