"Especially for a man like you who is handsome and has everything, freshness is the most important thing."

The woman continued to arch on her body, "but I have to admit that you are much more handsome than those smelly men I've seen. Even ares is not as good-looking as you are."

Her fingers like playing the piano, along Huo Yanlin's arm slightly forward.

Watching him narrow his eyes, the woman naturally took him as an emotional appearance.

Huo Yanlin seems to have some consciousness is not clear, even her words are unable to pick up.

Su qiaoran's eyes flashed a strange look, and his hand stayed on his Adam's apple.

"I knew you couldn't stand it.

"Tonight, the two of us have reached an agreement."

She slightly raised her head and pouted her lips, almost falling on Huo Yanlin's lips.

At this critical moment, Huo Yanlin suddenly grabbed her wrist and twisted it to the back, and then directly lifted her from his body!

Su qiaoran was caught off guard and was free. The whole person flew out directly and hit the table behind him.

The hot coffee spilled on her hand, even if it was unbearable, she also clenched her teeth and did not dare to make a sound.

Huo Yanlin just seems to have been confused with the eyes of love, at this time has been restored to cold.

He looked down at the embarrassed Su qiaoran and said in a cold voice: "who gives you the courage to make you feel that I am the object you can attack."

Su qiaoran's eyes widened in disbelief, and even moved back a little bit: "how is it possible? I saw you before... "

"Clearly see my eyes stop on you for a while, or do you pay special attention to you?" Huo Yanlin mouth diffuse a trace of sarcastic smile, word by word opening.

Su Qiao ran widened his eyes and flashed an unbelievable light in his eyes.

"Did you have a plan?"

Huo Yanlin does not agree and raises his chin slightly.

Arrogant is like the master God who controls everything.

At this time, Su qiaoran was beside him, just like a clown who was fighting back to his original shape. His whole body was pitiful and pathetic.

Su qiaoran raised his face and laughed at himself. The tears of laughter came out from the corner of his eyes.

"I've been in a place like this for a long time. The stupid man gave me a look and I thought he was interested in me."

She shrugged her shoulders, and the whole person looked crazy and lonely. "Is it really stupid to give your body for a little bit of freedom?"

Huo Yanlin is still looking at her calmly, just like a bystander.

It seems that all of them are just Su qiaoran's monologue.

She stood up from the table, lifted her eyelids and looked at him: "you just pretended to cooperate, just to see me make a fool of myself, didn't you?"

"If you want to think that way, there's nothing wrong with it." Huo Yanlin's face was expressionless.

"I'm sorry, I took the liberty." She nodded with tears in her eyes.

Then, without waiting for Huo Yanlin to react, she knelt down directly: "but I still have a request. Please don't tell Ares and the eldest lady about this, otherwise, I can't really get out."

"I know it's unreasonable to say that, but I just want to ask you now, don't ruin the second half of a woman's life and treat it as a good deed, OK?"

Huo Yanlin arranged his cuff slowly. After a long time, he said, "I will think that I haven't seen you tonight."

"Naturally, no one will know what happened between us."

"It's not up to me whether you can get out of this cage in the future."

Even if it's just such a irrelevant word, it's amnesty for Su qiaoran.

She was so grateful that she shed tears and said, "that's really great. If I have a chance to go out in the future, I will thank you very much, Mr. Huo!"

"In order to make up for my loss, I will try my best to help you in these days. You can make your wife go home early

"Then I'll thank you in advance for your blessing." Huo Yanlin's face was expressionless.

Su Qiao didn't dare to say any more nonsense this time, for fear that he would offend Huo Yanlin. After she finished this sentence, she left in a hurry.

The moment she opened the door of the room, the people who were guarding the door looked at it curiously again.

After all, the time she went in was so short that they didn't know what was going on.

Her eyes still have not wiped clean tears, eyes red, the whole person seems to have been greatly wronged.

Su Qiao ran quietly avoided those people's eyes, and then quickly walked into the elevator.

These people looked at her embarrassed to leave the back, all of which happened to laugh."I'm really out of my power. I dare to compare myself with Miss Wen even if I don't know what I am?"

"I've never seen a woman so mean that she can deliver it to her own door."

"You're short of insight. There are so many cheap people, both men and women."

Another person also hastily opened his mouth to echo: "yes, it's just that Mr. Huo of our family has ignored the outside world's Yingying Yanyan, and only Miss Wen is in his heart."

"If you have points, you should not get close to a married woman. It's shameless!"

Elevator door closed very slowly, the voice of these people's discussion, without exception, all entered Su qiaoran's ears.

She caresses her hair, the frailty of her face has already disappeared.

She looked at a piece of reflection on the elevator, then tilted her head slightly, causing a strange smile.

A moment later, she pouted and gave herself a kiss in the mirror.

Then, word by word, he said, "the play is really good. These fools are taken in very quickly."

She turned her eyes to the direction of Huo Yanlin, with a provocative smile on her mouth: "the next game, I don't know if you can connect it. Su qiaoran

"isn't he the president of a broken company? Think I've never met anyone? Su qiaoran

"relying on a leather bag, I thought I could really walk around the world, ridiculous."

Ding a elevator to the station, she twisted out of all kinds of amorous feelings, and then dialed a phone: "give me to speed up the progress, do not want to accompany them to play down."

She had just hung up when she happened to meet a man walking into the hotel.

Su Qiao Ran's face, quickly hung up that innocent and pure expression, pretending to be careless from passers-by by.

The man nodded to him, "what are you doing here, madam?"

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