Wen Shutong walked into the research institute with his bag and high-heeled shoes. He was almost blind all the way.

"Dr. Wen." The little girl at the front desk was staring at the imposing Wen Shutong and said hello.

"Good morning." Wen Shutong nodded and said hello. He was still a cool and noble man.

The front desk girl watched her stride to her office, smacked her tongue and whispered, "does Dr. Wen still have to decide on her own aura today according to the clothes she wears every day?"

Shuya happened to come from outside and asked with a smile, "what are you talking about alone?"

The little girl at the front desk pursed her mouth and said, "doctor Wen has just passed by. Today, she is much more gorgeous than before. Without those simple clothes that can't be seen, she looks very noble. It looks chilly, but it doesn't seem to be in a good mood. "

After hearing this, Shuya looked thoughtful.

"Assistant Shu?" The little girl at the front desk didn't talk to Shuya all the time, so she raised her hand and waved in front of her eyes, calling out in doubt.

"Ah? don't worry. I'll go to work first. I'll talk to you at noon. " Shuya said with her heart out of her mind and left with her bag.

The front desk girl was heartless. She raised her hand and touched her hair blankly. She forgot about it.

Shuya just left, the next second, came into a handsome tall man.

This man used to come with his children every day for a period of time, and all the people in their research institute knew each other.

"Mr. Huo." As soon as I saw someone coming, the front desk girl's face immediately raised a smile and said.

Huo Yanlin nodded his head without expression and asked, "is doctor Wen here today?"

The front desk girl continued to smile, looked at Huo Yanlin's back, empty: "ah, where are the stars? Did you forget to take the baby? "

Huo Yanlin coughed and said, "no, I came by myself."

"Do you have an appointment?" The front desk girl asked with a smile on business.

Huo Yanlin was embarrassed. For the first time in his life, he was asked whether he had an appointment, and for the first time he realized that the mother who had seen his child had to make an appointment.

He reached out his finger, knocked on the table, thought for a moment, and said, "I'm here to bring her breakfast."

The front desk sister stood on tiptoe and leaped over the front desk to look at it. Huo Yanlin picked up the breakfast paper bag in his hand and let her have a look.

It's the sign of an old breakfast shop two blocks away. It's expensive. There are many people in line.

The front desk girl thought bitterly that doctor Wen had a good life. She always wanted to eat it, but she was too expensive. Look at this big bag, there must be a lot of their signature snacks and snacks.

"But I'm really sorry, Mr. Huo. We should follow the rules, otherwise There are so many meals for Dr. Wen. Who can finish it? "

The front desk girl tried to tear her eyes off the paper bag and said with a mouthful of saliva.

In my heart, a strong said, you must stand in the absolute fairness angle, must not eccentric, the hometown breakfast snack and soybean milk fried dough sticks are equal.

Thinking of this, she raised her head and looked at Huo Yanlin and said, "you have no appointment, I can't let you in."

Huo Yanlin's face is unbelievable, "does the person who delivers her take out also want to make an appointment?"

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered what the front desk had just said, and her face turned cold: "there are still many people to deliver her breakfast? Who are there? Did she eat it? Who gave her food? "

"I..." The front desk girl was frightened by Huo Yanlin's fierce appearance, and all of them gave Balu out.

"I So many people, how can I remember? I'm not talking about a single breakfast. Who is bored to deliver breakfast and can't see people again? Of course, it's about lunch and dinner. As for who ate last Oh, we gave it to her by Dr. Jiang! "

Huo Yanlin gnashing teeth at the front desk of the little girl: "let me in."


"I am the father of her child!" Huo Yanlin said in a forthright manner.

The father of the child? Isn't that the husband?

Eh? Dr. Wen is married?

Wait, Dr. Wen and the kids. When did it happen? Dr. Wen didn't come to work for a month before. Who's child is from pregnancy to birth in a month?

"You Really? " The little girl at the front desk asked cautiously.

"My company is in the next building. Do I have to cheat you?" Huo Yanlin gasped.

The girl at the front desk shook her head, and her face was hurt by her hair: "that You go in. If you know the way, you don't need me to guide you. I'll watch here. "

Huo Yanlin nodded his head with satisfaction. When he walked in, he stopped and asked, "what are you looking at here?"

"Watch to continue to stop others to Sao, harass people, to female doctors, male doctors to send meals to pay homage to ah." The receptionist replied instinctively.No wonder when Liu assistant make complaints about the data, Tucao said that their research institute is the only unit of the whole company to work in collectively.

Huo Yanlin walked along the corridor to the door of wenshutong's office when he heard Jiang Xing's voice.

The door of the office was not closed, and there was a big gap, which showed that the people inside were very magnanimous, but he was still a little uncomfortable and did not know why.

From hearing the front desk said that Jiang Xing sent her breakfast, she began to eat until now, he began the petty conspiracy theory.

Huo Yanlin can't help slowing down and doing something unexpected in his life -- eavesdropping.

In the early morning, he would like to hear what important things Jiang can say to Wen Shutong. Of course, if it is really about business secrets and patients' privacy, he will not eavesdrop.

In the office, Wen Shutong covered his stomach with his left hand and his right hand against his forehead. He looked at Jiang Xing and asked, "what are you doing here in the early morning?"

Jiang Xing grinned and said, "I heard you came to work today."

"What day do I not come to work?" Wen Shutong rolled his eyes and didn't want to talk to him.

"I haven't seen you for a night, haven't you?" Jiang Xing said without face and skin.

Huo Yanlin outside the door instantly clenched his fists, his bones banged, his face turned cold, he sneered and continued to listen to the corner.

"Why should I let you see me at night. I said, Jiang Xing, can you please let me have a quiet rest. I don't want to talk to you. The door is on the left. Please go straight Wen Shutong's voice was weak and impatient.

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