The dense water vapor in the bathroom dissipates with the gradual cooling of water temperature.

Jiang Mujun picked up Lin Peier and carried her on his shoulder.

Lin Peier was very restless in sleep, and now she was picked up rudely. She was not even in the shade. She was hit by the cold wind and shivered. Open your eyes, did not respond to it is a whirl.

She has been thrown on the bed again by Jiang Mujun. Although the luxurious kingsize is very soft and flexible, and can completely bounce Lin Peier up, she is still hit.

Lin Peier felt that her bones were falling apart.

"Have I allowed you to use my bathtub? It's my personal thing. What's your right to touch it? "

"Just stay here, and the Housekeeper will spray the air freshener to cover up your disgusting smell."

Jiang Mujun said and turned around, determined, clean door to leave.


Since it's your stuff, I shouldn't stay here

Don't worry. I'll go.

Lin Peier eased down on the luxurious big bed and looked at the room full of black. Just like his heart, hurt others at will, she will not give any explanation is too superfluous, isn't it?

She was never on an equal footing The most unreliable thing in the world is love. Besides, their identities are bound to be not plain

With her sad eyes closed, Lin Peier got up and put on her clothes. It was the same clothes stained with blood yesterday.

Fortunately, Jiang Mujun was so angry that he didn't immediately throw it away. Now he can still put it on and leave here.

Out of the hall, no exception did not see his figure, she nostalgically looked at the upstairs, turned.

just happened to see the old housekeeper holding the spray and ready to go up.

Does her presence make him really sick

After nodding to the housekeeper, Lin Peier leaves firmly.

It's dark outside. Jiang Mujun's residence is a big villa. It's deserted nearby. She can only go out with her memory. She has more than 200 cash that hasn't been robbed by gangsters before.

Her things have been taken away, not to let him also bother to throw away

After walking out for half an hour, I still can't see the end of the road,

"Ho --" after the vibration of the mobile phone, it is the familiar song "red rose".

A strange number. I don't know what I think. Lin Peier still picks it up.


"Children!! What the hell is going on! I'm still reacting. You're both gone! Do you know little Jun

Qi Junzi asked her anxiously. He was very confused. He is such a close friend, how can he carry away the little beauty she just met yesterday?

He is very unhappy and the consequences are very serious.

Now the whole hospital is not peaceful. Qi Junzi potted many roses into the hospital. Some people who are allergic to pollen suffer a lot, but no one dares to speak up.

The man who lost his temper was the young master Qi, who was always in a state of uncertainty and went his own way!

The hospital can only transfer ordinary patients, those who are critically ill are placed in a safe ward.

Who knows what the "great devil" will do!

Lin Peier didn't know that they knew each other. He was stunned and felt that if he was a Qi junzi, he would take it for granted.

"I It's a long story... " She didn't know where to start.

"Then I'll come to you! Where are you? "

Knowing the location of Lin Peier, a wayward person pulled off the plug of the infusion, and then jumped out of bed.

"To where?" Fan Ruxin is still stiff face, cold way.

The young master of his family is too self willed. The master has to take care of it


Throwing a kiss and wink, Qi Junzi did not answer fan Ruxin and left the hospital.

When fan Ruxin chased out, there was no young master. He shook his head and turned on the positioning system of Qi Junzi's car.

More than ten minutes later, a Sao pink sports car drifted in front of Lin Peier.

Just stopped in front of her, in the light of the light, just like yesterday saw that pile of wanton growth of roses.

So people always like to be close to themselves, and similar words are always right.

A pair of slender legs first out of the car, and then Qi Junzi stretched out a head, hands on his knees, so against sitting in the car.

"Get in the car!"

Nodding slowly, Lin Peier sat on the copilot. To tell you the truth, she ran out without considering the consequences, so aimlessly, I don't know where to go.

She's afraid of what happened before Thinking of her, she looked at Qi Junzi's arm.

He is a typical example of thin clothes and fleshy clothes. With the movements of his hands, some muscle lines emerge under his shirt.

"Why not wear more? You're not cold. "Qi Junzi's evil smile, "you haven't answered my question."


Although they have known each other for a few days, Lin Peier feels that he can always be very relaxed in front of Qi junzi, as familiar as an old friend whom he has not seen for a long time.

Qi Junzi must have such a feeling that he would greet her at the first meeting.

In the pursuit of Qi Junzi all the way, Lin Peier still slowly and leisurely said all the things about him and Jiang Mujun.

After hearing this, Qi Junzi did not laugh at her or meditate, but --

"ha ha ha! It's so funny, little gentleman. I've known him for so long. I didn't expect him to be so cute

"Well The point is this, right? Be careful, Qi Junzi

Qi junzi, who is brushing, has already passed several traffic lights. He still holds the steering wheel with his injured hand. It's terrible.

Lin Peier grabs the handle of the car. She has a cold sweat on her body. She will never be the madman's car again

How dizzy Ouch!

Lin Peier vomited and scattered in the luxury sports car of Qi Junzi. The strange smell filled the workshop.

"Ah, ah, Lin Peier! My new car

He pulled out the door and called his valet,

"fan Ruxin! Come and help me

Listening to Qi Junzi's anxious voice, fan Ruxin quickly locked the position and followed him!

Don't have an accident, young master!

Then Qi Junzi turned off his cell phone and sat down on the stairs with Lin Peier It's not in line with his image, well, only on the surface!

Lin Peier is a weak woman. If Qi Junzi can't fight well, he can't scold him. He pushes his neighbor out of anger.

Lin Peier slipped down the stairs and sat on the road


"My fault, I'm sorry, Qi Junzi. I can clean it for you

But what can I do if you drive like this? I'm desperate

Lin Peier said that she was desperate, but also because of Qi Junzi's magical harmonizing agent, her grievances in Jiang Mujun were dissipated.

"Hello, child, I forgive you Are we friends? "

Qi Junzi yelled at him and picked up Lin Peier, who was sitting on the ground.

Lin Peier looked at him helplessly and nodded.

"In my heart, you are more like a confidant..."

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