Lu Xingchuan told them about the man's appearance and features, and also put forward his doubts at that time.

"Is it true?" Sui detective turned his eyes to Zhou Wenruo. "When you saw it, what was the different feeling from him?"

"It's no different feeling, but ares threatened us with this man before, saying that if we betray, he will make us pay the price."

Zhou Wenruo said carelessly, "this man is likely to be one of his assassin's Maces. I advise you, it's better not to completely anger Ares."

"The more you say that, the more interested I am. I really know what level he is." Sui detective laughed indifferently, "after all, it's the one who would rather be humiliated at the beginning, but would also die to follow."

"You Zhou Wenruo's expression twisted for a moment, "what are you? Dare to mock me

"Then you will know what I am. Take it away!" The expression of Sui detective's casual expression suddenly closed up and opened his mouth.

In a flash, the hospital corridor emptied down, leaving only Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin.

Two people are about to say what, just listen to the sound of Shao Yi crying bitterly in the ward.

Then there was her voice with a little choking: "Mom and Dad, I'm sorry I made a mistake before... "

Wen Shutong's eyes flashed a look of surprise, pulled Huo Yanlin into the ward.

Shao Yiyi didn't know when he had come down from the hospital bed and knelt directly in front of Shao Guoping and Qi Siyun.

She grabbed Qi Siyun's hand and cried bitterly, apologizing to her parents over and over.

Shao Guoping can barely keep calm, but Qi Siyun has already cried into tears.

Because Shao Yiyi's face also has some abrasions because of the impact, coupled with her pitiful appearance at this time, it seems that it is indeed a bit distressing.

Qi Siyun slowly reached out his hand and rubbed her wound. He said fondly, "you suffered Why couldn't I think of doing those bad things before

"My father and I have already reconciled with Shutong, so you two should be more affectionate."

Shao Yi one side cries while shaking his head: "before all blame me not good, is I drilled the horn tip."

"But after the accident, I already knew that I had made a mistake. If they hadn't saved me, I'm afraid I and my baby in my belly would not have been able to survive..."

Wen Shutong frowned. She was not blinded by the warm scene in front of her.

When the accident happened just before, Shao Yiyi was still stuck in his neck and was unwilling to admit his mistake. He even had to make everyone pay the price.

How can the time of this operation change her character?

Did the doctor change her mind?

Shao Yiyi also saw the two of them come in, and quickly turned his eyes to Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin at the door.

With tears in her eyes, she said, "I'm really sorry before, but now I know I'm wrong. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have suffered

"It's too late for you to say sorry now." Huo Yanlin's lips coldly stretched into a straight line, "all things have been done, now an apology will let everyone forgive you?"

"I did a lot of wrong things, but I never really hurt you! If I had been desperate, I'm afraid I would have been killed with you by now

She continued to cry and open her mouth, "I still have too much heart..."

Wen Shutong turned his mouth, clearly because of her intelligence and ability to do too much, now it has become one of the reasons for her to wash white.

Qi Siyun quickly reached for her arm, wiped her tears and said, "get up first, you are a man with body, you can't kneel like this."

"If they don't forgive me, I won't get up." Shao Yi sobbed and said, "no matter what I did before, I can make up for it. As long as you say, I will definitely do it."

"Shao Yiyi, the adult world is not as simple as you think..." Wen Shutong lowered his voice.

However, Qi Siyun looked at her not lightly and lightly, and said in a soothing tone: "Shutong, you have to forgive people. Since she has truly repented, there is no need to stick to the mistakes she has made."

Wen Shutong's heart is simply speechless, she asked for help to look at Huo Yanlin, suddenly did not know what to do.

Huo Yanlin pondered for a moment, then slowly opened his mouth and said: "since she said so today, it's better to be frank. From now on, she will live her own life and can't disturb others.

"If we hurt Wen Shutong again, we will never give up. Now we have enough evidence of her in our hands. If we do it again, we can send people to prison

Although Qi Siyun is not very satisfied with the decision, they are willing to say so, which is already a lot of concessions.

She quickly helped Shao Yi to stand up and said softly, "do you hear me? They've already said that. Do you know what to do in the future? "Shaoyi looked at Huo Yanlin and nodded: "I know.

"In fact, I didn't suddenly wake up. It was when I was lying on the operating bed that I suddenly realized the importance of this child to me. Before that, I was too self willed and harmed others and myself

Song Qi was so moved by her words that she almost shed tears and took a step forward.

"It's very kind of you to think like this. I'll take care of you and the children by my side in the future."

"But he..."

There was a look of pain in his eyes, but soon he was forced down by Song Qi: "don't care about him. People like this will get revenge sooner or later."

Shao Yiyi lowered his eyes and said in a soft voice: "since I have admitted my mistake, you are willing to let me start again. Can you take away the things from Song Qi.

"He was just taken advantage of by me, and strictly innocent."

Song Qi's eyes moved deeper, and his body could not help shaking.

Huo Yanlin also did not delay, went forward directly to open the rope that bound him.

The first moment he regained his freedom, he rushed up and hugged Shao Yiyi.

Song Qi comforted her over and over and said in a soft voice, "don't worry, I will take good care of you from now on."

All the words have been said, Wen Shutong and they have nothing to say.

Huo Yanlin took the lead to say: "now the important people have been caught, the company's affairs need to be clarified, we will go back first."

Shao Guoping sighed and said, "I'm troubling you about this matter, but Shao Yiyi has lived with us for so many years. It's really unbearable to watch her go to prison." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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