Wen Shutong nodded: "he went to Ares. He wanted to kill us several times when he was abroad, but ares stopped him."

"He's still hating you. Isn't this guy aware of his mistakes?" Jiang Xing Wen's face color is not good, "if it's not for him, Lin Fang won't have an accident."

Both of them are Lu Linfang's friends. Strictly speaking, they have no good feelings for Lu Xingchuan.

What's more, they also witnessed the villas at that time. It was he who killed Lu Linfang!

"I don't think he's going to get to this point because of this," he said

Huo Yanlin lowered his voice and said, "we suspect that he was brainwashed or spiritually hinted in some way, so that all the mistakes will be put on others."

"It's also possible that he has Pt SD symptoms, and his brain doesn't want to recall this painful experience, so he subconsciously avoids the experience and makes him think that everything is related to other people." Wen Shutong also agreed.

Jiang Xingwen, a doctor, knows something about this: "what you said is also reasonable. But where the hell is this kid now? And this ares, is it the right side or the opposite side? "

"This man is both good and evil. If you have to evaluate him, he is not a good man." Huo Yanlin's expression is light.

Although Sui didn't quite understand what they were talking about, he still nodded firmly: "I think you are right. I can see it from the news on the Internet. Worthy of being a handsome man, the filtering ability of news is really strong

He said while pointing out a thumb to Huo Yanlin.

If it wasn't for driving at this time, Jiang Xingwen would have been unable to help but hold him aside for education.

Jiang Xingwen helplessly glared at Sui detective: "don't lick it, OK? You two don't have the right human orientation! "

Huo Yanlin was not affected by the words between them. He said with a light look: "when was the last time you saw Lu Xingchuan? Does everyone in the country think he is dead? "

"Yes, but I felt a little bit at that time," Sui detective finally got serious. "When Lu Lin was setting the funeral, we noticed a black car parked in the distance, watching from a distance."

"Lu Linfang's family and friends are not many, so it's impossible for anyone to come to see him for the last time." Jiang Xingwen also said, "then I'll find someone to investigate. The car used to be under Lu Xingchuan."

"So you suspected at first that he was still alive?"

"No doubt. We investigated a lot of information and felt that he was alive." Sui detective said firmly, "originally we wanted to find you to explain this matter clearly, but we didn't expect that you would go abroad soon."

"What is he going to do now? Although he is heinous, he is still Lu Linfang's younger brother. "

Jiang Xingwen sighed, "we can't let him go on like this all the time, and we can't let him end up miserable in the future. What should we do if we die? The incense of the Lin family was cut off. "

"He belongs to Ares, but he betrayed him when he was abroad. I don't know what he plans to do with Lu Xingchuan. We haven't heard from him for a long time."

Wen Shutong frowned, "but he was born with this kind of character defect, I'm afraid it can't be changed. If you want to make him correct... "

"We have a lot of information about Lu Linfang in our hands, as well as a notebook of his life. There are many articles written for Lu Xingchuan."

Sui detective said, "this thing should be useful at that time. I don't believe him. I don't want to see the last thing left by my brother."

After talking about this, the other people nearby could not help being silent and unwilling to believe that Lu Linfang really died like this.

But the reality is that it's not what people want.

It's always a curse for thousands of years, but a good man is a poor man.

"If he doesn't fight against us, a lot of things will be easier to handle, and we won't have to hurt him." Wen Shutong said helplessly, "I hope it works."

"By the way, I remember that he mentioned looking for a woman to have a child abroad before?" Jiang Xingwen suddenly remembered what kind of opening way.

"I've seen that kid. He's a beautiful half breed." Wen Shutong answers.

Sui detective gaped and grew up: "did this psychopath really do that? What did he think of the child, he didn't abuse him? "

"How can it be?" Jiang Xingwen rolled his eyes at him. "It's only for this child that we shouldn't do these risky things."

After fumbling his chin for a moment, the Sui detective looked at the man beside him and said, "why don't I go and get you a child?"

At this time, Jiang Xingwen suddenly made an emergency brake and stopped by surprise.

The other people in the car were not prepared at all. They were pushed forward by the huge inertia.Huo Yanlin quickly reached out to block Wen Shutong to prevent her from being hit.

Sui detective raised his hand and hit him hard on the shoulder. He raised his voice and said in a sharp voice: "what courage are you, Jiang Xingwen? I'm just kidding and scaring you like this? "

Jiang Xingwen almost vomited blood when he slapped him. After coughing for a long time, he said with difficulty: "no, there are so many people in front of our shop. If I don't brake, I will meet someone."

Other people also heard the sound and looked at the past, and sure enough, there were a lot of people around the shop door in twos and threes.

This is a relatively small private restaurant owned by the Sui detective family. The dishes in it are all made of top-grade ingredients, so it is generally the upper class who will come here.

Therefore, there are very few people at the door of the shop, and it is very rare to have so many people gathering.

Sui detective's face showed a look of surprise. He said in surprise, "it can't be that someone is poisoned by food. Do you want to make trouble here?"

This time for Jiang Xingwen, a slap on his body: "can't you say something auspicious? Go down and have a look first. "

As soon as I got out of the car, I heard that the waiter inside was quarrelling with a man.

"This thing can't be given, and the store manager can't be in charge. This is written by a friend of the president!" The waiter shrieked.

"Give it to me. I can buy it for five million." A deep, hoarse voice, a slow, long mouth.

The other people around him gasped and began to discuss: "do you hear me? My god? Five million for a word. What kind of work is this? "

"Didn't you listen? It's a friend of the president. "

"That means he must still be alive. What's the value of this work?" Another whispered, "isn't that what they said? It is only after the death of these calligraphers and painters that the work is valuable. "

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