Huo Yanlin's angry fingers trembled and lit the top picture of a family of three in Jiangcheng. He looked at Wen Linlang in disbelief.

"You have been secretly colluding with Meng huaiwei? Do you know what bigamy is? Or cheating in marriage? "

"You don't want to continue this marriage in name and death with me. You can say it, and I will satisfy you. But in the past five years, you have not asked about the stars, and sometimes even when you are in a bad mood, you still have a child as big as stars with Meng huaiwei

Huo Yanlin, lighting the face of a child who looks like Meng huaiwei in the photo, said, "Wen Linlang, you are waiting to answer my lawyer's call. I hope you can complete the divorce procedures with me as soon as possible."

The reason why he can barely finish these words calmly is that he has no feelings for Wen Linlang.

Although it's really disgraceful to deal with these family affairs in front of his good brother, he has nothing to be afraid of since it has been put on the surface. He has been relatively indifferent.

Wen Linlang sat down on the ground and screamed: "no - you can't divorce me. I've been with you for nearly six years. Except during pregnancy, you said it's bad for your child and didn't touch me. But when you got married and the child grew up, you didn't touch me. Are you still not a human being?"

"Huo Yanlin, do you have feelings in your heart? I'm a normal woman. You asked me to live for six years. I'm not a saint. I can't help it. I didn't mean to. I love you. Meng huaiwei and I are just playing games. I don't love him. Really. "

Wen Shutong was stunned. For the first time, she heard that someone could cheat in marriage. My soul loves you, but my body doesn't allow me to have a Platonic marriage with you?

But Wen Shutong turns his head and looks at Huo Yanlin. His eyes are suspicious and puzzled. He can't have a hidden disease, right?

Huo Yanlin seconds to understand her meaning, face crisscross, Sha is good-looking, gnashing teeth said: "I am very healthy, otherwise two children are your own birth?"

Wen Shutong nodded and continued to look at him suspiciously: "six years ago, health does not mean that five years have been healthy."

Huo Yanlin couldn't bear it: "shut up."

Wen Shutong is in a good mood and makes a zipper on his mouth. He sits quietly and smiles, indicating that Ji Tongsheng will continue.

No one cared about Wen Linlang's roaring confession. Ji Tongsheng took the file bag and sighed and said, "well, it's the most serious thing at present."

As soon as Huo Yanlin's face changed, he understood Ji Tongsheng's meaning almost at the first time.

In court, the lawyer only presented the evidence to the judge and the jury, and gave a brief account of it.

But Huo Yanlin and they did not see what the real evidence is, nor can they know what harm Huo grandfather was in a coma.

Ji Tongsheng took out the last transparent bag, took a deep breath and said, "Hanshi powder is a kind of medicinal powder extracted from jadeite. Although it can also be used as medicine, its medicinal effect is very narrow. Most of it is used for poison production. In addition, when it is not mixed with anything other than pure water, it is not toxic."

"So My grandfather was poisoned because someone put the cold stone powder in his old-age milk powder. There were some powder elements of nutriment in the old-age milk powder. A variety of ingredients were mixed with each other, which eventually led to the poisoning of the old man. "

"I asked the agency to analyze the cause of the drug poisoning at the same time. It was because another poison formed by the fusion of various drug ingredients had a very high adhesion. After entering the body, it attached to the nerves and oppressed the nervous system of the old man. As a result, the old man could not control his body, respond to external stimuli, and could not wake up and fall into nothingness State of consciousness. "

"At present, the only way to solve this problem is to clear the drug residues from the outside world. However, the clearance methods and medical equipment we have known do not have this condition and ability. Therefore, we can only wait and wait for the old man's body metabolism to release the poison naturally."

Huo Yanlin clenched his fists and clenched his teeth and said, "the old man is nearly 90 years old. How long will it take for him to metabolize his body naturally?"

Wen Shutong closely followed his mouth and asked, "the drug residue can't be eliminated quickly. Isn't it harmful to the old man's body? What are the chances of success in waking up naturally? Is there no antidote? "

Ji Tongsheng slowly shook his head: "no, the fusion produced a poison that never appeared before. Although experts have tried their best to study the detoxification scheme, Dr. Liu said that the success rate is very small. There are too many things involved in this, and I don't understand it. In short, I pray."

Wen Shutong's eyes turned red: "it's all my fault. If I hadn't asked Uncle Huo for help, Wen would not have jumped over the wall to frame his grandfather."

As soon as Wen Linlang stood up, he was about to rush over. Ji Tongsheng stretched out his legs lazily and put his foot against Wen Linlang's neck"Wen Linlang, what else do you want to do if you don't beg for mercy when you die? Have you been here for a long time to attract sympathy? Don't you think you can talk nonsense? Again and again rely on Huo Yanlin responsible for you, see you poor and divorce you, you still pedal nose face, right? "

Wen Linlang's face changed. He turned his head and looked pitifully at Huo Yanlin and said, "no, I don't. Yan Lin, you must believe me. I didn't hurt my grandfather. I didn't know what it was. Ji Tongsheng framed me

"You can buy photos and videos of cold stone powder, and it's the day of the old man's accident!" Ji Tongsheng snapped.

"This kind of cold jade is most often found in the mountains and forests. Generally, people in the mountain village dig the cold jade by themselves, and then scrape the cold stone powder from the cold jade by earth method, and sell it. Because the medicinal value of this kind of thing is too small, it is cheap and easy to buy. You bought it at the town fair

Wen Linlang's face changed. She lowered her head and her eyes twinkled. She said, "no, I bought, bought I bought it for beauty. That's right. That day, I felt in a bad mood. I went out for a stroll and saw someone selling it. It was a folk prescription. Because it was not very expensive, I bought it and tried it. "

Speaking of this, Wen Linlang seemed to suddenly think of something. She turned to look at Huo mu, an old God nearby, and said, "mom has used it. She asked me to buy more. She knows about it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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