Lin Peier is lying in bed, full of thoughts. Should she move out of here?

After all, she was driven away immediately and left by herself. She wanted to leave her dignity even more!

But I can't move easily How to get there! Ah! Miaomiao!

Dialing the phone, Dudu --

the beep came for a long time, until the end of the call, Du miao'er did not receive the call.

"What's wrong with Miaomiao? I called several times and didn't answer it? " She murmured, unable to guess what her best friend was doing.

"No more danger?" Thinking of a certain possibility, Lin Peier panicked, regardless of whether he and Jiang Mujun had no relationship.

Call him in a hurry.

"Jiang Mujun! Can you help me find out where Miaomiao is?! I called her several times, she did not answer! I, I'm afraid

Jiang Mujun was still confused when he answered the phone. He thought Peier would not forgive him. Just before he was happy,

it was like a basin of cold water pouring on him.

"If you want me to leave, I will go by myself, as long as you can help me find out where Miaomiao is? How about that? " Pleading words, trembling into his ears.

She wants to leave herself? If it is not that she can't find Du miao'er, will she leave quietly?

Does she want to run to the arms of Jiang Yi?

How could he have done what she wanted Oh.

"What if I say I don't want it?" A word of coldness and plainness came out of his thin lips. He looked very gentle, but his words pierced into Lin Peier's heart like ice!

Is Jiang Mujun unwilling? They don't have enough affection. Does he go to find Miaomiao? Ha ha, good, Jiang Mujun, I am so worthless in your heart!

Since he won't help her, she can find it by herself! This is not the place for her to stay. It's better to go!

Slanting with the left hand to support the bed, she jumped on one foot, mastered the balance, and then steadily fell on the ground.

Because one foot can bear strength, she has to make a quick decision.

After looking around, he bought all the things here. She didn't need to take them away. It's just that the patient's uniform is very noticeable.

Lin Peier leans by the bed and calls Zhang Lingling.

"Hello! Peier, let me tell you that I'm shopping with Xu Feng now. Ha ha ha, since I saw you last time, my whole person's luck has improved a lot! The luckiest thing is that the people you like also like you! Thank you? What's wrong with Peier

Suddenly remembering that Lin Peier might have something to look for, Zhang Lingling inquired suspiciously.

"No Nothing. I just want to know whether you are successful or not. I'm relieved to know that you are together! Then see you guys and have fun

Unable to disturb them, Lin Peier didn't say anything. I just wish them happiness all the time

Without foreign aid, Lin Peier wanted to go out like this, but Jiang Yi made a phone call.

"Hello? Jiang Yi. "

"Peier, have you considered it? Do you want to move into my hospital? "

Lin Peier is stunned. She thinks that Jiang Yi is just talking about playing.

Unexpectedly, she was serious. Although she didn't want to trouble him, she had no choice but to go out first.

Otherwise, Jiang Mujun will come and drive her away

"I Jiang Yi, I don't want to trouble you, but can you pick me up? I can't help it... "

At the thought of being driven away by Jiang Mujun, Lin Peier gets up a little shaky.

"Good. I'll pick you up. Peier will wait for me... "

Jiang Yi promised happily. His sweetheart finally abandoned his brother and threw himself into his arms. How could he not be happy?

Jiang Mujun was hung up and his eyes were flushed with anger. Lin Peier, I will tie you back wherever you go!

With the computer on, Jiang Mujun rushes to Lin Peier's ward. If she wants to leave, she will tie her up

However, when Jiang Mujun goes to Lin Peier's ward, Jiang Yi helps Lin Peier to leave.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Mujun instantly explodes in his mind. He pushes Jiang Yi aside and takes over Lin Peier, who is about to fall.

Lin Peier doesn't want to pay attention to this unreasonable man,

"let me go! What are you doing Lin Peier struggles to break away from Jiang Mujun's arms.

Jiang Mujun was impatient. She picked up the princess and walked to the bed step by step.

"Where do you want to go?" He lowered his head in Lin Peier's ear.

"Go home!"

"Why go!"

Is it humiliating for you to stay here? "How can I stay if you let me go?"

Jiang Mujun was angry, "when will I let you go?"

"Well, brother, it's not right for you to do this. Peier is so hurt that you should drive her away! I don't mind if you don't take it here. "Standing up, Jiang Yi interrupts their ambiguous atmosphere and blocks Jiang Mujun's pace.

"Get out of the way!" Jiang Mujun, who had no patience, wanted to run into him. He didn't expect his small hand to hold his clothes tightly.

Jiang Mu Jun stops to step down, stiff in place.

Lin Peier, aware of Jiang Mujun's hesitation, was moved for a moment.

But then he broke it. Jiang Mujun tightened his arm and ran into it all the way.

Didn't she want Jiang Yi to get hurt? He didn't follow her!

Lin Peier didn't say a word. She was really disappointed. Jiang Mujun wanted to drive him away, but he still made an appearance that he didn't give up. Isn't he disgusted with himself?

After rolling hard, Lin Peier falls on the bed. Fortunately, Jiang Mujun's arm, which is close to his right hand, now falls down. The uninjured hand lands first.

Jiang Mujun wanted to stop him, but he didn't stop him for a moment! The second time! This is the second time that she has broken away from her arms

"What do you want, Lin Peier?" Stay on the bed and suppress Lin Peier who wants to escape.

"Peier just wants to leave you this tyrant Hum, "Jiang Yi doesn't have the strength of Jiang Mujun. It's very shameless to suffer losses from him twice. At this time, he has to stir up the flames!

"Jiang and Yi really want to go bankrupt You can try it! " Narrowed the long and narrow eyes.

Jiang Yi's random action is stiff. His company's capital is fast turnover and can't win. If he loses this project, it may become what Jiang Mujun said.

Shut up and Jiang Yi smiles at Lin Peier.

"Pei'er, since Jiang Mujun keeps you, you can stay here Better than me... "

Lin Peier felt sad when he turned around. Jiang Yi did this for her

Satisfied with his lips, Jiang murun lowered himself and whispered in Lin Peier's ear,

"Peier, why do you want to leave me? I can't compare with his Jiang Yi except I'm not romantic! Why don't you love me more? "

The gentle pleading in his ear hits Lin Peier's heart.

Don't he dislike himself?

Isn't he trying to get rid of himself?

He didn't help her find Miaomiao?

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