There was a cigarette end in it, but it was thrown on the pool of water stains. Even if there was any residue, it had already been washed away.

After turning around, Huo Yanlin said in a low voice: "it seems that Shao Yunzheng still has a sense of anti reconnaissance. He can realize that the problem is wrong so quickly."

"Is there surveillance here? What can we find out? " Wen Shutong's anxious opening road.

"I can guess that he chose this place because I know there is no monitoring. Shao Yunzheng knows every place in the company like the palm of his hand, so he will choose here. " Huo Yanlin spoke in a low voice.

"What's the situation now? Is everything in such a dead end?" Wen Shutong has a reluctant look on his face.

They finally had a little breakthrough, absolutely can't be delayed like this!

"It doesn't matter. At least it has been confirmed that Shao Yunzheng has something to do with it." Huo Yanlin patted her and comforted her, "everything is inextricably linked with him, and if he stops in time, it means that he has found out the crisis, and there will be actions in the future."

Wen Shutong thought for a moment and said in a low voice: "it's a mess here. The man must have been questioned here. Let's see if we can find a breakthrough in him? "

"Well, it might be useful." He nodded and walked down the stairs together.

There was also a strange smell of fishy smell in it.

Wen Shutong flashed a happy look in his eyes and said excitedly, "it seems that they haven't been away for a long time! Maybe you can find something out of him

Huo Yanlin's eyes with a trace of smile, looking at the side of the people said: "have not seen smell the strange smell, but also a face excited people."

As he spoke, he put his hand over Wen Shutong's mouth and nose.

The elevator went down slowly to the R & D floor.

Recently, the whole company has been spared, and the R & D department has lost the scene of the past. It is a group of people who stare at the computer in front of them with a look of listlessness and pass the time in boredom.

No one knows if his job will not be the next second.

When Huo Yanlin and Wen Shutong came in, the people inside seemed to have no reaction, staring at them two.

After a long time, the director of the R & D department came out in a hurry and said respectfully, "Mr. Huo, how did you come here in person? Is there any progress in the company? "

On hearing the words "progress", the ears of those people all stood up and their eyes were shining in their direction.

Wen Shutong quickly chuckled and said, "there will be progress soon. Now we want to find someone. He is probably..."

When she was still thinking about how to describe it, Huo Yanlin said directly: "we're looking for Liu Junsheng."

Liu Junsheng is just a small leader in the workshop. He usually has a bad relationship with them, so a group of people have no special impression on him.

The director was stunned for a long time before he remembered his name: "Liu Junsheng, wait a minute, I'll find it for you right away!"

Just after he had finished speaking, he turned his head, just as a man came out of the cubicle with a dull look in his eyes.

Obviously, I haven't recovered from the shock.

Huo Yanlin recognized him at a glance, and the clothes he was wearing had already changed.

Obviously, he was the man in the utility room just now.

That person is obviously not a qualified camouflage, at the moment of seeing Huo Yanlin, he began to panic.

He grabbed his clothes, forced himself to calm down and said, "Mr. Huo, what can I do for you?"

"I want to talk to you about something. Let's go to the staff lounge first." Huo Yanlin made a concise and comprehensive order.

That person is like a puppet, even without refuting, follow Huo Yanlin to the rest room mechanically.

Those behind him also began to talk.

Now the whole company is on the top of the storm, no matter who has what happened, it will cause everyone's attention.

What's more, what's more, the matter of "ghost" mentioned in the conference room before has made everyone panic, for fear that it will hit their heads.

After entering, Liu Junsheng rubbed his hands and bravely said, "what can I do for you? I'll have to sort out the data of previous years later. "

Huo Yanlin to there a stop, is an iceberg with its own gas field.

He sat on the chair in the lounge with his legs folded, and looked at Liu Junsheng lightly.

Obviously, it was just a plain look, but it made Liu Junsheng's facial muscles tremble with naked eyes.

Huo Yanlin's voice was cold as if he was fished out of the ice. He said word by word: "this is not what you are wearing in the company's clock in machine in the morning. How did you suddenly change? Think about it before you answer. "

His long and narrow eyes swept with arrogance, and a sense of pressure swept up.Liu Junsheng was not afraid to lift his head. He said in a low voice: "coffee was accidentally spilled on his body, so he changed his clothes. Is there any problem?"

"What about your face? What's going on? " He continued to narrow his eyes.

Liu Junsheng buried his head with all his strength, and did not mean to look at Huo Yanlin.

Previously, according to Shao Yunzheng's inference, the two of them thought that it would take a little time if it was really to investigate the internal ghost.

It's impossible to find him in the first place.

However, I didn't expect a thousand calculations. They didn't check them at all, and they forced them to the door directly.

What's more, this person is still Huo Yanlin!

Liu Junsheng's back in the back of the hand slightly shaking, as if in the suppression of extreme fear.

Huo Yanlin's standing there is a pressure that people can't ignore. In any case, he can't ignore it.

Liu Junsheng couldn't say a word for a long time. After a moment, he raised his head and said, "I don't seem to have any intersection with Mr. Huo recently? No matter what happens to me, does it have anything to do with you? "

Wen Shutong didn't expect that he would suddenly be so confident. He was stunned for a moment, and quickly took a look at Huo Yanlin.

He gave Wen Shutong a gentle look, indicating that she didn't have to worry.

"Don't you know there's surveillance when you go up and down the elevator? Why do you go to the roof at this time? " Huo Yanlin raises eyebrow slightly, "can there inspire your work?"

"Recently, the company has been stuck in a deadlock, and my salary can't be opened. I'm in a bad mood and want to go to the roof to have a rest. Isn't it OK?" Liu Junsheng still stubbornly retorted.

There is no monitoring on it. Naturally, what he says is what he says.

Even if they really guess what the situation is, as long as he insists on refusing to admit it, Huo Yanlin and his colleagues dare not do anything about him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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