When all the adolescent girls vowed to marry such a man, she secretly vowed that she would make a lot of money in the future and throw a lot of money into herself.

Later, she was able to wave for herself, but she didn't have to.

Because she has been through many years of training and growing up, clearly know what they want, and those unnecessary things also can not enter the eye.

Wen Shutong shakes his brain, comes out of the study, closes the two secret doors, falls himself on the big bed, takes out his mobile phone and watches an episode of dog blood TV series. Only when he recovers from his flustered life, he gets up decadent and goes to bed.

It's a luxury bed for Princess Huo to sleep in.

On the other hand, Wen Linlang was expelled from the villa of Jin'an mountain by Huo Yanlin, and he was also ordered not to appear within ten miles of Jin'an mountain for any reason.

When Huo Yanlin bought Jin'an mountain at first, he planned to buy a hilltop as a landlord. Therefore, judging from the real estate certificate, Jianshan is indeed his own territory.

There's nothing special about this place. It's just that the environment is good, quiet and few people.

He had planned to build another villa area across the street, but later he felt troublesome and was afraid of rush hours, so he gave up the idea.

Later, the shops on this side became shops along the street, and along the way, a radioactive business district was formed.

The covering surface of the commercial area is a circle with a gap, which is the side of Jin'an mountain.

Wen Linlang was worried about finding out that he and Meng huaiwei lived together, so when he bought an apartment, he chose a community far away from Jin'an mountain.

At this time, Wen Linlang is on the high floor, the city is full of lights, but their house is flashing lights, like a ghost.

"Meng huaiwei, are you going to kick me out after using me now? Don't forget I gave you a baby! Have you given your conscience to the dog? "

Wenlinlang had messy hair and ragged clothes. She had fresh, scabby scars on her face, and her cheeks were puffed by fans.

The forehead temple is the most serious and obvious place, where the lump has turned blue and purple, the side of the wound is bloody, blood has stopped, dry on the face looks terrible and gloomy.

Meng huaiwei felt that he was tired of dealing with this woman. He had just had a fight. He also had a lot of colors hanging on his body, all of which were scratched by Wen Linlang with his nails and smashed by throwing things.

"You don't look at yourself like this. You think I'm rare for a broken shoe that has been kicked away? If it wasn't for your help in Ruihe group, I would have kicked you out of this old woman. How dare you talk to me about children? You don't have a look. Except for the trip to Jiangcheng, have you ever been kind to your children? "

Meng huaiwei gritted his teeth and pointed to Wen Linlang. He looked up and down as if he were looking at a product.

"Me? Are you good with the children Wen Linlang stood up, raised his head and cried out.

"I thought you had real feelings for me. I never had sex with Huo Yanlin from the beginning to the end. I never had any physical contact with him. I have always been your woman. How can you treat me like this?"

Wen Lin Lang gas cry out, can not help but hand the last thing to throw - the mobile phone to throw out.

How can you do this to you? What is a woman who knows to hook up with her brother-in-law and rob her sister's husband and children when she is in college? How much is it worth? I really think of myself as a character.

Meng huaiwei dodged, his eyes flashed a haze, his heart is very clear, this woman has gone mad.

He can't continue to annoy her. He has to find a way to stabilize her first, and then make plans. He can endure for a while.

Last time, Huo Yanlin completely cancelled the cooperation with Mengshi building materials, and even did not allow other companies to cooperate with them. Mengshi building materials can not support for several days, and will soon face the risk of bankruptcy and huge losses.

In addition to the previous kidnapping case, Ji Tongsheng was so clever that he almost found him in the head. Fortunately, he made preparations in advance and found a scapegoat.

But he did not dare to go out at will for fear of being seen. Who is it all about? It's not all because Wen Linlang, a cheap woman, is not good at doing things.

Meng huaiwei is still more distant than Wen Linlang and has some brains.

He took a deep breath and didn't dare to annoy her any more. He took out his handkerchief and gently wiped the blood on Wen Linlang's forehead. He said affectionately:

"Lin Lang, don't be angry. Just now, it was me who made a mistake. I shouldn't have been so angry. I just have a lot of troubles recently, and I can't hold my temper. But, I love you so much, we can't separate from each other. Don't be angry, will you? It's not good to be angry again. "

"You said, really will never leave me, abandon me?" Wen Linlang seemed to be in a difficult and desperate predicament and finally grasped a driftwood. He looked at Meng huaiwei nervously and asked him to make an oath never to leave.Meng huaiwei is so good at this kind of thing that he can't beat the root at all and will not hesitate.

He didn't worry about retribution at all. He opened his mouth and said, "I swear, I'll never leave you."

"Well." Wen Linlang tearful eyes, weak against Meng huaiwei's chest, "we will never separate, no matter what happens, you will not leave me."

"In that case..." Meng huaiwei was about to open his mouth when he was interrupted.

"Let's deal with Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin together! I'll make them worse than dead! " Wen Linlang grabbed Meng huaiwei's clothes and said with hatred.

Meng huaiwei bowed his head and saw Wen Lin Lang's cruel eyes. He pushed her away and backed away.

"Why don't you repent? Still think of the egg hitting the stone and wringing the thigh? Do you have a brain? "

"Meng huaiwei, you just said you would never leave me. Now, just because of a little thing, you yell at me with a few words." Wen Linlang pounced on her hair, scratched her cheek and tore her clothes.

Meng huaiwei kicked people open and said angrily, "crazy, neuropathy."

With that, he opened the door of the apartment and went straight out. The sound of closing the door was loud.

Wen Linlang crouched down in pain in a pile of smashed and messy pieces of furniture. On the one hand, he felt that heaven was unfair and he was too thin for himself. On the other hand, he hated Wen Shutong for being too good.

When her own misfortune, other people's luck has become a sin in her eyes.

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