"Come on, when the incident happened, you didn't beat people, and you didn't open a trumpet on the Internet to spray with other netizens, even if you had accumulated great virtue." Shao Yunzheng said with a tone of teasing.

They really know Shao Weiyan too well. Huo Yanlin didn't let him speak before, and almost didn't drive him crazy.

"Although the problem has been solved, it is not my fault alone." Huo Yanlin wrung eyebrows and whispered, "there are people pushing behind, otherwise, that video is not so good to get."

The key to the success of the whole thing lies in the internal video of the company. If it was not for the speech in the video, which proved that they knew the news before, Shao could not have reversed the situation against the wind.

Shao Weiyan opened his mouth with a puzzled face: "didn't you find that when you monitored? Is that what someone wants us to hear? "

Just after his voice dropped, Wen Shutong's mobile phone vibrated.

It's a short message from a man with a remark of "boyfriend", which simply says:

are you satisfied with the little gift I gave you? It seems that Huo Yanlin is not a fool. He is a qualified competitor who can discover my hidden information. Let him know that the contest between us will begin soon.

See a few words of remark, Huo Yanlin's face is momentarily gloomy a few minutes, the facial expression that takes Sen is extremely cold.

Wen Shutong almost couldn't hold the mobile phone firmly. Pointing to the note above, he said: "this is too shameless. When did he encounter my mobile phone? I've already deleted his number! "

"He can hack into anyone's computer whenever he wants to." Huo Yanlin said on the mouth of the cloud light breeze light, but the hand quickly stretched out, can not help but delete his telephone number.

His jaw line was taut, and he was apparently holding back his anger.

Wen Shutong said anxiously, "does that mean that he can monitor our mobile phone at any time?"

"The star has been trying to find a way to investigate, he should not spend so much energy to arrange these." Huo Yanlin continued to speak softly.

After hearing this, Shao Weiyan reflected what had happened. He slapped the table and said, "how can it be this person again? He's everywhere! What kind of person are you pretending to be this time? "

"Has he already known the existence of Zhou Wenruo? Know that she is cooperating with Shao Qingshan, so I have this method to kill them Shao Yunzheng pondered for a moment.

"People like him want to do whatever they want. Instead of trying to figure out what his purpose is now, it's better to be prepared to prevent him from launching other attacks in the dark." Wen Shutong also said.

"Now the breakthrough is on me. They are in a desperate situation. I'm the only bait left. I'm afraid they will find me soon."

Shao Yunzheng's voice just dropped, the people there seemed to hear it, and his mobile phone rang.

He quickly glanced at the mobile phone, shook the screen in front of the crowd, and said: "sure enough, he and they came to me."

Huo Yanlin raised his eyelids and looked at him: "what do you say?"

"Let me find a way to kidnap Shutong and send it to his designated room, where someone is waiting." Shao Yunzheng frowned and said.

Before he finished his words, Shao Weiyan was so angry that he patted the table fiercely and said in a sharp voice, "what about farting there? Who is the grandson behind him? Don't let me find it. I must take his head down and fill it with water

"Wei Yan, calm down. Anger can't solve any problems now." Shao Yunzheng patted him on the shoulder and frowned.

Huo Yanlin's hand on the table was unconsciously tightened, and the blue veins on the table showed his anger.

"If you refuse her request, it will prove that you are pretending to cooperate with them, and it will be even more difficult if you want to find out more information later." Huo Yanlin repressed the anger in his chest and spoke slowly.

Shao Yunzheng nodded: "I don't think they really want to treat my sister this time. The main purpose should be to test me to see if I am completely loyal to them."

"That means you can't refuse directly?" Shao Weiyan opened his mouth angrily. The anger in his eyes almost turned into an entity and flew out of the knife.

"Not only can't it be solved, it has to be agreed." Shao Yunzheng eyes firm mouth, "but you can rest assured, since their purpose is so clear, I will certainly protect my sister."

"If it is protected, it will still be in vain if it is discovered by them." Wen Shutong suddenly opened his mouth and said, "since it's acting, the more real it is, the better."

"No way. Are you crazy?" Huo Yanlin calmly interrupted her, "you don't know who the other party is. If there is no one to protect you, you may encounter any kind of danger."

"But if you want to get information, you have to sacrifice something."

"There is no need to sacrifice, and no one needs to sacrifice." Huo Yanlin arranged his tie and spoke word by word.His voice dropped, and everyone's eyes were focused on him, waiting for what he was going to say.

"If his purpose this time is to test, then we can also be a trial this time."

Huo Yanlin's bony hands knocked down on the desk, and a deep look flashed in his long and narrow Phoenix eyes, "jumping in advance is not necessarily wrong."

Shao Yunzheng understood his meaning in an instant, nodded his head directly and said, "I understand. I'll go to make arrangements immediately."

"I'll send good people after you." Huo Yanlin's face was so cold that he turned his eyes to Wen Shutong.

"Listen to me. No matter what time, you should put yourself first. Don't tell me the theory of sacrifice."

After that, without waiting for Wen Shutong to react, he grabbed her wrist and pulled the person out of the office: "now come with me and reposition you."

After everything is arranged properly, Wen Shutong and Shao Yunzheng set out together to go to the hotel mentioned in the text message.

The two of them are chatting, laughing and intimate, as if the two of them are real lovers.

But only the two of them know what kind of undercurrent is surging between them.

Zhou Wenruo is not easy to deal with, because he is afraid that he will find someone to track and eavesdrop. Even when Wen Shutong and Shao Yunzheng are alone, they can't speak freely.

As if nothing had happened, they chatted casually about daily life.

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