Huo Yanlin's attention is on Wen Shutong's body. He is too lazy to pay attention to him, so he is allowed to leave.

"How do you feel? I was shocked to see you suddenly come down from above just now Huo Yanlin's deep voice whispered in her ear.

He is not too worried that Wen Shutong will be taken advantage of, because of her personality, it is absolutely impossible for others to do such a thing.

"It's OK. It's just that I feel very abrupt. It's much better now. By the way, did you see the meteor just now?" Wen Shutong suddenly opened his mouth with a little excitement.

Huo Yanlin's eyes across a look of obscurity, pause for a moment to open a way: "you two people were just watching meteors together?"

Wen Shutong roughly told him what had happened before.

Although he has been prepared for such a thing, it is still difficult for Huo Yanlin to hear that his wife is with other men in this way.

His cold facial features slightly stiff, not light or heavy nodded: "well, today's matter is to stop."

"By the way, how about Huo yuan and them?" Wen Shutong suddenly opened his mouth.

Huo Yanlin whispered: "no injury, Ares did not send anyone to look at her. It's been his trial all the time. I'm afraid it's a deliberate attempt to bring you here. "

Wen Shutong nodded: "well, he has told me before, so let's go."

Just as she was about to leave, she suddenly took a picture of Huo Yanlin.

"By the way, it suddenly occurred to me that I saw Hong Qiying here just now! If I remember correctly, he should be on the 8th floor... "

Huo Yanlin's face did not have any emotional ups and downs, his voice light mouth way: "I know don't care about him, leave first."

Wen Shutong didn't move. He looked at him straight and said, "but ares told me just now that this matter is likely to be a breakthrough in investigating the abuse and assault of children in welfare homes. This man..."

Originally heard that she and other men spent a happy evening, Huo Yanlin heart is not comfortable.

She chose to mention the name of the man in front of him.

"I know what you're going to say. I said leave him alone, and there's no need to discuss it now." Huo Yanlin couldn't help but take her hand and go forward.

Wen Shutong's eyes widened incredulously: "you won't cover him up because he is an employee in your company?"

"What are you thinking? How can it be. " Huo Yanlin's face sank.

"Then why not investigate it? Before the investigation has been so long, no progress has been made, and it is easy to have a breakthrough. Shouldn't we do a good job of investigation? Wen Shutong frowned.

Huo Yanlin pondered for a moment and was considering how to explain to her.

Wen Shutong was worried about the child and forgot to consider Huo Yanlin's feelings for a moment. He said sarcastically:

"in fact, this man also appeared on the construction site before. His identity is not difficult to check. But the company has been investigating for such a long time, whether it doesn't know who it is or pretend not to know who it is? "

Huo Yanlin's expression changed slightly: "do you think what ares told you is right? Don't you know what kind of man he is

"At least in this case, he still wants to restore the truth, otherwise he won't bring me here." Wen Shutong lowered his voice and opened his mouth word by word.

Huo Yanlin's originally indifferent face is more gloomy at this time.

"Is it necessary to keep him in front of me?" He said indifferently.

It's not Wen Shutong who insists on fighting with him, but remembering the scene of the child lying in the hospital bed will make her lose her mind.

It's enough to be beaten. Why can't we even know the truth?

Wen Shutong took a deep breath, looked at him solemnly and said, "are you worried that it's your company's people who will affect Ruihe?

"I really regret it now. I spoke for you in front of the stars and the moon at the gate of the kindergarten and told everyone that you would give them justice.

"It seems that I was wrong."

Every time she said a word, Huo Yanlin's expression would be ugly.

There has never been such a crisis of trust before, no matter what the two people quarrel about.

He couldn't believe that these words actually came from Wen Shutong's mouth.

When Huo Yanlin was stunned, Wen Shutong turned around and walked to the elevator.

He opened his long legs and ran after her. He pulled her into his arms: "what are you doing?"

"Don't you want to be fair to those children and stop others from doing so?"

Wen Shutong tried to suppress the shaking of his voice. "You can rest assured that I am not a fool. I will try to deal with it properly and will not embarrass Ruihe."

"You're not a fool. Do you really look like a fool now?" Huo Yanlin hoops her slender waist and presses people in his arms.Wen Shutong didn't respond. His words had a meaning of fun.

Desperately stretched out his hand against his chest, his face bad mouth way: "then you think I am a fool, but I should do a thing will not be less!"

"Although I am the president of Ruihe, I am also the father of the child and a qualified husband!" Huo Yanlin grabbed her shoulder, "do you think I would do such a stupid thing?"

Wen Shutong was stunned for a moment, raised his eyes, and looked at him in a dark way.

Although Huo Yanlin was also angry in his heart, he forced him down.

He slowed his tone as much as he could: "we've been together for so long. Who am I, don't you know?"

"I..." Wen Shutong's brow is also wrinkled, and now he seems to be waking up from a dream.

Yes, he and Huo Yanlin have been husband and wife for such a long time. How can they think of it here.

She tried to shake her head, only to react, it should be in mid air, Ares words affected her.

"As long as I can prove that he is the murderer, no matter who he is, I will punish him severely. I don't care if Ruihe will be attacked for this. "

Huo Yanlin slowed down his voice and looked at her with a gentle look in his eyes. "You also said that Ruihe has a sense of social responsibility."

Wen Shutong painfully helped his forehead, lowered his voice and whispered, "I'm sorry, I was too excited just now, and I didn't control it, so I said something terrible."

"It's OK. I haven't told you before. I'm afraid you have psychological pressure." Huo Yanlin took her in his arms. "In fact, before long, we have found out something. It is likely that it has something to do with this person." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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