Wen Shutong laughed slowly: "everything is fine."

"Don't lie to me." Wen Yueqi blinked her eyes. Her eyes were wet and her voice was a little sad and aggrieved.

"Don't lie to you." Wen Shutong turned his eyes to Huo Xingyi next to him, "stars."

"Mommy, be good." Huo Xingyi tooted his mouth and said with difficulty.

"Good. Mommy will be good, and you must be good and take care of yourself. "

Wen Shutong's smile was gentle as the wind. Although he was still ill, his voice was extremely firm. His expression was resolute and said: "wait for Mommy. Mommy will bring you out soon."

After the video is hung up, Wen Shutong turns his head and looks at Jiang Xing and Shuya beside him. He is stunned: "are you here?"

Jiang Xing has a black line on her face. Dare you, this is just to find that there are people beside him. The sentence just asked, did you think it was the air?

Then he heard Wen Shutong say, "how long did I sleep?"

Jiang Xing:

Shuya came forward with a smile and said, "twenty hours ago, Dr. Jiang sent you a message and didn't reply. He was worried about what would happen to you at home, so he came here."

"How did you get in?" Wen Shutong asked.

"Isn't your spare key always in the small door of the heating pipe outside the door?" Jiang did not take it for granted.

Wen Shutong nodded: "Oh."

Shuya then explained: "you fainted on the ground, also had a high fever, how can not wake up, hypoglycemia is serious, we gave you glucose infusion, you sweating, Dr. Jiang called me to help you change a pajamas."

Wen Shutong said gratefully, "I'm really sorry to delay your date. I'm sorry to trouble you."

Jiang Xing is full of black lines: "how come you always talk nonsense after you wake up?"

Wen Shutong glanced at him, did not speak, closed his eyes and continued to rest.

Shuya's eye ground scratched and injured, pursed her lips and did not speak.

Wen Shutong formed a plan from the bottom of her heart, but she didn't tell anyone. She quietly lay in bed and took good care of herself, and then returned to work as usual.

After work in the evening, Wen Shutong drives his motorcycle to leave. Jiang Xing stops her and anxiously asks her if she has been too sad for the past few days.

Wen Shutong adjusted his hair, which was disturbed by the evening wind, and said with a smile, "you think too much. I am calm in my heart. I know what I am doing, and I will never give up. I can be knocked down countless times, but I will never be defeated forever. "

Jiang Xing Leng Leng take back the hand, watching her start the car, roaring away, a long time aftertaste can not come.

Half an hour later, Wen Shutong's motorcycle slammed on the brakes and stopped at a cake shop. She took off her helmet and looked up at the cake shop with a flash of doubt in her eyes.

After looking at the cake shop, which is obviously high-end from the outside decoration, she stepped off the motorcycle with long legs, hung her helmet on the rearview mirror, threw her backpack on her back, got out of the car, and pushed the door into the cake shop.

This cake shop is very big. After entering, Wen Shutong found that it was a Western food bakery with many comprehensive discoveries. It not only sold cakes, snacks, but also drinks such as milk tea and coffee.

This cake shop called "white book" covers a large area.

In addition to the kitchen on the first floor, there is a small room for guests to make their own cakes and learn to bake. In addition, there is a rest area for guests to rest.

The seats are placed at random, which will not make the space appear crowded, and it largely retains the privacy of the guests.

Wen Shutong looks around in silence, purses his lips and goes to the stairs.

A girl in uniform came out and asked with a gentle smile if she was looking for someone.

She thought for a moment, nodded and said, "second floor."

"That's right. The person you're waiting for is already waiting on the second floor. We'll send you what you want soon. This way, please." Girls smile sweetly.

Wen Shutong thought, the service level of this store is really high, but why should the other party choose to be in such a sweet and greasy place? Isn't that a man?

The second floor is divided into two parts, a box and a hall.

The box is designed for the convenience of some people. In order not to affect other guests, the sound insulation design is very good.

Wen Shutong quietly observed the situation around him. At this time point, it was just after work time. Everyone rushed home to cook. Only a few students and lovers were sitting by the window, talking in a low voice. It seemed that there was no attack.

The waitress gently opened the door in the corner and said with a gentle smile, "Mr. Ji, the person you are waiting for is here."

Ji Tongsheng looks up, the female waiter slowly retreats, and a slender, heroic woman appears in the field of vision.

Seeing the man in the box, Wen Shutong's eyes flashed with surprise, and instinctively went to the waiter: "ah, you..."

Did you get it in the wrong place?Ji Tongsheng stands up from his seat with quick eyes and hands, rushes to him and pulls Wen Shutong in. Ignoring the puzzled eyes of the waiter behind him, he closes the door heavily.

"Shh, I'm not a bad man." Ji Tongsheng evil charm of the fingers on the lips said.

Wen Shutong: How is it you? "

Ji Tongsheng's narrow Danfeng eyes narrowed slightly: "Miss Wen is very surprised?"

Wen Shutong pursed his lips: "I thought you were out of business."

"I've heard of Miss Wen's sharp mouth and sharp teeth. She's been taught." Ji Tongsheng arched his hand, pushed the man to the seat and sat down. He went to the opposite side and sat down.

Wen Shutong's eyebrows jumped. It can be seen from Ji Tongsheng's gently pressing an adult on her seat. Today, she will not want to leave at will.

"Come on, what do you want to do?" Wen Shutong took a breath and said.

Ji Tongsheng chuckled and said, "Oh? Is Miss Wen sure she's asking me what I want to do? Shouldn't that be my line? "

Wen Shutong put his right hand on the table, tapped a few times and said, "I didn't know it was you in advance."

Ji Tongsheng said with injuries all over his face: "Miss Wen said it was a bit heartbreaking. I saved your life that day. It's not a good baby to ignore the rescuer so much."

Wen Shutong's eyes flashed a little doubt: "how to say?"

"Hello, I told you my name that day. When you contacted our office a few days ago, I also solemnly informed you of the name of the detective you handed over." Ji Tongsheng said discontented.

Wen Shutong touched his nose awkwardly: "I see. I'm sorry, but now you want to take this job from me?"

Ji Tongsheng chuckled and said, "it depends on whether Miss Wen gives me this chance."

"It's so exquisite that people talk to people and ghosts to ghosts." Wen Shutong raised his left hand and poured himself a glass of water. He said faintly, "Wen Shutong, don't call Miss Wen any more. It's harsh."

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