Lin Peier was amused by his words "giggle" a smile, let all people's eyes concentrate on her body.

Lin Peier also noticed the current situation. He no longer listened to Qi Junzi's rambling on. He interrupted him and said:

"nothing. I don't miss you. I want to ask you out to meet my friends when I'm free."

Lin Peier thought that the money had been solved, so he would not bother him. As soon as he was ready to hang up, he heard Qi Junzi excitedly:

"children's friends? I want to see you! Now, where are you? I'm here

"No! Qi junzi, I don't have much fun shopping outside... "

But Qi Junzi didn't listen to her. A person seemed to be talking to himself and talking to the people next to him.

"it doesn't matter. If you don't say I'll go to find the address location! Ha ha, I'm so smart. I found you! Yes, I'll see you later. Bye

So the phone was hung up, Lin Peier looked at the mobile phone.

Qi Junzi is coming?! If he saw the scene now, I don't know what the serpentine disease will do! She still takes Miaomiao with her!

"Miaomiao, forget it. Let's go. Don't annoy such powerful and powerful people as Miss Bai's, or we don't know how to be harmed by others..."

Lin Peier nodded to Jin Wenlin again to express his thanks and went to the door.

Bai Tian picks up her eyebrows and trips Lin Peier to the ground with a bang.

"It hurts."

Lin Peier, with both hands on the ground, could hold himself up to keep his head from hitting him.

She was hurt by physiological tears flow out, wet eyes, looks delicate and pitiful, like a lost deer in the forest to find a way out, was trapped by the ground hunters.

But Bai Tian and Yu Mei, who are on the scene, obviously don't show any pity. Only Du miao'er throws his clothes and packaging to Bai Tian.

With tears in her eyes, she went to check Lin Peier's injury. She knew that she had been hurt. Along the way, Lin Peier talked to himself about her and President Jiang Mujun.

She didn't believe that they didn't really love each other, so she felt happy for Peipei. She could find someone who really loved her, and she also loved her.

It's just that the process is a little harder

As a result, Lin Peier is still scarred.

But Peipei of her family doesn't allow such women to bully! Peipei is more beautiful than her, more kind than her, better than her figure, of course, can let the same excellent President Jiang pursue!

"Ugly people make more mistakes!"

If you don't name Du miao'er, you won't be forgiven if you don't win!

Bai Tian is smashed by her clothes and falls down, just like Du miao'er before, but it may be more miserable. Because she's wearing high heels.

This one is unstable, let her slender high heel break, a sprain.

They fell to the ground in all directions. Jin Wenlin and Yu Mei were all secretly glad that their ground was covered with carpet!

Otherwise, how can I get rid of three of them

After Bai Tian falls down, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Why didn't she find that Bai Tian was so ugly!

Du miao'er glanced and turned her head coldly. She wanted to help Lin Peier up.

But Lin Peier couldn't move. Tears in her eyes had fallen down her white face.

Her eyes and nose were red, and she let Du miao'er hold her in her arms.

"I can't get up. It hurts..."

"Then you slow down! Slowly... "

A sharp eye gouged at Bai Tian. Although her parents are not big names, they are still in the same circle. If they are well-known, they can add some trouble to this Miss Bai family!

Let her not come to the famous brand store for a week at least

Bai Tian looked at a corner of clothes falling out of the bag and stopped shouting and swearing, because she saw some people searching for the sound to surround her.

As if she had thought of some good idea, Bai Tian wiped the tears on her face and hung a pitiful look. Of course, she never knew what was pitiful, so she imitated the ready-made Lin Peier!

At the same time, I rubbed the clothes hard on the ground quietly. Even the carpet had dust and dregs. When I rubbed hard, the cashmere would be damaged.

What's more, it's white. It's just a little dirty.

Bai Tian exclaimed, "ah! This dress hasn't been paid yet! How did you get it dirty? According to the rules of the shop, you will be fined

As soon as she glanced at her, she motioned to Yu Mei, who was also a smart person and immediately understood her meaning.

One quickly took away the bag and pretended to look at the clothes inside. In fact, he crumpled up the list and took it away.

Then he said, "this is the new model of this year. It's almost out of stock, so I took the sample to the lady. The lady and her friends got together to buy the clothes. Now, it's good. It's dirty when you throw it down by yourself."As soon as Du miao'er hears their fallacies, he is about to call his parents who love him unconditionally. A tall figure appears in front of him.

Maybe the 1.9-meter-long Wei'an body blocks Lin Peier and Du miao'er sitting on the ground.

Qi Junzi asked fan Ruxin to find the store. He thought he could surprise the children. What he saw was that she was sitting on the ground with tears on her face.

The scene is chaotic, but Qi Junzi and fan Ruxin, who occupy the height advantage, can see clearly.

Qi Junzi squints, yes, who can bully his children?

This is his elder brother's daughter-in-law. Oh, his elder brother is Jiang Mujun.

Qi junzi, who was free to do what he wanted, wanted to call his son-in-law "sister-in-law", so Jiang Mu Jun naturally became the elder brother

Let fan Ruxin go to inquire about the situation, Qi Junzi still stood in place.

Du miao'er and Lin Peier raise their eyes at the same time. Du miao'er doesn't know this man, but feels very handsome But at this time, she won't be crazy.

At a glance, he went back to Lin Peier, but Lin Peier was stunned to see him for a moment.

"Mr. van?"

Fan Ruxin's cold expression finally had a silk wave.

"What's wrong with Miss Lin?"

Lin Peier remembered that Qi Junzi had called her just now. At this time, he saw fan Ruxin again. He glanced around the crowd. Sure enough, he saw that Qi junzi, who was a head taller than others, was looking at them.

She reluctantly hooked the corners of her mouth and burst into a smile with the gentleman.

Qi Junzi frowned. Why didn't she get up? Why are you sitting on the floor

Anxiously looked at fan Ruxin, he cast him a reassuring look.

"I just came to buy clothes. I met Miss Bai Tian. Miss Bai may have misunderstood me before! So I want to stay for a chat today. "

Lin Peier hung down his head and said, "then I tripped over. My old injury has not healed before. Now I have a fall and I can't get up."

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