"Whether he has the ability or not, his people saw the plane that day. When we were at the port before, he sent his men over Wen Shutong thought for a moment and said.

This sentence but inexplicably let Huo Yanlin heart uncomfortable.

It turns out that he also went that day, which proves that Wen Shutong's weight in his heart is not simple.

In other words, what he said before may not be a farce, but he really wants to do it.

He suddenly recalled the intimate movements of the two of them as he approached before he left.

His body leans forward slightly, with a dignified look on his fair face, and says faintly, "what did he tell you when we were going to leave? And the trap on him, you fell into a trap? "

I knew he would ask about it.

Wen Shutong pondered for a moment in his heart, then began to think about it and said, "I remember some things, but I don't know them very clearly. It seems that he was an old friend of mine. Today, in order to save me, he fell into the trap. Maybe he wanted to help me remember my childhood

Huo Yanlin sneered in his heart and lifted his lips to look at her: "is it to help you remember when you were a child, or do you want to deliberately take this opportunity to narrow your distance."

But Wen Shutong did not hear his words clearly.

In her brain, like a thin needle through the same, dense pain.

With such pain, it was as if a pair of hands had opened a door that was forbidden in her mind.

A period of memories like the tide in.

It was probably when she was a child, because she was often beaten and scolded by her father and mother.

Therefore, she always does not want to go home directly after school, but deliberately wants to stay outside for some time.

One of his favorite places to play when he was outside was a fish market near the school.

There is a family with a pair of cats and dogs, very cute, she will go to tease them when school.

It was there that she met a teenager.

In her mind, she couldn't remember what the teenager looked like. She only remembered that it was the winter when water dripped into ice.

In front of him, he only wore a single garment and soaked his hands in cold water every day.

His hands are full of chilblains, and if he moves his skin will crack and bleed.

However, the owner of that shop was extremely vicious. Even so, he was not allowed to rest for a moment. As long as he stopped, he would be beaten.

Wen Shutong also wanted to help him, but there was nothing he could do.

Although the conditions of her family were good in the eyes of others at that time, Wen's father and mother knew that she was not her own daughter, and she was always stingy with her pocket money, let alone let alone let her take a teenager home.

Or soak in the fish market all day, dirty and smelly boy.

What Wen Shutong could do at that time was not to tease cats and dogs after school, but to help him share a little bit of sporadic work.

Therefore, her body was stained with the smell of fish market, and she would be beaten and scolded after going back.

But she never told the teenager that two people of the same age soon became small partners, and it was good to have fun in those days.

Later, on her birthday, in order to accompany her on her birthday, he secretly escaped from class for a day and took her to the mountain behind the school to play.

It was this that changed the situation of the two of them later.

The two of them met a trap on the mountain. Just like Ares, the boy fell into the trap in order to push her away.

There was also a trap inside, which made his legs bloody, but the boy was stubborn and didn't cry out.

At that time, the boy was not as tall as Ares, and his thin body curled up in the corner of the trap looked pitiful.

Wen Shutong had never seen such a scene. He was so frightened that he didn't know what to do.

Although the young man's painful cheek was pale, he still told her to go down the mountain and ask her to find someone to save them.

At that time, Wen Shutong was the same as now. Although she didn't know the road very well, she was still at a loss even though the teenager drew a road map on her hand.

So she made up her mind not to go any more, so she stayed at the top of the trap and talked with the boy.

Two people from the afternoon to the night, because the young man bleeding too much, to the end even the strength to speak, but also adhere to accompany her from far and wide talk.

Wen Shutong had already forgotten the details of the chat that day, but she still remembered that the sky was very beautiful that night.

When he was about to faint, he pointed to the sky above the trap and said to her gently: "look at the stars, the stars may come to save us."

After saying this, he fainted directly and could no longer chat with Wen Shutong.After the youth passed out, Wen Shutong fell into great despair.

First, she took off her coat and threw it in the trap, covering the youth accurately.

Then he began to worry about how to escape.

At the beginning, she still held a beautiful vision in her heart, expecting her parents to come to them.

But the deeper the night, the more intense the despair in her heart.

At last she realized that they might not have noticed that they were gone.

It was at that time that Wen Shutong gradually had a confused idea that his parents might not really love her.

After thinking of here, at that time, she was so simple that she was afraid.

She was not afraid that she could not escape from this place. What was more, she was afraid that the young man in front of her would die here because of her drag.

Just at the moment of despair, Wen Shutong suddenly thought of a way. Her watch has a flash function. She turns the brightness to the highest and shakes her watch all the time. Maybe someone can find her!

Without hesitation, she turned the light to the brightest, then raised her thin arm and shook it.

However, the trees in the mountain are very high, her small figure in this is just like a mole ant, not to mention the faint light on the watch.

Her shaking arm was so sore that she could hardly lift it at last, but there was still no response.

Watch power is also a little bit exhausted, Wen Shutong's heart is like sinking into the sea, more and more desperate.

She and that teenager may die there

She felt very guilty. It was because of her that he would escape from work and bring himself here to play.

None of this would have happened without her.

She is hungry and sleepy, coupled with the cold wind has been howling, consciousness is also a little bit blurred.

By the time she woke up again, she was already in the hospital.

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