Just keep crying and running.

He was not him from birth.

It's the one who didn't drink milk for two months, didn't have a physical examination in ten months, didn't go to school at the age of three, didn't go to an amusement park when he was 10, and listened to his parents' quarrels every day at the age of 15 until he was 18.

He never knew what his birth meant?

The rain is really some big, completely covered his eyes.

A big breath is also full of crazy rain.

Ye Ting lowers his head and looks at the three scars on his wrist. They are all neat and horizontal bars.

Three, a bit of the same line together, it is particularly dangerous.

One is that I can't stand loneliness at the age of eight. For the first time, I know that there is still such a way to end the pain.

He didn't succeed.

The second is that when he was ten years old, he broke the bowl carelessly. He was very afraid of being scolded by his parents. Shaking his hands, he picked up the pieces on the ground.

The third is the despair of working in this leaky basement every day after experiencing the youngest carnival.

But he still failed.

Today, 18-year-old Ye Ting decided not to add another scar to his poor wrist.

Anywhere, a pole holding a wire, a weak brick on the ground, or a nearby river

Where can easily end his young and sorry life.

But I don't know why, maybe the brain didn't think too much because of running tired, or maybe it was the rain that washed away his many thoughts.

Ye Ting had no choice, so he went on aimlessly.

I don't know how long after that, the rain stopped.

Has been blowing rustling street trees, stopped it let people can not bear to look directly at the dance.

Ye Ting finally got some feeling and rubbed his arm which was cold by the wind. He sat on the steps at the door of the shop which had not yet opened.

The head shrinks in the knee crevice, wants to let oneself have a trace of warmth.

"Meow ~"

a sudden voice sounded, which attracted Ye Ting's attention, but he did not move very carefully.

Looking around carefully with his senses, he knew that the outside world would not be simple and full of danger.

Another "meow -" that kind of soft extended tone, let Ye Ting some fear, but also some curiosity.

He could feel it slowly approaching.

Ye Ting is tense and ready to attack at the moment of crisis!

He's ready.

Now --


Black and white meet the kitten was scared by him, the body has not dry hair like a hedgehog when self-defense all stand up.

Ye Ting really relaxed at the moment he saw him.

He has seen such guys, they are light, agile and neat, let a see Xiaoye Ting envy.

But he couldn't remember what they called it.

Maybe it's just now that I realize that it's like this: meow ~

sounds soft and long.

Two creatures, one man and one cat, are getting familiar with each other from the initial exploration.

Ye Ting envied such a sharp and lively guy. He even tried to learn from his companion.

Unfortunately, it can't understand what it's talking about, so the idea is dismissed.

"Gululu ~" did not know how long after, the sky was dark, Ye Ting felt his Wuzang temple in a serious protest.

He covered his stomach and picked up the kitten with some discomfort. He asked it seriously: "are you hungry?"

There was only one answer to him: "meow"

so they started a new journey. Ye Ting also forgot about his original idea of escaping from the cage - to find something to let him head on.

They ran on and on, and from time to time they had a good meal - the first time they met a kind person.

Or you can't eat for a day or two - I don't know where I'm going, not even trash cans.

In a word, every day of one person and one cat has a good time.

But once they met a kind bookshop owner.

He was alone - they thought so.

The boss doesn't look old or small with glasses, just a dozen more wrinkles than he does.

He took them in for several nights, and even had a long-term plan. Ye Ting was really embarrassed, so he began to help the man do some simple sorting work.

Clean the floor, summarize the books, and take the books that will be guests from the car.

So he also read more books, which is a very important experience.

Until one day Ye Ting is putting the boss's new books, a beautiful figure slowly comes down from the second floor.It was a place he had never been to, and neither was black and white.

Black and white is the baby cat that lives with him. They have lived together for a long time, so they are very close relatives.

"I heard about you."

The girl's eyes are empty, her posture is graceful, her long hair is not tied properly according to the rules, but loosely tied by a headrope.

There are many restless hair fell down, this is the first time Ye Ting saw such a beautiful person.

She stood on the stairs, and he looked up. The glimmer of the window at the corner of the stairs leaked in, adding a touch of beauty to her.

Young girl hook lips evil four and youth smile, completely will Ye Ting's eyes away.

"Well, why don't you talk?"

She was still smiling brightly, but successfully awakened him: "Hello, I am ye, Ye Ting."

"Ah, you are not a mute."

She moved her steps, step by step down the steps, close to him, he clearly heard the sound of his heart beating, so obvious, close to the ear.

It's like a deer that has been rushing into his heart.

"Well, I'm not dumb." He repeated it involuntarily and nodded his head.

The next second, just like huangyingbao's melodious voice, it turns out to be the little sun.

She looked at him for several times, pondering his facial features: "you are really interesting!"

She stopped to wipe the tears that came out of her smile. Her vivid eyes were more radiant because of the water light.

"This is my daughter, little sun." The owner of the bookstore didn't know where he came from, and let Ye Ting recover his mind in an instant.

"Little sun?" He wondered that no one would have given such a strange name.

Little sun playfully patted her father. The relationship between father and daughter was very good. Although he wanted to ask her where her mother was, it was better to keep silent.

Her smile made him feel a little bit jealous after the little sun's rise.

Bookstore owner, little sun, black and white, they are really good.

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