There was a flash of surprise in ares's eyes, but it was only fleeting. He turned his head and left.

Wen Shutong's heart beat wildly from the moment when he was almost noticed.

She is a good nest in Huo Yanlin's arms, dare not have a trace of action.

After half a minute, she lowered her voice and said in a low voice, "has the man left?"

Huo Yanlin lowered his eyebrows and eyes, and his long eyelashes covered the mood in his eyes.

He raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth and patted Wen Shutong's head gently: "it's over. It's OK."

Wen Shutong breathed a sigh of relief. He relaxed all his strength and gave Huo Yanlin a big bear hug.

Her voice slightly aggrieved, she said: "it's not good to be in other people's territory. Even if there is conflict, we should swallow it. If it wasn't for the fear of being seen, I would tear his mouth

Huo Yanlin pinched her back neck and whispered, "OK, I know you are fierce. Come on. Still want to see what ares is going to do

As he spoke, Ares was already on the high platform, standing like that, with an indescribable aura all over his body.

Compared with Huo Yanlin's inborn cold temperament, he seems to be too gloomy to be close to.

Wen Shutong put up a canopy in front of his forehead and looked at his appearance on the stage from a distance.

After a few eyes, she felt something was wrong.

Wen Shutong lowered his voice and said, "I don't know why. I feel that ares looks more sinister than before."

Huo Yanlin also gazed at the past and said in a low voice: "it is because he came to attend the funeral today, so it seems more gloomy than before?"

"I don't think so. I feel that the temperament has changed dramatically." Wen Shutong said with a dignified face, "especially in his eyes, I feel something is wrong, but I can't tell you what's wrong."

At this time, Huo Yanlin's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Now that they are in a foreign country, it should be sui investigating them that they can send text messages to comfort them.

Huo Yanlin took out his mobile phone to see the name above, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It turned out to be Ji Tongsheng.

Wen Shutong also followed his eyes and looked in the past. He said curiously, "how could he send you a message at this time?"

"He said that he had a piece of information in his hand, which should be sorted out and sent to me before going abroad." Huo Yanlin spoke in a low voice.

He opened the news that Ji Tong was born, and it was not surprising that in addition to saying goodbye, there was also a compressed file.

Compressed files are encrypted through multiple encryption, even if it is his occupational disease, should be afraid of being intercepted information.

Huo Yanlin quickly decrypted the compressed package, one eye three lines to see all the information, but more and more dignified eyes.

"What's the matter?" Wen Shutong is concerned about the opening.

Huo Yanlin lowered his voice and said, "when you were alone with ares before, did he mention anyone to you?"

"No Wen Shutong shook his head.

"It's said that before Ares was abroad, there was a girl who had a good relationship with each other."

Huo Yanlin frowned. "Later, the girl died in a strange way. His life seemed to be open, set up a series of traps, overthrow all the powerful people in the family, and sit on the top of power."

"I never heard him mention any girls. When was that? Was it after I met at home? " Wen Shutong said curiously.

"According to Ji Tongsheng's investigation, it should be before I met you. The girl died in a strange way, and he came back to China soon, and then he would take it back a few years later. "

Huo Yanlin said, "but these news is too internal, Ji Tongsheng investigation is not much, probably only think so."

Wen Shutong pondered for a moment and said, "no wonder Huo yuan was kidnapped before. He said he was trying to test Ji Tongsheng, but in fact he wanted to stop him from further investigation. "

"He used that method to let Ji Tongsheng see his heart clearly and understand the crisis at the same time, so he had to stop the investigation and go abroad." Huo Yanlin nodded and said.

"It's a plan to kill two birds with one stone." Wen Shutong frowned, "what kind of role does this girl play in his life?"

As soon as the voice dropped, Wen Shutong suddenly thought of something and said, "by the way, I suddenly remember that he had some abnormal behaviors when he went to the restaurant with me before."

"Most of the time, his eyes seem to be looking at me, but actually it is more like looking at another person through me. At that time, I felt something was wrong."

Huo Yanlin slightly narrowed his eyes and nodded gently: "since this matter, Ji Tongsheng can not continue to investigate, then we two continue to investigate."

"Good!"As soon as Wen Shutong's voice dropped, a deep male voice came from the stage: "thank you for coming here."

When ares talks about the language here, he has a unique flavor. Wen Shutong almost didn't recognize his voice at first.

All the people raised their ears and stared at him, looking forward to what the young man, who had inherited a huge inheritance, was going to say something.

After all, what Mr. Chen has here is enough for a normal person to live a carefree life.

Even if there is no gratitude, at least it should be hard to say.

But ares just dropped this sentence, he closed the coat of his windbreaker and turned to leave.

There was a quick uproar, even the elegant woman standing next to him.

The woman widened her eyes and looked at his direction, and said in a low voice, "are you just saying that?"

Ares turned his head to look at her and said, "should I say something more? Do you want to kneel in front of all the people in front of his crystal coffin? "

This sentence made the woman's face not very good-looking. She looked at it with forbearance, but ares did not dare to say anything more.

Just then the young woman behind her reached for her shoulder and whispered a few words.

The woman finally nodded, took over the microphone in his hand, and continued to express her feelings about losing her beloved.

Her words had just begun. Suddenly, a gunshot rang out of the air, directly hitting the photo of Mr. Chen in the middle of the hall!

Just listen to a clear sound, a bullet broke the glass frame, the photo of the old man with a smile on his face instantly more than a black muzzle!

Fortunately, it's just a picture. The owner of the photo is dead.

If you don't let him die the second time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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