Speaking of this, Huang Shuyun's expression suddenly stopped, suddenly reflected how the two children came.

Huo Yanlin had never been involved in her pregnancy in October before. How do you know what kind of reaction Wen Shutong had when she was pregnant.

Huang Shuyun quickly changed the topic and said mysteriously: "I have experience, it must be like this! Otherwise, how can you vomit when you eat this kind of food for no reason? Don't move. Let me ask her

After that, she raised her hand, knocked on the door and whispered, "how are you feeling now?"

Wen Shutong vomited a wave and got a little better, so he said, "much better. I guess I ate something bad, so I'm not very comfortable."

"What did you eat in the hospital?" Huang Shuyun continued to ask.

Wen Shutong thought seriously for a long time, and then said, "I ate some dried apricots, dried mangoes, and dried pineapples. Well, I didn't eat much for dinner, probably because I ate less."

These are snacks bought by others for the stars and the moon. As a result, they don't like to eat them. They are all cheap.

She also suspected that she had too many snacks, which made her look like this.

Such a reply, Huang Shuyun face smile more and more big, toward Huo Yanlin gave a thumbs up: "I guess really right!"

Huo Yanlin was unprepared and a little excited in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

He hasn't participated in it before. If there is still a chance for him to participate now, it will be a great thing for him.

When he was secretly happy, Huang Shuyun continued to tentatively say: "what was your reaction when you were pregnant before, like this?"

The voice of vomiting in the bathroom suddenly stopped, and then came Wen Shutong's voice: "won't it?"

It's not that she's afraid of pregnancy, but that this little guy has come at a bad time and is now on the cusp of the storm.

She is also a completely confused look. She doesn't look like a mother at all.

Huang Shuyun anxiously said: "what was your reaction when you were pregnant? Don't you remember? "

I have to say that Wen Shutong really doesn't remember.

Although it was really painful and difficult at that time, she was thinking about how to make money every day and didn't pay attention to it at all.

I only remember that I was very weak at that time, because I always didn't eat well and my blood sugar was always low.

It's great luck that two kids can be born.

"I..." For a moment, she did not know what to say.

Huang Shuyun was about to speak again when Huo Yanlin frowned.

Others can't empathize with the past, but he remembers it clearly.

So he tapped on the door and whispered, "is it convenient for me to go in now?"

Wen Shutong let out a sound. Huo Yanlin quickly opened the door. Then he could not help but close the door behind him, isolating Huang Shuyun behind him.

Huang Shuyun did not expect that he became an outsider. When he was about to express his dissatisfaction, Huo Yanshan was behind her.

He shook his head at Huang Shuyun and said in a low voice, "what do you do with the two children? Come here first

"Can't I care?" Huang Shuyun lowered his voice and opened his mouth with concern.

Huo Yanshan shook his head with a dignified face: "they are not a few years old children, this kind of thing can not be solved?"

Huang Shuyun reluctantly looked at the door of the room, and finally got up and left.

Huo Yanlin hands circle in front of Wen Shutong, imprison her in the sink.

Originally, it was nothing for them to get along with each other day. Today, on the way to the old house, they were still joking with each other.

But I don't know why, vaguely feel after their pregnancy, four eyes relative feel a little embarrassed.

Wen Shutong hung his head and blushed slightly.

Huo Yanlin raised her chin and said in a soft voice, "how do you feel now?"

She shook her head: "except for some discomfort just now, it's much better now, but I just don't feel hungry."

"You think, mom said..." Huo Yanlin didn't know how to express himself for a moment. He lowered his voice and said.

"I think about it. It's really two months since..." This question how to mention how embarrassed, "but some time ago too busy, I originally because I did not pay attention to it."

Huo Yanlin is distressed and wants to laugh. He thinks that a person has to be nervous to the point where he can not even care about this.

He stretched out his hand to take Wen Shutong into his arms and gently pressed her back neck.

It's like a silent tacit understanding between them. Every time Huo Yanlin appeases him, Wen Shutong's mood will be wonderfully stabilized.

He was close to Wen Shutong's ear and said in a soft voice: "whether it is or not, I'll take you to have an examination later, OK?""You don't have to do the inspection. Just go to the drugstore and buy a test paper. That's what I used to do." Wen Shutong spoke softly.

Huo Yanlin shook his head solemnly: "I didn't have the chance to participate before. This time, I have to participate in the whole process. I can't do this in a hurry."

"Oh, it doesn't matter what happened before. I don't blame you so much now." Wen Shutong opened his mouth in a low voice.

Two people seem to be chatting at night. It seems that they are chatting normally. In fact, every word is very gentle. They are afraid of disturbing others.

Wen Shutong likes this kind of feeling very much. It seems that he has drawn them closer.

Huo Yanlin shook his head firmly on his face. He obviously didn't agree with Wen Shutong.

After a pause, Wen Shutong suddenly thought of something and said, "no, I don't think it's very good."

Lift eyelids gently looking at her, Huo Yanlin cast a puzzled look.

"I've been in hospital for some time recently, and I'm afraid many of the drugs I use are not suitable for pregnant women. If so, I'm afraid this child is not suitable to stay."

Wen Shutong's calm statement.

When she was in the hospital, the doctor really used a lot of strong drugs to make him better earlier. It's not sure if there is anything that is not suitable for pregnant women.

Huo Yanlin dropped his eyes to see her still flat abdomen, and his eyes showed an obvious look of loss.

He had never seen this expression before. Wen Shutong's heart was pricked by softness.

So she is also a mother, but I'm not sure about the news screenshot.

If she is really pregnant, strictly speaking, she has no friendship with this little guy.

So even if he was forced to beat him, Wen Shutong would not be too sad except that he might be lost.

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