But even so, the strong impact still made him unable to stand firm, and he fell off the car in a flash.

At this critical moment, the driver of the car suddenly opened the door and pulled Zhou Wenruo in.

Before anyone else reacts, he's like crazy, and he's going straight at ares's men!

These people fled in a hurry, even though the reaction speed is very fast, but there are still many people were hit and injured.

Ares's face faded, and there was a look of danger in his eyes.

He couldn't help but raise his gun and shoot at the car.

The bullet left only a few dents in the car. His eyes flashed and hit the tank.

Then there was smoke from the fuel tank, which looked extremely dangerous!

But the driver of the car did not stop at all, still put the throttle to the maximum, and generally ran out.

By the time ares's men were in a hurry to tidy up everything and get up again, the car would have been out of sight in the forest.

"Mr. Ares, what should we do now? Are you going straight after them? "

Ares made a gesture and said, "no, since he dared to commit suicide attack just now, it shows that he is bound to save Zhou Wenruo. It's good to let them go. We'll try to catch bigger fish in the future. "

He looked down at the wound on his body when he fell off the car. He frowned and said, "since people have left, don't waste time here. Go to the hospital."

Finish saying, wait for other people to react to come over, he quickly got on the car, one foot will drive the gas pedal to the maximum, straight away.

In fact, when Zhou Wenruo was interrogated just now, he began to be a little impatient.

He is full of only the shadow of Wen Shutong, can't wait to know what happened to her.

Just as he drove out of the car, there was a huge explosion in the forest, followed by the sound of the car lighting.

Ares casually looked at the direction of the explosion, and casually thought, and did not know whether Zhou Wenruo and the person who saved her had a chance to escape.

If they die, they have solved the problem. If not, he will continue to play with them.

On the side of the freezer, the lock of this door is extremely troublesome and can only be unlocked by the most rustic method.

The blade of the moon still has no way after trying, even broken in the keyhole.

It seems like violence is the only way to open the door.

This place has been abandoned for a long time. If it is forced to open the door, it is likely to collapse in a large area.

The two people in the freezer have been unable to respond to them, and if it really collapses, they may not even be able to run.

The result will only be more troublesome!

Huo Yanlin's air pressure is so low that people around him feel that it is even more frightening than that in the freezer.

He was too worried about Wen Shutong, but he was afraid that rash action would hurt her.

In such a dilemma, he was like a sword out of the scabbard, eager to kill all the trouble in front of him.

At this time, the moon suddenly looked up at the most corner of the window and said: "there is a way, you can jump in to protect them! Then you break the door with violence

The window was very small, half the size of an adult's shoulder.

Shao Weiyan said anxiously in the back: "my baby, what you said is relaxed, but who can enter that place!"

"I can go in with the stars!" "We have a way to protect mother and uncle Shao Yunzheng!" the Moon said firmly

The star looked at him, nodded firmly and said, "well, we can do it!"

Shao Weiyan is suddenly moved in his heart, and he is glad that he has brought these two little guys here. Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do.

Today's scene can be regarded as a crooked one. If he can really save his sister, he will be regarded as meritorious in the future!

Although Huo Yanlin hesitated, this is the only way.

The moon's body is strong, and it jumps into it directly by borrowing from others.

With his help, the stars jumped into the freezer.

Shao Yunzheng has completely lost consciousness, and Wen Shutong is also in a half dream.

She only saw two figures shaking in front of her, but she didn't know who they were.

She raised her hand with difficulty, rubbed her eyes and said, "I'm looking back. Do you see anything?"

Stars see his mother like this, has always been good at words, he almost can't help crying out.

He and the moon quickly took off their coats and put them on their bodies. They yelled at the people outside the door: "now you can open the door. Hurry up!"Huo Yanlin and they did not hesitate to directly hit the door.

Hearing this sound, Wen Shutong only reacted. In front of him were his two sons.

She held them in her arms with a stiff hand, and said in a trembling voice, "you really came here. They were all real just now. Where's dad? Where's your dad... "

At this time, the whole warehouse suddenly burst into a sound, the wall above crackled and fell.

The stars and the moon protect them under their bodies. Even if there is a wall falling on them, they don't even say a word.

The moon's arm was also injured by the friction of a large weight, and he did not make a sound.

When Wen Shutong unconsciously whispered Huo Yanlin's name, suddenly a warm embrace came close to her body.

It was like holding the most precious thing in the world and took her into his arms.

A warm fragrance instantly swept the tip of Wen Shutong's nose, making her almost coagulated blood began to flow gradually.

Huo Yanlin took off his coat and wrapped it in her body. He kisses Wen Shutong's nose again and again, and says in warm voice, "I'm here. I'll save you. I'm sorry, but I'm late. I scared you

The long-time fear, like the tide, suddenly crushed all of Wen Shutong's mind.

She had never experienced such a feeling of impending death. She was like a wandering little animal and found her own home. The whole person shrank in Huo Yanlin's arms and began to cry in a low voice.

Her tears drop by drop, also seems to fall in Huo Yanlin's heart, the pain on the tip of his heart is like a sharp blade through the same, even breathing is not smooth.

Wen Shutong grabbed his collar and whispered, "remember to let the doctor have a look at Shao Yunzheng. The old wound on his hand seems to have recurred. I'm afraid he will have an accident."

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