Zhou Wenruo's face was a little embarrassed. She coughed and said, "this matter has nothing to do with you. You just need to do what I say."

Shao Yunzheng looked at her expressionless: "you talk is really funny, you think I will help you? You are too confident in yourself

"Even when it comes to Wen Shutong, don't you care?" Zhou Wenruo looked down at him.

"No matter, she's much smarter than you are on this one." Shao Yunzheng looked at her without changing her face, "stop now, otherwise I will open the door directly."

Last night, he said that he was afraid that he would do something irrational, so he quickly parked his car on the side of the road.

Shao Yunzheng did not have a trace of nostalgia, opened the door and walked down.

At this time, Zhou Wenruo suddenly reached out and took his arm, with a bit of mystery on his face.

"Don't worry, I know a secret about you. If you don't agree to cooperate today, the secret will soon spread to Wen Shutong

Shao Yunzheng's eyebrows wrinkled up, with a look of vigilance on his face: "what do you say?"

Zhou Wenruo stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear.

After saying that, she tidied up her clothes and looked at Shao Yunzheng, waiting for his reaction.

The danger in Shao Yunzheng's eyes flashed by. After a long time, he said with a sneer: "I have to say, you are really a bit smart."

"After all, I've been with ares for a long time, and I know exactly what he's doing."

Zhou Wenruo said with a frivolous smile, "you will cooperate with him. In my expectation, but if Wen Shutong knows, he should be very disappointed with you?"

"If the secret gets to her, you'll be the first one I'll come to." Shao Yunzheng lowered his voice and opened his mouth word by word.

Zhou Wenruo was not frightened by his words. She said with a smile, "does that mean that you have already agreed to my request?"

"You've made this card for song Qiliang. I don't agree with you." Shao Yunzheng looked at her lightly, "but I can make limited efforts, Song Qi now is not hit the south wall, do not look back, I am not sure whether it is useful."

After that, he tilted his head and looked at Zhou Wenruo with interest: "what's more, he doesn't necessarily thank you even if you can help him get back on track."

Zhou Wenruo's eyes crossed a dim, she pretended not to care about the mouth: "he likes who, for me, it's not important, I just don't want him to make mistakes again and again on this matter."

"It's ridiculous that the female devil who used to do all kinds of evil should persuade others to be good."

Shao Yunzheng sarcastically raised his lips, "if the gods hear your deeds, I'm afraid they will be ashamed of themselves. It was useless for him to spend so long, but Song Qi helped him finish it. "

This sentence is clearly a taunt, but Zhou Wenruo did not put it in his heart.

Shao Yunzheng is the only one who wants to help her.

Because among all people, he is the one who is both right and evil.

And Shao Yunzheng, like her, has a weakness.

"Finished?" Zhou Wenruo raised his head and looked at him and said, "then our cooperative relationship has officially begun. It happens that Wen Shutong and his colleagues are not here recently, which is the best time."

Shao Yunzheng's eyes the first mock exam: "where are they?"

Zhou Wenruo looked at him sarcastically: "don't you think you have a good relationship with them? Don't even know where Wen Shutong is going? It's said that she and Huo Yanlin have gone abroad together. Only the two of them look very close. "

Hanging on one side of the hand slightly pinched, Shao Yunzheng's face showed some strange look.

Zhou Wenruo continued to speak slowly: "but you can rest assured that I have first-hand information here. I can tell you anything you want to know, as long as our cooperative relationship is not interrupted."

"Good." Shao Yunzheng finally made up his mind and nodded, "then cooperation will be happy."

"Happy cooperation."

At the same time, Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin made a day and night flight and finally arrived in Canada.

But it's just a start to get there, they have to change several times, and finally get on a ship.

If it was not for fear that the noise would cause other people's attention, they would have chosen to transfer the helicopter, so that they would have arrived.

After three transfers, I finally got to the place where I wanted to take a ship.

Huo Yanlin quietly helps Wen Shutong press the back waist to help her ease her fatigue.

Wen Shutong frowned and whispered, "I'm a little curious. Why is there a ship going there?"

Before they looked on the map, there is clearly a no man island.

If not for Jiang Xingwen's explanation, Wen Shutong could not have imagined that there would be a gathering place.Huo Yanlin chuckled, looked at her mouth and said: "you come here to have a good look, whether there is a ship there."

"What do you mean?" Wen Shutong is puzzled.

Looking at her face with a bit of curiosity, Huo Yanlin didn't hold back and gently scraped the tip of her nose.

"If you want to get there, it's not as simple as you think. How can you get there by boat?"

He took out two cards with exquisite settings, shook them in front of Wen Shutong, and said, "only if you take this card, can you have the right to board."

Wen Shutong opened his eyes in disbelief, looked at him and said, "why didn't you tell me just now?"

"I just want to see when you little fool is going to ask." Huo Yanlin whispered, "and if I had told you earlier, I would have added to your worries."

Wen Shutong gently touched his arm and said with a bit of anger: "I'm not a child anymore. Since I come out with you, I don't need to let me know anything."

Huo Yanlin's expression slightly dignified a few minutes, quietly opened his mouth: "to there is not as simple as you think, I don't want to increase pressure on you. And... "

He gently pulled Wen Shutong to himself: "don't try to observe anyone in the ship. You can pretend that there are only you and me there."

As a psychological counselor, there is a common problem, that is, when you arrive at a strange place, you can observe the facial expressions and expressions around you.

According to their micro expressions, Wen Shutong can quickly judge whether the people around him are kind or malicious.

This is her most common way of judging other people.

And there's never been a mistake.

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