He pulled the corners of his mouth and watched the cake that he packed back to be a supper. For a moment, he was covered with black lines and forgot what expression he should use to deal with this scene.

The carefully wrapped cake is opened, just like a beautiful Dog poop.

Ji Tongsheng took a deep breath and looked at the cake. He immediately felt that all the desserts he ate tonight were full of self love.

Shaking his hands, he dialed the baker's phone. Shaking his voice, he gritted his teeth and asked, "why did I ask for more chocolate cake in the dark forest to turn into a piece of dog poop?"

"Oh, Ji Shao, don't be angry. Miss Wen, who is with you, came to tell us that you like to eat this kind of cake. She also specially added a sum of money and told us to make it more exquisite and realistic, and to use the best raw materials... "

Ji Tongsheng took a deep breath, interrupted her description and forced himself to calm down: "stop. I got it! Tell your boss that it is necessary for me to question my long-term relationship with you. Besides, the ten thousand yuan I deposited in your member card is not as good as her new comer

Ji Tongsheng said with a sigh. The waiter held back his laughter and said, "Ji Shao, in order to make the cake look realistic, it puts a lot of caramel. You can pay attention to it when you eat it. Don't eat bad teeth at night. It's not worth it when you are old."

“……” Ji Tongsheng hung up the phone decisively.

Later, he realized that Wen Shutong was a woman who didn't eat any loss. No matter what, she always wanted to get it back.

Wen Shutong's search for a private detective is not hidden from Jiang Xing. When Jiang Xing gets the news, a blank appears on his face for a moment.

"Transparent detective office?" Jiang Xing asked in bewilderment.

"Yes." Wen Shutong took a mouthful of strawberries and was lying in the reclining chair with his legs up.

"Is it because they feel that there is nothing to hide in front of them, just as transparent?" Jiang Xing's expression is indescribable.

"Who knows?" Wen Shutong finished all the strawberries on the plate, took out a paper towel, wiped his hands gracefully, then shook his head and said, "no, it's still not as sweet as the strawberries of that cake shop."

A bad feeling arose in Jiang Xing's heart. He took a mouthful of saliva and asked carefully, "if I didn't want me to ask you about the source of strawberries in this cake shop, you wouldn't have told me that you were looking for a private detective, would you? Because you have to explain why you suddenly went to a cake shop

Wen Shutong's big black eyes blinked naively: "well, sometimes it's better to pretend to be stupid."

Jiang Xing: That's what my life is worth. "

Wen Shutong held out a finger, shook it and said, "no, no, No. Dr. Jiang, don't forget that you are still my sponsor. "

Dr. Jiang took a deep breath and begged, "so you should be obedient and be sure of your health."

Wen Shutong, holding up his chin, said, "I can live a leisurely life now, although my son is far away and can only video."

"It's great to be able to video. Thanks to the ingenuity of the two children, I have the opportunity to video." Jiang Xing exclaimed.

"Grandfather Huo, he..." Wen Shutong tangled and asked, "what's up?"

"The old man is still in a coma, but he is out of danger. At present, the possibility of falling into vegetative state is very low. You don't have to worry." Jiang Xing said comfortingly.

"Well, well, you go out. I'm going to open a video with my son." Wen Shutong waved, took out his mobile phone and said.

Ginger does not stare big eyes: "how can you use to throw, so abandon me?"

Wen Shutong looked at him in surprise: "I'm not afraid that I'm eating strawberries. My son doesn't look good, so I allow you to chat in my office for half an hour?"

Jiang Xing raised his hand to cover his chest and felt that he had some myocardial infarction. He was unwilling to ask, "then why can you eat strawberries by yourself, and I look at it?"

"I asked you, you said you don't want to eat little girl's food." Wen Shutong said innocently.

Jiang Xing: Why don't you think I'm just polite? "

Wen Shutong said righteously: "you are such an upright person, certainly will not be hypocritical polite, I believe you, oh, you go quickly, I want to video with my big baby, you go out to chat with Xiaoya, good."

Jiang Xing left with a face full of love, and behind him, Wen Shutong opened the video happily.

's temperature is as like as two peas. The instant screen is filled with two identical palm face.

"Ah ah, look who this is a lovely big baby, ah, looks really good-looking, really handsome." Wen Shutong said with a smile and pride.

"Mommy -" the two children opened their mouths together.

"Well, that's good. It's my family." Wen Shutong said with a smile, "MUA, have stars practiced speaking recently?""Yes." Huo Xinghui said briefly.

Wen Yueqi said with a black line on his face: "you ask him to tell me a short story of no less than 200 words every day. He recites a page of" brief history of time "to me every day. Now I am full of science and technology, which is the progress of human beings." it makes no difference to me where it is. " Wen Yue Qi Sheng said without love.

Huo Xinghui "um" a, and then squeeze baozi face, frown said: "then tomorrow to" Introduction to hacker technology "good

Wen Yueqi: No, dear brother, I prefer to discuss the mysteries of the universe with you. "

Huo Xinghui took a look at him inexplicably and didn't understand why he was inconsistent and not satisfied.

Wen Shutong laughs wildly on the screen, ignoring the image in his office.

Wen Yueqi speechless looking at his mother, helplessly said: "Mommy, you should always keep your own goddess image."

Wen Shutong couldn't stand up with a smile: "how can your two brothers get along so interesting in weekdays? It's really one thing falling one thing. Wen Yueqi, finally someone can suppress your soul flying in outer space. Mommy loves to see you."

Wen Yueqi: I think it is appropriate for us to change the topic. For example, I have already got Mr. Huo Yanlin's hair. "

Wen Shutong's laughter stopped abruptly, and his smile froze on his face. He said, "why do you have to mention this unhappy person at this time?"

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