"But a lot of times, in fact, she is just on the spur of the moment, just because the person who acts is not her," Zhou Wenruo said indifferently. "Before that, when I was abroad, I was also such a tyrant. When I talked about it, I was still bitten back?"

Song Qidun for a moment, whispered: "I don't know what they think in their hearts, but you do have some grievances to stay here. Since you can be seen by Ares before, there must be something extraordinary about you."

Zhou Wenruo's heart tip seems to be poked by something soft, she forced to pile up a smile.

"It's nothing. It's just like being with a tiger by his side. It may be dangerous at any time. It is also reasonable to return the former glory and wealth. "

While they were talking, they had already passed through a jungle and arrived at a cottage in the mountains.

There are trees and weeds in the jungle. If you don't go around this path, you can't find a cabin here.

It seems that Song Qi is really prepared to let others find out the existence of Lucas.

Song Qi has been walking in front of Zhou Wenruo, helping her brush away weeds that can scratch people.

"You'd better be careful. There are often wild animals in this kind of place, so some hunters will put traps. One of my men was injured here before."

"Thank you."

"Don't be polite to me. We've been through life and death together. We're friends in need." Song Qi looked pale and said, "it's here."

As he spoke, he took out the key and opened the door of the room.

When two people want him to go in, Zhou Wenruo suddenly clearly hears the sound of someone trampling on the dead branches behind him.

She turned her head warily and looked at it carefully.

Song Qi also turned his head curiously, lowered his voice and said, "what's the matter? Do you hear anything? "

"I always feel like there is someone behind," Zhou Wenruo said in a low voice. "It's possible that I'm all over the place."

"There's a lot of wind here. It's going to draft something." Song Qi comforted a word and pushed the door open.

The person inside was like a startled animal, and directly bounced up, driving the chain to make a clattering sound.

Lucas's eyes flashed with horror, trying to hide himself in the corner.

But his chain was too short for him to retract into the corner.

He let out a fine whimper from his throat, trying to distinguish it so that he could tell that he had let me go.

Originally, the wound on his shoulder was almost healed, but after this tossing, the gauze on his body now looks dirty, and the wound has signs to crack.

In less than a day's time, he had been in such a state.

If I stay here for another meal, I don't know what I'll be like.

At that time, even if Lu Xingchuan has found someone, he will not give up easily.

Song Qi tried his best to play his voice gently and said in a soft voice, "don't be afraid. We just came to confirm the situation."

Lucas still did not relax his vigilance. The chain on his hand was blaring, and he squeezed out a hard sentence: "what did you catch me for? What did you put in the ward?"

"It's just a bionic man, just want to temporarily..." Half way through, Song Qi suddenly realized that something was wrong, and his face suddenly changed.

Zhou Wenruo was also frightened by his sudden change. He quickly lowered his voice and said, "what's the matter with you?"

"I finally understand that we are in the trap now! They want to lead me here on purpose, just to know where Lucas is

Song Qi was so angry that he trembled, "otherwise, with the ability of Huo Yanlin and his group of people, how could they not react to it? It was a dummy!"

"What now?" Although Zhou Wen does not understand the cause and effect, but also know how urgent the matter is.

"The sound of withered branches and leaves you heard just now may not be the wind. It is likely that someone will follow us all the time." Song Qi lowered his voice, "jump out of the window from behind!"

"And this man?" Zhou Wenruo points to Lucas.

Song Qi's eyes flashed a little bit of killing, but soon he calmed down and quickly untied Lucas's chain.

"I'm sorry, but you're innocent here, and I have no way to use it. You go straight from here, then turn left and you can get to the road. If you want to leave, you can go! "

After saying that, he would pull up Zhou Wenruo and leave through the window.

At this time, the small door in the mountain was suddenly smashed open.

Lucas thought he was the one who saved him. He took a step forward excitedly, only to find a woman standing at the door.

Shao Yiyi is like a shrew. He can't help but follow Song Qi. They jumped out of the window and said in a loud voice, "where are you two going to escape? When are you going to cheat me? "Hearing this familiar voice, Song Qi was startled. He stopped his pace and turned his head in an incredible way: "how can you be here?"

"If I were not here, I would not have been lucky enough to hear about your brute business!" Shao Yi stepped forward and pushed Zhou Wenruo aside. "I want you to kill people, not charity! You saved him? "

"Lucas didn't do anything wrong. He didn't die. What's more, killing him is making enemies with Lu Xingchuan." Song Qi's good temper explained in an attempt to save her a trace of reason.

"You are lying to me, and now you have the face to say such nonsense?" Shao Yi raised his voice and said, "Song Qi, you are a waste! You promised before that I could help me with these things, but what happened? That's what you call doing well

"Don't get angry. You still have children in your stomach. Don't be angry." Song Qi said in a low voice.

"Child?" Shao Yiyi indifferently raised his lips, "you are the same as Chen jingsan who suffered from the plague. You two don't deserve to have children. I'll knock him out when I go back!"

Zhou Wenruo frowned and felt that the man in front of him was simply unreasonable.

"Are you finished?" she said coldly? If you really know that Lu Xingchuan's people are called on by others, you will know that you will regret it later! "

Shao Yiyi did not listen to this sentence, raised his hand and slapped again, trying to land on Zhou Wenruo's face.

Song Qi quickly blocked the two of them: "this is a matter between us, it has nothing to do with the children, it has nothing to do with other people. What you want to do in the future, I will definitely give you no discount to complete. "

In order to stabilize Shao Yiyi's mood, Song Qi can only go back.

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