If Shao Yi wants to ask Chen jingsan for help, he must tell him the whole story of everything.

Chen jingsan has been on the road for many years. He has accumulated a lot of money and human resources. It is no problem to deal with a Shao family.

So at the beginning, he took this as a play, and let Shao Yiyi go to make trouble.

He raised his eyebrows, with some doubts in his eyes, and said, "I gave you all the human, material, and financial resources, but failed? Is that Shao Qingshan useless? If I can't, I'll take someone to him... "

"Oh, it's not because of him. Third brother, did you forget? There is also a Huo Yanlin in the back ~ "Shao Yi put his hands on his shoulder and opened his mouth in a coquettish way.

Hearing the name, Chen jingsan narrowed his eyes slightly and said after a long time: "Huo Yanlin? He's not a good guy. He has the Huo family behind him. It's impossible to shake it easily. Even with my strength, I'm afraid it's difficult. "

Shao Yiyi sneered in his heart. Chen jingsan thinks highly of himself.

What is difficulty with his strength?

He fights with the Huo family, that is to hit the stone with an egg!

When I was with him, I just took a fancy to the various kinds of power information behind him. I could get a lot of more useful information with some poor methods.

She used to be the daughter of a famous family, and she met many powerful people.

Even if Chen jingsan is very famous in the road, his influence is not small, but in her heart is not worth mentioning.

When it comes to the commercial war, we still have to rely on the brains of Zhou Wenruo and Shao Qingshan. Chen jingsan is not good at all.

Even if the heart thinks like this, Shao Yi is still flattering to close to his body, aggrieved opening.

"Yes, but he just came to destroy our business. You said he was bored! It's because Wen Shutong belongs to the Shao family. It's really disgusting. I've been bored to death these days ~ "

her plump lips pout in complaint, and almost all the people hang around Chen jingsan.

Chen jingsan simply did not know, in Shao Yi's heart, he was devalued to what extent.

I thought this woman had to be her own from the beginning to the end.

He took her into his arms and lifted her directly.

"Although it's difficult for me to fight with Huo Yanlin, some people don't have to be afraid of him. Today, I'm in a good mood. I'll take you to have a look. Maybe he can help me

Shao Yi's eyes flashed a touch of excitement in an instant. He quickly pressed his face and said, "who is it? Is there anyone who is not even afraid of Huo Yanlin? "

"As soon as I say you are so excited, remember that you can only have three brothers in your heart, I am not allowed to have others!"

Chen jingsan pretended to be angry and glared at her. "I'll take you there, but I'm just going to introduce this big man. Is he willing to help or not. Do you understand? "

Shao Yi quickly nodded and confidently said, "you can rest assured that he will be willing to help if I am here."

Even in Huo Yanlin there met Waterloo, but Shao Yi is very confident about his appearance.

As long as she likes the man, basically there is no can not get it, Huo Yanlin did not also bow to her pomegranate skirt.

Therefore, her revenge this time is just for the fact that they have harmed themselves to that extent.

Is also their own heart is not willing to, do not want to be so defeated.

Chen jingsan took her to the car and drove all the way to a top club.

This is the place where Chen jingsan and Chen jingsan often come. When a group of people on the road get together, they will come here.

There is a luxury room here. It is said that you must pay a limited amount of platinum card, and the minimum cost of one night is at least 1 million before you have the right to enter this room.

From the opening of the club to now, although only Huo Yanlin has been there once.

Later, they did not visit the club, and the luxurious room almost never opened again.

But what Shao Yi didn't expect was that when she arrived here this evening, Chen jingsan went straight with her to the luxurious room.

She became more and more convinced of the fact that Chen jingsan said he was a noble man.

Shao Yi's eyes flashed with excited light and said, "who is this man? Why is it so mysterious? I don't seem to have heard of such a person in Jincheng. "

"You'll soon know, but when you get inside, pay attention to the way you speak. Don't piss him off, or we'll all end up in trouble." Chen jingsan's face also has a kind of dignified look.

It seems that he has great respect for this man.

When they were talking, they were already at the door of the room. Before Chen jingsan could speak, a man in a black suit stopped them directly and said in a cold voice, "who are you? Do you have an invitation? "

The number of that person is 1.9 meters. When he speaks in such a condescending way, he has an indescribable sense of oppression.Even the subordinates dare to be so arrogant, which shows that this person's identity must be different.

Shao Yiyi's heart is more and more excited, more firmly believe that tonight he must be to the right.

Chen jingsan quietly took out a bronzing invitation letter, put it into his hand, and said without expression: "I was invited here. Who do you think I am?"

That person's facial expression instantly eased a lot, hastily open a way: "originally is the third elder brother on the road, disrespectful disrespect, please come in."

Chen jingsan arranged his tie, straightened his chest and went into the room.

There were at least a dozen people sitting in the room. Some were playing cards, some were touching the beautiful women, and others were around the middle of the room, saying something in compliment.

The light inside is so dim that you can hardly see everyone's face.

Especially the man in the middle, there is no light on his head, and the whole person is almost hidden in the dark.

He sat on the throne with his legs up.

From Shao Yiyi's point of view, we can only see his white leg.

He was holding a glass of wine leisurely in his hand. In the dark, only the high bridge of his nose and the sharp jaw line loomed. He didn't seem to care about the compliments of the people around him.

Chen Jing cleared his throat and walked slowly over. He said respectfully, "Mr. Ares, how are you? I'm sorry. I'm a little late today, so I hope you don't mind."

Ares didn't even nod his head, and his voice didn't budge. "It doesn't matter. I invited all of you to this party today. When you want to come is your freedom. I won't interfere. Please sit down."

Shao Yi took a breath, emboldened himself to take a step forward, opened his mouth and introduced himself: "my name is Shao Yiyi. It's nice to meet you today, Mr. ares?"

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