Lin Peier quickly shrunk on the sofa and moved to the door.

However, how can she escape from Jiang Mujun, who is about one meter nine.

A big step will hold people. She had a dimple on her face, but it didn't show up.

"Pei'er, you don't care about your head. If you agree with Jiang Yi in a short circuit, you should be punished."

Speaking this sentence coldly, Lin Peier obviously feels the cruelty factor in Jiang Mujun's heart.

Can only good life comfort, "that Now at work... "

Lin Peier looks at Jiang Mujun's eyes which are more and more full of desire, and talks more and more quietly.

Seems to have considered for a while, Jiang Mu Jun dark lower eyelid.

"I'll charge you some interest first."

Then he kisses Lin Peier's Pink mouth

Back at his desk, Lin Peier still hasn't recovered.

She seems to have seen a different Jiang Mujun. Jiang Mujun, who wants to break out at any time but tries his best to suppress himself

With a steady mind, Lin Peier concentrates on conquering a pile of documents in front of him.

After work, Lin Peier and Zhang Lingling say goodbye.

After a while, I received a call from Du Miaoer, who had not seen for a long time. Lin Peier is very surprised.


I'm sorry! We haven't seen each other for many days. A lot of things have happened to me! It's all about a son of a bitch!! When can I meet you! I want to complain! "

Lin Peier did not see her family friend Miaomiao for a long time. She really missed her.

They agreed to come down, and they missed each other. I hung up.

Still around the scarf, Lin Peier saw standing in the snow, holding an umbrella quietly.

Let the wind blow and ignore the eyes of others. Just looking at the figure he was looking forward to.

People passing by turn back frequently, which can be compared with the faces of idols. Such a handsome person, is waiting for which lucky girl!

Can be such a handsome guy, but also a well-dressed handsome guy waiting.

Even a lifetime of single is worth it!

Seeing the handsome boy move up to the company hall, everyone stopped to see who the lucky girl was!

When Lin Peier saw Jiang Yi waiting in the wind, he didn't know why. Some of them didn't know whether they had a feeling of heartache.

Why? Jiang Yi, I'm not worth

Smiling at Lin Peier, Jiang Yi gently touches her hand and hands her coffee.

"So cold Take it and warm your hands. "

Without time to dodge, Lin Peier is caught by Jiang Yi's hand, and then is stuffed into a cup of hot Starbucks coffee.

I don't know who exclaimed!

Then there was a flurry of discussion, and Lin Peier was not afraid. She had a clear conscience.

No matter what they say, it won't affect her. Why care?

Politely thanks, Lin Peier subconsciously steps back and keeps a distance from Jiang Yi.

The front desk lady who witnessed all the glittering eyes narrowed her eyes slightly. Well, there was no general favor for Jiang!

He went out with Jiang Yi. What Lin Peier didn't know was that another thunderbolt exploded in the crowd.

Tomorrow is destined to be another restless day

"Jiang Yi won't go so far this time."

Lin Peier is jokingly driving the Chejiang road.

Jiang Yi's breathing is becoming more and more limited with the memories. He thought of the last time that he didn't protect Lin Peier and didn't take her back from Jiang Mujun.

Just a burst of hate! Anger,

he will not let go. I will fight you to the end, Peier and Jiangshi group will take it.

Stunned for a few seconds, Jiang Yi said, "Peier, no, no more..."

The low murmur seemed to answer her, as well as to himself.

After driving for more than ten minutes, I arrived at a very distinctive western restaurant.

It's a crime themed restaurant. It's interesting. If you want to eat a delicious meal, you have to find out the card points one by one, and reward a dish with each card point. If you don't finish, you will be punished accordingly. Until you've detected it all, or you give up.

At a glance, the whole restaurant color is a faint, hazy feeling. But the real place to eat is upstairs.

And this restaurant has a special reward, people who can pass the test perfectly can get a mysterious prize!

Lin Peier wanted to have a good talk with Jiang Yi, but he didn't expect that he could not have a good talk and even eat a good meal.

Ah A silent sigh, today's original goal will not be achieved.

Just like last time

With Jiang Yi coming to the front desk, the front desk lady is smiling and squinting all the time. She looks very friendly.But Lin Peier holds that one truth is that all squint are monsters!

The front desk lady takes out a drawing box. Lin Peier doesn't know what it means. She looks at Jiang Yi in doubt.

Jiang Yi took over the box, "Peier, just pick a topic."

"O'o!" After that, Lin Peier pulls out a wooden card.

It says "find out the murderer the police"

Lin Peier doesn't understand the rules of the game, so Jiang Yi gives her a brief explanation.

It's probably where all the customers now have a new identity here.

Maybe the police, maybe the murderer, maybe just a passer-by!

But no matter who they are, they have to finish the draw.

After Lin Peier has smoked, Jiang Yi takes it up and winks at Lin Peier.

"What is your identity? How curious Jiang Yi said with a sigh, and then he stopped talking. He took Lin Peier to the center of the restaurant.

Every case here will be a new scene after each case, without repetition!

Lin Peier, as an excellent student of psychology, is also interested in micro expression psychology.

So now she's a little hot.

Police, it's in line with her ideal standards. Although as a person who studies psychology. They are very good at using people's minds, and they are very good at observing things, but obviously Lin Peier is not in this industry.

She will only use all the knowledge she has learned and all her experience to realize the truth or illness when she needs to.

But people's hearts are often the most complicated. Lin Peier will not easily observe a person when he has nothing to do.

It has no respect for her profession, nor for the people being observed.

Unless she volunteered, so she began to look forward to the restaurant game.

It's going to be fun!

There were only ten people in the hall, one murderer, four civilians, two policemen, one doctor and two patients.

This is a homicide in a hospital!

The deceased was also a patient who was treated for heart disease in the hospital. According to the law, such a patient is likely to die accidentally, but all sorts of doubts and evidences point to that everything is because of homicide!

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