She didn't push Huo Yanlin's hand away any more, and even offered to help out.

Wen Shutong said softly, "in a few months, he will be formed. When you can move by yourself, you will show your fists and feet in it. You can feel him kicking me and even burping. "

Huo Yanlin raised his eyes and looked at her with a look of surprise in his eyes.

His eyes are beautiful, and with the present look, they are more exquisite and beautiful than words.

At this time, the originally chilly facial features became very soft.

Wen Shutong's heart softened a lot and said softly, "now that you have the chance to grow up with him, you can rest assured that he won't let you down."

Huo Yanlin leaned over and gently dropped a kiss on her abdomen and said softly, "thank you."

Wen Shutong said with a smile: "I have said thank you before, but now I still want to say it? What are you going to thank me for this time? "

Huo Yanlin moved her tender and affectionate eyes to her and said softly, "thank you for everything."

During this time, Huo Yanlin was so gentle that Wen Shutong felt like he was in a dream.

After two people had a few words of conversation in a low voice, Huo Yanlin's mobile phone suddenly rang, and people from the company called him.

He frowned tightly. If these people didn't disturb him, he would like to chat with Wen Shutong all the time.

Seeing Huo Yanlin's reaction, Wen Shutong really understood what it was called this time. Since then, the king did not reign early.

Huo Yanlin now hates the appearance of going to work, just like the HunJun who wants to stay away from the morning court every day.

He put on his clothes again and explained to Wen Shutong several times: "when I'm not at home, I remember to have a good meal. I'll ask my aunt to arrange what you want to eat and wait for me to come back. Do you understand?"

Wen Shutong sighed helplessly, then waved to him casually: "I have life experience, OK? Don't think I'm brain disabled just because I'm pregnant, OK? "

"All right, all right, you go quickly. When you come back tonight, remember to bring me something to eat. I want to eat radish cake from the family on South Road."

Huo Yanlin nodded, reluctantly looked at her several times, and then left.

Seeing him go out of the door, Wen Shutong was deeply relieved.

Finally, with free time, Wen Shutong began to think about how to go out for a walk.

Just as she was thinking about whether to go shopping or to see Huang Shuyun, her mobile phone rang off guard.

Wen Shutong looks at the caller ID and looks surprised.

For such a long time, shaoyiyi has not contacted her. How can she suddenly think of looking for her?

Pick up the phone, Wen Shutong did not have time to speak, the phone there came Shaoyi a cry voice.

She frowned slightly: "what's the matter? What are you crying for? "

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't disturb you with this kind of emotion, but I think that besides you, I don't seem to have any other friends to chat with."

Although Wen Shutong was still a little disgusted with her, she couldn't bear to refuse when she thought about how she bravely stood up to save Huo Yanlin.

After all, strictly speaking, her identity is unclean. If she dares to stand up and speak in front of so many people, it means that she has put herself at risk.

With this, Wen Shutong owes her a favor.

So she forced herself to be patient and said softly, "it's OK. You can tell me. Anyway, I have nothing to do now."

"I almost forgot that you were pregnant recently. Huo Yanlin should not be willing to let you go out to work." Shao Yi opens a way in a hurry.

Wen Shutong didn't answer, so she went on: "sometimes I think I really envy you. My husband is so kind to you, and my child is smart and obedient, so there must be no trouble in your life?"

"Isn't Song Qi also very good to you? If you stay with him well, you won't have any troubles in your life Wen Shutong opened his mouth in a low voice.

Speaking of this, shaoyiyi was a little excited. He raised his voice and said, "if you don't say it, I want to be angry now. At the beginning, he really treated me very well. As a result, now that the baby is about to be born, he will quarrel with me for three days and two days!"

Wen Shutong briefly calculated the days, as if she was really about to give birth.

Slightly frowned, she said: "what's the matter, wasn't it good before?"

"He's very strict with me now. He hates having to score every minute and every second to follow me, and he won't let me eat this or that." Shaoyi complained a little wrongly.

Wen Shutong wants to roll her eyes at the end of the phone. There is nothing to complain about. If she is angry about this kind of thing, Huo Yanlin will be angry to death.

But of course, this kind of words can't be said directly in front of others, so Wen Shutong forced a smile and said, "he's mainly afraid of your danger. It's OK to have a baby. There's nothing to be angry about.""He's not afraid of my danger at all, he just wants to imprison me by his side!" Shao Yi raised his voice, "now that the child has not been born, he is already planning what will happen after his birth. Even the school where he will go has been calculated!"

"Even step by step to teach me how to educate children, do you think this is reasonable?"

"I already live like a puppet, but he even wants my children to live like a puppet. Why?"

I have to say that although I don't like Shao Yiyi, Wen Shutong still feels the same about what she said.

He and Song Qi were not in close love from the beginning, just like others.

Now she is willing to stay next to Song Qi, but Song Qi wants to leave her with every step of the plan, which will naturally arouse her antipathy.

Shao Yi sighed with a long cry and said, "anyway, I can't live this kind of life any more. I'm very angry when I see her now, but the rest of my life is still so long. What do you say I should do?"

Wen Shutong was silent for a short time. She didn't know what to do. Of course, she couldn't help.

A moment later, Shaoyi reluctantly suppressed his crying voice and said, "he still thinks that this kind of thing is my problem, so I want to have a specific chat with you, or you can give me a psychological consultation, I want to know whether it's on me or on him."

Wen Shutong has not been to the studio since she was pregnant. Most of her work is done by others.

Unless they meet with something difficult to solve, they will ask her for advice.

Without hesitation, Wen Shutong said, "OK, let's meet." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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