After more than ten seconds, Shao Zheng raised his head again.

His beautiful peach blossom eyes fixed on Wen Shutong and said, "since you want to know the truth, I can tell you everything. But would you like to hear me say something else before that? "

Although he thinks that there may be a trap, if he is willing to open his heart, it is also a good time.

Wen Shutong nodded quickly and said, "yes, anything you want to say is fine. I'd love to hear it. "

"Do you know why I like you?" He said softly.

Wen Shutong did not expect that the first question he asked was such a sensitive topic. The whole person was stunned for a moment.

A moment later, she shook her head slightly embarrassed and said in a soft voice, "I don't know. I thought you were joking all the time."

"At the beginning, I really wanted to take advantage of you, just to stimulate the contradiction between you and your brother-in-law and slow down the process of your investigation into Shao Weiyan."

Wen Shutong had expected this. At the beginning, he frequently made conflicts, which made the gap between her and Huo Yanlin bigger and bigger.

At first, she wondered why she always had such a mentality. Later, she realized that all the coincidences were arranged by Shao Yunzheng.

"But later in contact, I found that you are not the same as everyone else." He said in a low voice, "as a bipolar disorder, I think you should understand how I treat feelings."

People with two-way emotional disorder will not love.

They often have a great lack of emotion in this respect. In addition to the paranoid things, they are lazy to pay and respond to any feelings.

"I know that I don't believe why you like me all the time." Wen Shutong speaks sincerely.

"But after I met you, I found that there are many special cases in life." Shao Yunzheng raised his eyes, even with a few pious in his voice.

"In fact, there are not so many flaws in this plan, but I have wasted too much time on you. After all this, I could have run away for a long time, but only to see you a little more, so I stayed and stayed

Wen Shutong didn't know what to say for a moment. This feeling was too heavy for her to respond to him.

However, Shao Yunzheng didn't seem to care much about it. He continued to speak faintly: "including the matter of stopping a car. In fact, I can not do this completely, and I will try to buy time for myself in a more determined way."

"But I don't want to see your efforts fail, even if I am the subject of the investigation."

Wen Shutong took a breath, looked into his eyes and said, "if you can think so, why don't you stop at the beginning?"

"There are too many innocent people involved in this process. They didn't have to be victims, but they were dragged into it again and again."

"Some hate can be put down so easily?" Shao Yunzheng frowned, "and I have been planning for so many years, give up at will, everything I do is in vain!"

Wen Shutong couldn't think about it from his standpoint, let alone force her to forgive someone.

She hesitated for a moment, and was about to open her mouth. She only listened to the humanity on the opposite side: "can you not be afraid of me. Although I planned all this, no matter when, I didn't really want to hurt you

"But Shao Weiyan is innocent..." Wen Shutong suddenly stares at him, "is that what you did since the remittance related to the underworld?"

"And let someone kill Shao Weiyan, including his being locked up in the underground boxing ring What did he do wrong? "

"His fault is that he should not have been born in this family, let alone Shao Guoping's son from the beginning!"

Shao Yunzheng sharply interrupted her words, "originally his life should have been gone when he was abroad, but I found that he had other use value, so he left him a little life, just let him enjoy a period of torture in the underground boxing ring."

"Value..." Wen Shutong raised his lips with some ridicule. "It's found that Shao Guoping can be tortured a little bit by using him, and he can also take over their company in a quiet way, right?"

Shao Yunzheng did not open his mouth, and did not mention to him that he was soft hearted for a moment at the time of the accident.

If he could have hardened his heart at that time, there would have been no Shao Weiyan.

"In fact, you planned everything abroad, but you also pretended to be a victim and ran with us. Aren't you tired?" Wen Shutong clenched his fist and looked at him heartily.

It's just for Shao Guoping to pay such a big price. Why is it here!

Shao Yunzheng put up his brow wearily and said to the truth: "not exactly. I don't know Ares and Lu Xingchuan."

"Their appearance caused me a lot of trouble, and they almost exposed me several times. But also because of them, they gave me a lot of coverWen Shutong knew that he would not lie any more when he had reached this point.

Because once things are clear, the whole clue will gradually become clear.

Originally he and Huo Yanlin thought Shao Yunzheng would be with them, but they didn't expect that this step was wrong.

Both ares's and the man's answer clearly showed that they had nothing to do with each other.

"Do those people in black have anything to do with you? And why doesn't Shao Weiyan remember what happened after he wakes up? " Wen Shutong spoke eagerly.

The mystery had been lingering in her mind for a long time.

Shao Yunzheng's eyes suddenly flashed a look of obscurity. After a moment, he began to say, "I found the man in black, who is from the gang, just for the convenience of framing Shaowei."

"I don't know about amnesia. Since I want to care about her so much, why let him lose his memory and make this matter complicated and confusing?"

Wen Shutong fell into meditation again. She had guessed that a hypnotist might have caused these things.

However, Shao Yunzheng's explanation is fully justified. What's more, Ares should not have known the specific situation and would not participate in it at will.

"When we went to the bar, he stopped us several times to get the video. Was he helping you?" Wen Shutong pondered for a moment.

Shao Yunzheng shook his head honestly: "I bribed the other people inside to stop you from taking the video. But I didn't expect that Lu Xingchuan and Ares came out in person. "

I thought that after investigating his affairs, everything would turn around.

But now it seems that there are still some puzzles that cannot be solved.

But fortunately, these are unimportant points that do not affect the whole point of the matter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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