"Don't --" Shao Yunzheng shook his voice, and a stream of blood spurted directly out of his mouth, "are you crazy?"

She wants to push Wen Shutong away from him and block him again.

At this critical moment, the drones suddenly seemed to lose their direction in mid air, turning randomly, and then the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the opposite place.

These things are like birds shot down in the air, falling down in unison.

Wen Shutong had already narrowed his eyes, waiting for the storm to come, but he did not come to the scene.

Suddenly, her shoulder was gently held, Shao Yunzheng said in a very light voice behind her: "someone is coming."

Wen Shutong trembled, his eyelashes opened, and he saw that the iron gate of the welfare home was forced open by a car, and then several Land Rovers stormed in.

Just now, they were so scared that they didn't dare to go out. The children immediately widened their eyes and looked at the tall and cool Land Rover in the yard.

When the door was opened, a tall figure jumped down directly from the top, and involuntarily put Wen Shutong into his arms and said anxiously, "how about it? Do you feel ok now? Was there any injury? "

Huo Yanlin's eyes are full of concern, and tenderness almost flows out of his eyes.

Even though she was scared, Wen Shutong didn't lose her sense of propriety. She quickly pulled Shao Yunzheng aside and lowered her voice and said:

"I'm ok, but he's injured. Take him back to see a doctor! What's going on today? Why are the welfare homes surrounded by people all of a sudden? "

He sighed, holding Shao Yunzheng with one hand and Wen Shutong with the other. He said concisely: "it's Lu Xingchuan."

"Lu Xingchuan?" Wen Shutong's eyes widened in surprise, and his body trembled involuntarily. "Our deal is not over. I don't think he will act rashly. Why does he change his attitude so quickly and easily?"

At this time, Sui Jian and Jiang Xingwen jumped out of the car directly.

Sui Jian's face turned green, and he crossed his mouth to say, "I thought he was Lu Linfang's younger brother. I didn't want to kill him. Who knows that he is so ungrateful that he still wants to kill you!"

"Not only that, but today he's surrounded the Sui detective's house to take away the diary directly." Jiang Xingwen also whispered in the back.

"What on earth does he want to do?" Shao Yunzheng held his chest and opened his mouth hoarse.

Seeing that he was not hurt lightly, Sui detective pushed Tui Jiang Xingwen and said, "you go to see him first. This kid wants to kill two birds with one stone. He killed you and Wen Shutong directly here, and then he took my diary and ran away!

"It's really cheap. I really think my door is always open. He's welcome to steal it and want to take my diary? Dream

Jiang Xingwen read it seriously and pondered for a moment: "although it is not serious on the surface, it is definitely injured inside. Now we must go to the hospital as soon as possible. If the internal injury is serious, it's bad

Wen Shutong frowned anxiously and said in a trembling voice, "then send him to the hospital now!"

"Don't be afraid." Even at this time, Shao Yunzheng can find time to comfort her.

"This is the second time you've saved me. Every time you're with me, you're not lucky."

"This is not the second time I save you, but the second time you save me." Shao Yunzheng means an unidentified smile, slightly raised his lips, "will get better."

Although Huo Yanlin is also grateful to him, he chose to protect Wen Shutong in such a crisis.

But the two of them looked at him in such a way that it was a mockery to him.

Huo Yanlin pinched Wen Shutong's hand and tightened it a few minutes. He said in a low voice, "if you have any words of thanks, we will talk about it later. Now we should leave first."

"Don't go. Who said you'd leave? I've set up such a big Bureau here, and I've worked hard to ask the emperor to enter the urn. Do you think you can go if you want to go? "

A frivolous voice with a bit of harshness came, "last time I can't kill you, because my heart is tied, I can't lay heavy hands, but this time I won't hesitate."

More than their number of cars quickly surrounded, covetously parked around the welfare home, like countless pairs of dangerous eyes, secretly peeping.

Lu Xingchuan stood in front of the door, looked at everyone contemptuously, and continued to say, "if you have knocked down some of my UAVs, do you think you are OK again?"

"Huo Yanlin, don't you always claim to be smart? Why don't you think about it? I know your son is proficient in this technology, and he will attack with drones? "

The Sui detective was stunned, and his handsome face twisted out a ferocious expression: "good, you stinky boy, you want to attract us here! Are you trying to kill everyone? "

"Otherwise? My brother was so kind to you when he was alive, but you mingle with these people. Are you worthy of him? " Lu Xingchuan raised his voice and said, "and his diary, why do you occupy it? What kind of thing are you?""I really want to slap you in the face now!" The opening road of the Sui Dynasty.

"Don't talk about your brother like a resentful wife every day. We have a good relationship. It has nothing to do with who I associate with! What's more, Wen Shutong has done nothing wrong. Now you are the one who has done wrong, and you don't know how to repent? "

Lu Xingchuan held his arms in his hands, looked down at them and said, "all the channels for help here have been blocked by me, and your people are far better than mine, and I have buried thunder under this welfare home.

"I didn't kill you in that way last time. I'll play it again this time. I don't believe you can escape!"

Lu Xingchuan did not wear a mask, his ferocious face coupled with this voice, more and more like he climbed up from the ground hell Shura.

Wen Shutong's expression flashed for a moment. He thought that the sand table therapy in the hospital was useful, but it seemed that everything was in vain.

"You've lost your brother in this way. Are you going to do it again now?" Wen Shutong clenched his fist, trembled and whispered.

"Shut up, are you all right? I want you to bury him with me. Isn't that clear? " Lu Xingchuan, like a ghost, raised his voice and said coldly.

"They have done nothing wrong. You are the one who has been stubborn. Don't you know how to turn back?" The Sui detective spoke in a sharp voice.

"Now shut up, if you give me my brother's things, you can still spare a way to live, or you won't want to live!"

Lu Xingchuan interrupted the Sui detective, "don't think you can do whatever you want with the protection of Jiang Xingwen."

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