Huo Yanlin also stretched out his hand and pulled Shao Yi in the past and said in a deep voice, "I have said don't start."

Ares just reluctantly threw her away, then kicked her in the knee, let her kneel on the ground again: "well, first of all, I asked the question, honestly, again and again clear."

"I met Zhou Wenruo in the third brother's underground gambling house. At that time, she was afraid that your people would find her hiding in hiding. Later, we both agreed and decided to cooperate. (cough, cough... "

Shao Yi a word fast fly out a big string of words, then crazy cough up.

Chen Jing Sansheng was afraid that she would plant any crime on himself, so he said in a hurry: "at that time, I didn't know that she was actually your person. If I knew that bitch had betrayed you, I would not hesitate to kill her!"

"Shut your mouth and stop licking it now." Ares glanced at her coldly and began to speak out.

Chen jingsan wanted to show his loyalty, but he was rejected.

He pursed his lips and stepped back awkwardly.

Shao Yi hoarse, continue to difficult mouth: "although we cooperate, but her relationship with us is not harmonious, each time have their own ideas, so we do a lot of things are behind her back."

Ares agrees with this point. If Zhou Wenruo knows about it, it is absolutely impossible for them to offend themselves.

He nodded slowly and said, "tell me, where is she now?"

Just then, there was a strange noise outside.

Shao Yi pressed down the flash of emotion in her eyes, straightened her back and said, "as I said just now, her relationship with us is not harmonious. How can I know where she went? Even if she's dead, I don't think even her body can be found. "

As soon as her voice dropped, a white smoke rose from the only window of the room, and then the fire bell in the whole bar began to shout.

Then the safety device on the top of it stretched out and began to gush a lot of water.

It used to be a smart device to put out a fire, but at this point, it became a perfect camouflage weapon.

The whole room instantly turned into a water curtain hole, and all people's sight was blocked.

Then outside came the bar staff's howling voice: "fire, fire, everyone run!"

Everyone's face in the room changed. Chen jingsan opened the door and rushed out in a hurry.

Huo Yanlin realized that something was wrong, so he reached for Shaoyi.

But where she is willing to give Huo Yanlin a chance to pick up a wine bottle on the table and smash it on the window.

The window split instantly, Shao Yi did not even head back, directly turned over to jump down!

Ares's eyes finally recovered. He quickly took out a gun and shot it at her shoulder!

"Ah -" Shao Yi issued a tearing heart and lung crying, but her action still did not stop, determined to jump down.

When Huo Yanlin and Ares chase past, she has already jumped into a car and dashed off.

The rest of the people below were stopped by the fire and couldn't chase them any more.

The temperature in the room rose rapidly, and the whole bar was full of smoke. The fire was about to spread to them!

"Damn it!" Ares cursed in his heart, but his fear was obvious in his eyes.

Originally, Huo Yanlin had already opened the door of the room, but in a twinkling of an eye, he hesitated to step out of the door of the room.

He's afraid of fire?

Huo Yanlin asked silently in his heart.

But he didn't hesitate too much. He turned around and took ares by the shoulder and ran out of the fire with him.

The two of them came out a little late. The decoration on the roof of the bar, because of the fire, was falling, and they could hardly wipe it off several times.

Ares, who usually wanted to fight against the whole world, lost all fighting power in front of the fire. Huo Yanlin pulled him away from the scene.

As soon as they went out, Ares's men came round one by one to say hello.

Huo Yanlin wiped the burn wound on his body and said in a deep voice: "even if she ran, she will come back again and wait for the next chance."

"If I were you, I would have broken her leg in the room before, so that she could not even run." Ares snorted coldly.

Huo Yanlin did not answer his words, but turned to one side of the staff: "how is the fire going on? I don't know why. "

"There was paint splashed around the bar and it was lit when we found it. It was arson The staff stamped their feet angrily, "if we met them, we would never let them go!"

"Is there no monitoring around?" Huo Yanlin spoke in a low voice."The arsonist is premeditated. The surveillance has been cut off by him for a long time, and nothing can be photographed!" The staff began with a sigh.

The fire in the bar was now small and did not continue to spread.

And because it was discovered in time, there were no casualties. It would take some time to rebuild the bar.

However, this bar belongs to Chen jingsan. He has done a lot of bad things before, which has cost a lot of people's money.

Since all things have not been discussed today, the cooperation between Huo Yanlin and Ares has also come to an end.

Just as Huo Yanlin was about to leave, Ares suddenly said, "wait a minute."

Although Huo Yanlin stopped, he did not turn his head: "how?"

"Why did you save me just now? Wouldn't it be better for you if I died in it? "

Ares said with a sneer, "it's easy to solve a competitor, which is something no one can dream of."

"If I really want to fight you, I will use fair and aboveboard means instead of watching you die in the fire." Huo Yanlin slowly turned his head and looked at him calmly.

"It's so great that I'm almost moved," ares said, but there was no movement in his face. "Aren't you afraid that I'm not dead, and I'll revenge you when I come out?"

Huo Yanlin slowly raised his lips and said, "I am not belligerent, but I am not afraid of war. I want you to lose. You don't have to play tricks. "

Then he turned his head and left.

Ares's face changed slightly, and there was a dark look in his eyes.

It's interesting to be enemies with such people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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