No wonder the driver looks so familiar. No wonder he thinks the car is so familiar. No wonder recently, he always feels that there is a caryan following him all the time.

In the face of such a tragic way of meeting again and facing his own speculation, Wen Shutong's first reaction was not angry that Huo Yanlin was following him, but thinking, is this man a fool?

Tracking someone else and driving such a high profile car? Or I'm too stupid to find out for so long.

Then, she realized that Wen Yueqi must have deceived himself. He was so keen that he must have found Huo Yanlin following him. But why didn't he say that?

Intuition told her, wenyueqi this boy must have some secret, and he also brought bad baby Huo Yanlin.

Now it's not the time to cut the two cubs in his heart. Wen Shutong looks at the man in the car and looks at him with a smile: "Mr. Huo, long time no see, don't you come down?"

Huo Yanlin did not expect that the two people would meet so unexpectedly. He moved his throat and finally opened the door.

Although it is now in June, the temperature is very high and the weather is very warm, Huo Yanlin still feels cold from Wen Shutong's smile.

The speed of the two cars was not very fast, and the two people were not the people who complained about the cost of repairing the car. They directly took the car to the repair shop.

As the first person in charge, Wen Shutong took out his bank card, but Huo Yanlin stopped him.

"What are you doing?" Wen Shutong twisted his eyebrows and looked up at Huo Yanlin, "don't worry, I'll brush your share."

Huo Yanlin silent from his pocket to take out his prepared card in the car, handed it to the staff waiting for a long time: "brush mine."

"Oh, no, why, I know it was my fault that caused this unpleasant accident. I don't lack the money for repairing the car. Huo Yanlin, you don't need to do this."

Wen Shutong reaches out to stop the staff, but Huo Yanlin grabs him and stops him in place.

"Next time you come, I will." The next second, Huo Yanlin's light voice sounded overhead.

Wen Shutong's foot jumping is frozen in place. He looks up at Huo Yanlin with a serious face and hugs his bank card tightly.

"No, no, you think it's a treat? Who wants to play bumper cars with you every day

Huo Yanlin's face changed, and his ear tip turned red. He raised his hand and touched his nose and said, "no, I mean..."

After a long pause, he said, "well, yes, you can invite me to dinner."

Wen Shutong looked at him with a puzzled look: "I bumped into your car. You don't pursue me and repair my car. Now you just ask me to treat you to a meal? Are you going to eat Manchu and Han banquet

Huo Yanlin still stayed in the sand sculpture's reply before. He only vaguely heard the four characters of Manchu and Han's banquet, so he waved his hand and said indifferently: "you're welcome. I'll eat whatever you please."

Wen Shutong looked at the perfect side face of the man in front of him, and he jerked at the corners of his mouth. However, in fact, I don't even want to invite you to the restaurant. Can I transfer money to you and eat what you want?

After a pause, she said, "eat Not today. I'm going to pick up my son from school. Goodbye, Mr. Huo. "

Huo Yanlin then turned around and said, "I'll go with you and have dinner together."

Wen Shutong turned around, looked at him strangely and said, "Mr. Huo seems to be very persistent in eating with me. Do you want to have children? I have no objection to your going to see them. "

Huo Yanlin's fingers hang on the side of his body and twist his fingers uneasily. He said, "you don't have a car. It's inconvenient to take a taxi here. Are you late? I'll take you there. "

Wen Shutong looked him up and down: "but your car has also been sent to repair."

Huo Yanlin raised his chin and motioned Wen Shutong to look at the gate of the garage. Assistant Liu was standing next to Lao Zhang. Their heads were close together and they didn't know what they were talking about.

Huo Yanlin's voice came from behind: "after the accident, I immediately let my assistant drive another car over here."

Wen Shutong takes a look at the time on his mobile phone. It's already four o'clock. It's really too late. He has to compromise and follow Huo Yanlin out.

Huo Yanlin reached out to take the car key in the hands of Liu's assistant, and then said to Lao Zhang and Xiao Liu's assistant, "we're going to pick up the children first. You two can take a taxi to the downtown area. It's a good place to take a taxi."

After that, he didn't feel anything wrong. He lifted his feet and left. He also urged Wen Shutong: "go quickly, or there will be no time to pick up the child."

How can I hear him talk like a couple? Wen Shutong's unpredictable face looked at the man's upright back, trotted up.

"Mr. Huo, how can you tell them to wait for a rental

Huo Yanlin frowned slightly: "don't you like it? Then I'll send them a car. "Said, he raised his hand to take out the mobile phone arrangement.

Wen Shutong followed him to the co pilot and looked at him in shock. Why did he seem to listen to me? Is it an illusion?

Huo Yanlin started the car to leave, while driving while naturally asked: "what do you want to eat?"

Wen Shutong quickly put on his seat belt and was stunned and said, "Chinese food."

Huo Yanlin answered and did not speak again. Wen Shutong glanced at him secretly and said carefully, "that Are you What do you want to talk to me about? "

Huo Yanlin's driving hand stopped for a moment, clenched the steering wheel, and nodded gently: "well."

Wen Shutong breathed out a breath and whispered, "just right, I want to talk to you too."

"Looking for me? What are you talking about? " Huo Yanlin was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Ah, about The custody of the stars. " Wen Shutong said in surprise, "the child's account is still under your name, I take the child a lot of things are inconvenient, and strictly check up also does not conform to the regulations, I think when you are free, we have been to a household." Wen Shutong blinked and said.

A screeching brake sound sounded, and the black Hummer came to an emergency stop on the side of the road.

Wen Shutong grabbed the seat belt and nearly flew to the windshield. She noticed that the car had stopped. She covered her forehead and looked up at Huo Yanlin. Her face was unreasonable: "what are you doing? Can you drive? "

Huo Yanlin's face was very bad. He felt that there was a misunderstanding between the two people, but he could not say what it was.

The throat knot rolled up and down for a while. At last, he looked at Wen Shutong with deep eyes and asked, "do you want to take away the custody of the stars?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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