"At the beginning, they indicated in the contract that they provided high-quality products, but they used fake and shoddy things to replace inferior ones. Although someone has already taken the blame, the fact that something is wrong cannot be changed. "

Ares slowly tidied up his clothes. "And up to now, Shaw has not come up with a solution. You can take the opportunity to sue them for contract fraud."

"Then they will have to pay ten times the contract price. You can arrange the money with the company."

When Shao Yi heard the price of ten times, his eyes flashed instantly.

When this contract is signed, the money is not small. If you multiply it by ten, you will get rich!

This compensation is enough to bring down the Shao family, but also to make them hard to rebuild the reputation, the destruction of clean, it is the best of both worlds plan!

Her eyes twinkled with excitement, and she said excitedly, "in that case, it's really great. Thank you very much. Do you want this money?"

He gave Shaoyi a light smile: "I don't need it. I just want to see Wen Shutong get the punishment he deserves."

Shao Yi instantly indulged in his smile like spring breeze.

Before the end of her infatuation, Ares has taken the lead to lift his feet and leave the room.

She didn't expect such a big surprise. Although she lost a sum of money just now, what she can get in the future is not a small sum of money!

It seems that ares doesn't like himself very much, but his body's reaction is quite real.

Men, as expected, are just like this.

After ares walked out of the room, his special assistant rushed to catch up with him and said in a low voice, "president, are you sure you want to help them like this?"

"Do you think I'm helping them?" He said with a sneer.

The special assistant's eyes flashed a look of surprise. After a moment, he said, "if you don't help them, you are helping Wen Shutong?"

Ares said nothing and continued to walk on long legs.

The special assistant was still curious: "in the current situation, isn't it better for them to bite and hurt each other? All you need to do is sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and finally you can reap the benefits of the fish. "

"Are you going to teach me how to do things? The last one who taught me how to do things seems to be dying. " Ares straightened his tie and spoke softly.

Tezhu was so scared that he thought of Lu Xingchuan and Zhou Wenruo who had been left abroad. He did not dare to speak for a moment.

"I prefer Wen Shutong to these two things." With an imperceptible tenderness in his eyes, Ares said, "I can target her and make her difficult. But others, No. If you offend her, you'll die. "

While they were talking, they didn't notice a man in a suit and passed them in a hurry.

It was not long after the man had passed that a few black men with their hats on their heads followed him.

Everything happened almost in a flash, and soon after, the corridor quickly returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Wen Shutong follows Huo Yanlin on the bus home. Remembering what happened today, she can't help laughing.

She has several times to suppress the expression of smile by Huo Yanlin to see, he slightly with helpless mouth way: "so let you happy?"

"I just suddenly feel that Shao Yunzheng's strategy is also quite correct. It's also very good to see how you look now." Wen Shutong finally couldn't help laughing, "by the way, what do you say about mom's birthday?"

Huo Yanlin gently coughed: "want to ask what gift you intend to send."

A look of curiosity flashed on Wen Shutong's face. After a moment, he began to say, "haven't you been ready a long time ago? You don't know. Why do you suddenly think of this

Huo Yanlin did not answer her words, just staring at the front.

Seeing his reaction, Wen Shutong immediately understood what was going on.

He is deliberately looking for reasons to see himself, but he is still stubborn!

A long time ago, they had decided what to send Huang Shuyun.

In addition to showing off their jewelry, the rich ladies in their upper class circle are the brush, ink and painting in their home.

Wealth to a certain extent, jewelry has been unable to highlight, but these elegant things can highlight their temperament.

Wen Shutong doesn't like these all the time. He just thinks it's elegant, but Huang Shuyun doesn't like it.

So they had a long time ago at an auction, they had taken the original work of a famous painter, and planned to give it to her on her birthday.

A moment later, Huo Yanlin turned to look at her and said, "don't carry me on your back next time. Even if you want to show them a play, you don't have to be so real."

With a smile in his face, Wen Shutong nodded his head and said, "I know. I'll listen to you. Obey me!"Huo Yanlin is about to say something more when his mobile phone rings.

As soon as he picked up the phone, his subordinates quickly reported: "there is no doubt about Song Qi. He should have been invited to attend a party, but the host It's Ares who declared war on the Huo family before. "

"Well, I see." Huo Yanlin quietly hung up the phone.

"It's reasonable to say that Song Qi would not be associated with people like him. What's going on?" Wen Shutong frowned.

"I have heard that ares has been courting some local snakes in Jincheng recently. He should want to cooperate with these people."

"These people have nothing but fooling around. What is he doing to persuade them?"

"Although the people on Jincheng Road have no power, they are full of all kinds of schools and can get a lot of first-hand information."

Huo Yanlin slightly narrowed his eyes, "he is a newcomer, if there are these people's help, it is natural to add wings."

"That is to say, he is preparing for us?"

"If there is no wrong guess, it should be so." Huo Yanlin light mouth, "but want to completely cool off these people still need some time, so this period of time he should not take the initiative."

Huo Yanlin's conjecture was not wrong. Without hindrance from all sides, everything went smoothly.

Shao is getting better and better, time is so calm, to Huang Shuyun's birthday.

This time, under the instruction of Huang Shuyun and Huo Yanshan, it was specially held in an open and grand way.

Because in the past six months, the Huo family has experienced too much, including the recent events, they have also suffered a lot of involvement.

There are still many people even speculate that the Huo family must have been affected by this attack, but it has not been revealed on the surface.

The big tree of Huo family has been rotten from the root.

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