At this time, she was determined not to be too smart. Wen Shutong deliberately pretended to be silly and looked at him: "but this is a necessary process. Everyone will do this. Anyway, I'm not very proficient in this aspect, so I'll give it a try. "

"I don't think you're very proficient in that aspect either. You don't see what I'm thinking at all." Lu Xingchuan turned his head directly, "I don't think the next one needs to be tested."

"If you're lucky, you can see through the sand table where you put Lulin." Wen Shutong spoke softly behind him.

This sentence clearly does not have any emotional ups and downs, but Lu Xingchuan is like being under the Gu, the ghosts and gods stopped in place.

Wen Shutong knows that what she said just now worked.

A moment later, Lu Xingchuan turned his head and said, "what position is he in my heart? I know better than all of you. You don't have to tell me through this."

Wen Shutong was not in a hurry. He continued to say, "but after such a long time, have you ever thought about whether the dominant thing in your heart is hatred or love?"

"And the child who was forced to give him. Where are you going to be?"

Lu Xingchuan stayed in the same place for a long time. Wen Shutong even thought that he might leave the sand table room directly, so he didn't want to continue to break with himself.

But unexpectedly, he turned his feet and went directly to the cabinet where other articles were put.

By classification, it's a family area.

The props inside are similar to those used by ordinary children. There are not only people of all ages, but also pots and pans. It's a small world.

This time, Lu Xingchuan didn't take a lot, but he chose in front for a long time.

After a moment, he carefully began to set up on the sand table.

Especially at the end of the display, his actions were gentle and his eyes were tender, as if his hands were not a cold doll, but someone he held in the palm.

Wen Shutong's eyes fell on the doll. He was dressed in a black suit and his hair was meticulously made. He was the most handsome one among all the decorations.

Her heart moved for a moment, and instantly understood that this doll should represent Lu Linfang.

After putting it in place, he even stretched out his fingers and stroked his head gently. Then he said without expression: "I set it up."

On the sand table was a huge yard, with a double table full of all kinds of food, but only two people sat there.

There were two fences outside, and there were even dogs at the door. Then the elderly two were trapped outside.

From an outsider's point of view, this is simply a picture of filial piety.

Two young people are very popular in it, and the other two are old enough to be locked out of the door!

"This is you and your brother. It's mom and dad outside." Wen Shutong looks at him carefully with his searching eyes.

After all, Lu Xingchuan has been provoked just now. If he leaves now, he will be in trouble.

He nodded casually: "as long as you are still normal, you can see it."

"They're locked out because in your heart, they don't do their parents' duty, so you don't like it."

Wen Shutong said slowly, "so you don't want them to disturb your world."

Although Lu Xingchuan's expression of approval on his face, but his eyes are still vaguely pressure disdain.

This kind of thing is too obvious. As long as there is no problem with his brain, he can see it, but he doesn't realize that Wen Shutong has any great skills.

Except for what happened to him just now based on the first sand table.

After observing for a moment, Wen Shutong continued to say, "you lied about this sand table. What you let me see is just what you want me to see, right? "

He said suddenly.

Lu Xingchuan's whole person was stunned at the spot. After a moment, he covered up the cold voice and said, "you are too confident. You can't see it, so you say that others are lying?"

"I'm not saying I can't see it, but you've exposed too much of your lie this time."

Wen Shutong said slowly, "my direction is back to the door, not to the two old people outside. Obviously, you don't want the dog to bite them from the bottom of your heart."

"I just misplaced it." Lu Xingchuan's mouth is hard.

"It's like you put it in the wrong place, but it's not right here either..." Wen Shutong also pointed to another corner, "if you really hate them, it is absolutely impossible to put out such a sand table."

Lu Xingchuan's eyes flashed a flurry look, reaching out to erase the sand table again.

This time, Wen Shutong was particularly quick witted and told him to stop him: "Why are you suddenly afraid? Since you said that you didn't lie, I'll try to prove it for you. Is this going to make you angry? ""It has nothing to do with you!" Lu Xingchuan clenched his teeth and pushed her away, and his hand would come out.

Wen Shutong quickly stretched out his hand to hold the sand table and said in a deep voice, "you are so angry that I guess what you think in your heart."

"Even if you've been deviant before, you still want to be recognized by your parents and let them see that even a person like you can have a good brother."

Lu Xingchuan grabs a handful of sand, and the danger in his eyes is getting deeper and deeper.

"You didn't guess what I was thinking. I didn't do it at first! The reason why Lu Linfang attracts me is his own charm, not other factors! "

"No matter how good he is, if you make up your mind from the beginning that he's just a brother, you won't want to do anything wrong."

Wen Shutong continues to speak impolitely. She has already raised her hand and secretly sent a message to Huo Yanlin.

Although she was full of momentum at the moment, it seemed that she was not afraid of anything, in fact, her heart had already panicked.

If Lu Xingchuan is really angry and can't help saying that he wants to cut himself off, he will lose a lot.

But there are still some things to say, otherwise, Lu Xingchuan will not be able to come out of this life.

Lu Linfang would not be at ease if he knew it in the sky.

"You fart, believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Lu Xingchuan's eyes were red, and blood could almost drip from his scarlet eyes.

Wen Shutong staggered back a step, but his face is still not haughty mouth: "you like him, originally is in a kind of abnormal comparison relationship."

"But then I couldn't help but get deeper and deeper. True love should be generous and considerate for each other, but you have never considered Lu Linfang's idea in everything you have done, and you don't care what he really wants , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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