This old restaurant has a long history. Wenshutong used to be a waiter here when she was in University. The store manager at that time took good care of her, but this time she returned home, the manager has changed.

Wen Shutong, who was familiar with the road, took his father and son and sat down in a secret box, reached for the menu and said, "girls are the first."

The father and son blinked and did not dare to say a word.

Five minutes later, Wen Shutong ordered the dessert on the menu and said, "two for this and one for this."

Wen Yueqi craned her neck to see the menu: "Mommy, I want to eat ice cream."

"No Wen Shutong slammed the menu and handed it to the waiter.

Huo Yanlin glared at Wen Shutong for a while, and finally hesitated to ask, "I haven't ordered yet."

"Your opinion doesn't matter." Wen Shutong said coldly.

Huo Yanlin provoked her anger for no reason and was very aggrieved. He touched his nose and whispered, "don't you invite me to dinner?"

has the final say, "yes, so what I pay is me, what I eat, I have the final say."

Huo Yanlin:

The waiter took the menu out, and the atmosphere in the box was momentarily stagnant and quiet. It was strange.

Huo Xinghui's little finger moved and wanted to poke Wen Yueqi. But Wen Yueqi didn't feel it. He was staring at Wen Shutong's face for ice cream.

Huo Yanlin coughed and said, "stars, little moon, do you want dad?"

Wen Yueqi's face did not change, the eyes did not turn and said: "No."

Huo Xinghui pursed her lips and nodded shyly. Huo Yanlin was moved instantly.

"Dad decorated your bedroom and bought a lot of new toys. I think..." Huo Yanlin excitedly shares a way.

After a second of conversation, Huo Tong and I couldn't stop for a second

Wen Shutong turned his head and said without expression: "Dad? What do you want to do? "

Huo Yanlin's back was stiff, and he instantly recalled his fear of being dominated by "snatching custody". He licked his lips and said, "this matter still needs to be discussed. Now that we are together with the children, can we not say this in front of the children?"

Wen Shutong said with a sneer: "if you worry about children's thinking, you'd better not appear in front of them. My children have eyes, ears and brains. They can see, listen, think, understand things. They can make their own judgments. They are also entitled to express their opinions on this matter

Huo Yanlin stopped for a moment, turned his head to look at Wen Yueqi and Huo Xingyi, and said in a low voice: "Dad wants to discuss with mommy about the issue of who is the custody right of you two. Do you think..."

"With Mommy, of course." Wen Yueqi looked at Huo Yanlin strangely, as if he asked a nonsense question.

Holding back his heartache, Huo Yanlin turned his head and looked at Huo Xingyi's eyes with expectation and hope, eagerly looking at his last hope.

Huo Xinghui looks up at Wen Yueqi, then looks at Wen Shutong, who is expressionless. Finally, he looks at Huo Yanlin and shakes his head with the same expression.

Wen Shutong raised the corner of his mouth with a proud smile: "Mr. Huo, I think you can see clearly now. We don't need your care and charity. I have the ability to take care of my two children. You can rest assured. "

Huo Yanlin patted the table: "nonsense, how can a child's growing up lack of father's love? It's against the law that you refuse to let us be father and son. "

Wen Shutong said with a smile: "Mr. Huo, you are wrong. I did not refuse your normal meeting and contact. If you want to buy clothes, toys and alimony for your two children every month, I have no problem. As for the problem of fatherhood, I will try to solve it if necessary. "

Huo Yanlin's mind was instantly taken away by Wen Shutong's last words. He felt that his heart rubbed against him and raised a fire. He asked angrily, "what is it? If it is necessary, will you try to solve it? What would you do? Are you going to marry a man in the street? "

Wen Shutong opened his eyes and said: "what? can't I? You can rest assured that even if I go to the street and find a man to marry, I will find one who is good for two children. I will never be like Mr. Huo finding a stepmother for his children. "

Huo Yanlin was furious and said: "there is a ready-made father here, and he will treat the two babies well. Why do you want to go out and find a wild man? Is that good for the wild men out there

It's time for me to say something.

Huo Yanlin finished and felt the strange atmosphere in the box. After a careful review, he reflected what he had said. He pursed his lips, blushed a little, and slowly lowered his head.

The corner of Wen Shutong's mouth twitches. He is about to signal Wen Yueqi to say something. The waiter knocks on the door and comes in to serve the food.After the waiter quits, Wen Shutong picks up his chopsticks and bites and starts to eat.

It was a long time before she said, "you Let's have dinner. Don't think about it. We'll have a talk with a lawyer some other day. "

I didn't mean to pick up the chopsticks

"Oh, don't you want to take care of two children?"


"Then ask the lawyer to come out and have a seat."

Huo Yanlin struggled: "but I don't want to rise to such a serious height, I just want to live with children and accompany them to grow up together."

"Then you just want custody. You don't want to rise to such a serious level, but your behavior keeps telling me that you want to take a lawsuit. Do you think I will do nothing and let you take the custody of the child? "

Huo Yanlin Leng for a moment, whispered: "then we can also think of other compromise methods."

Wen Shutong snorted coldly: "what else do you want to do

Huo Yanlin pursed his lips and said, "you see, the condition of the star is not completely recovered. Can't we do without the help of parents in the treatment process? He always needs a father, doesn't he? It's not good for you to let your child follow you arbitrarily. It's better to Do you all move to Jin'an mountain? "

Wen Shutong's face changed. He resisted the impulse of splashing water on his face. He gritted his teeth and asked, "do you take people home and never consider feelings? Do you think I'll forgive you for what you did six years ago? Now I see you don't mean to crash with you. It's for the sake of two children that I don't want to involve you more. You don't want to push your luck. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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