"I'm only five or four years older than you, dear Peier."

Satisfied with food, Jiang Mujun began to lick her ear.

Lin Peier was sensitive, and beat him evasively. "It's time for you to work hard, Comrade Jiang Mujun! You haven't finished your task today. If you don't, I can't have a good sleep. "

Lin Peier jumps down from Jiang Mujun and sits on the sofa on one side.

On the bookshelf next to his sofa, there are several psychology books. Lin Peier has never seen them. I don't know where he got them. But Lin Peier is very happy. He has not only not removed them, but also added new ones.

So she held the book and began to look.

These are like foreign translations. They are translated books.

Obviously, the translators are good at translating professional terms. After reading the book for a few times, Lin Peier walked to Jiang Mujun and said, "where did this come from? All the knowledge is very professional, even a new idea. I've never heard of it! "

Excited, Lin Peier seems to have found a new world, dancing happily.

Lin Peier stood on the table and looked at him.

When Jiang Mujun saw that she had asked, he told him that it was from the auction at the charity party, and then pointed to the finger book to show her the translator -

team Jang Jiang Mujun!

"You, you! The translation is so good

Among these books, there are German, Italian, Japanese and English.

Although she can understand the original English, but she can't do other things.

What does this man do with his head! Looking at Jiang Mujun in the eyes of the stars, she felt that she had been seriously hit!

"Sure enough, you're not a human being. Tell me what planet you came from! Be honest, or I'll arrest you in the science room and study your brain. "

Lin Peier has two hands, one for a pistol and the other for holding. He points at Jiang Mujun.

"Don't you let me work hard? Why do you bother yourself? "

He just wanted to tease this confused baby.


His words startled her to put down her hands, and then raised her hands to the outside, to make a surrender. With a slight cough, Lin Peier tries to hide his embarrassment.

"I This is not the worship of your God Ha, ha. "

Step by step, though the steps are light and the movements are small, she still sits on the sofa quickly and turns over the book.

Jiang Mujun looked at her and felt that the reports written by her subordinates were very good today.

An hour has passed. It's already past nine o'clock. The sky outside has already been blackened. Although there are many people at this time, they are not as energetic as they were just now.

There is no change, only the street lamp standing there, and the rain and snow dancing with it.

Lin Peier began to feel sleepy when he looked at him. His eyelids were half closed and half open. He was not energetic. The head also swayed around.

In the end, she couldn't hold on to it, and she fell asleep in a huddle against the sofa.

Jiang Mujun has been paying attention to her when she is sleepy, but has not indicated that now she is asleep, he will carry people into the room.

Inside is where he rests. Sometimes he sleeps here when he works too late.

It's the same structure and the same color as his home. It's gray and black, and the curtains are half hidden. You can overlook the scene downstairs.

He likes French windows, so there are only French windows in his territory.

But I'm glad Peier likes it too.

Put the person on the big luxurious bed, the soft bed collapses some instantaneously.

Jiang Mujun helped her take off her coat and scarf and tuck in her quilt.

When Lin Peier wakes up again, he finds himself lying in a dark room, which looks like Jiang Mujun's bedroom.

It seems that she came to deliver food to him yesterday, and then watched him work, and then Is she asleep?

Lin Peier feels bewildered and staring. If you have something hot nearby, please feel it carefully --

"Jiang Mujun!"

Lin Peier, who was frightened, inevitably bounced and almost fell off the bed.

Then she felt weightless, and she was pulled back.

Nestling in Jiang Mujun's hot chest, Lin Peier finds that this is the first time she wakes up with him.

She fumbled on one side of the cupboard as if thinking of something.

Get Jiang Mujun's mobile phone and take a look at it. The time shows 8:20 a.m.

Lin Peier turned over and sat up. He got out of bed and opened the thick curtains.

The glare of the sun shines in, and Lin Peier's face blocks the dazzling light.

The height of the landing window is twenty-three stories. At this time, the window is approaching the peak of work, and the breakfast vendors at the door have been placed.Once in a while, a couple of birds rushed by, as if preparing to go back to winter.

When she first woke up, she thought she was in Jiang Mujun's house, but the position of the curtain was wrong.

Now she fully knows that she is in the inner room of Jiang Mujun's office.

Urge someone to get up with one hand on the bed and watch her every move.

Lin Peier went to the bathroom to take care of it.

They cleaned up and pushed the door out. It was already 8:50.

This 30 minutes also owes to Jiang Mujun's insistence on getting up and asking Lin Peier to kiss him.

Out of the office, Bonnie looks at two people in a daze. This, Mr. Jiang spent the night in the office with Peier?

Surprised to look at the two people, Jiang Mu Jun naturally ignored her eyes, but Lin Peier was a little cheeky and quickly dodged.

She has to go downstairs to punch in. I don't know why the clock in place is in the hall downstairs!

If Jiang Mujun is dead or alive, he has to follow him. Lin Peier can't help but ask the president of Jiang's group to punch in the hall.

As soon as Lin Peier got down to the hall, he saw the front desk girl last night. Yesterday, the front desk lady took the shocking gossip incident into consideration.

I didn't expect to see such a blinding scene when I just went to work today -

Lin Peier walked in front of her as if she was going to punch in, while the president of Jiangda followed her step by step.

But that's not the point. The point is that she's still wearing yesterday's clothes!!

I haven't changed a bit at all, and my hair is tied up at random, as if I had grasped it by hand.

So did Lin Peier stay with Mr. Jiang all night?!

My God, I actually know such a wonderful thing, there is a little bit of joy in the heart is how to return a responsibility?!


Mr. Jiang, please accept my respect!

The front desk lady has an expression that you are all stupid human beings, only I know the inside story.

Enron looking at those who were Jiang Mujun suddenly appeared again, immersed in the surprise of other people.

Lin Peier quickly swiped the card and then resolutely walked up the stairs of the safe passage on one side.

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