"Is it my fault? Don't think I died fast enough? " Wen Shutong said, biting his teeth.

"No Sister, you see, how can you always think of people so badly? " Wen Linlang said in a roundabout way.

"It's because your bad heart has been written on your face. On your eyes, your whole body's temperament exudes disgusting and bad people's bad. I want to let people all over the world know about it." Huo Yanlin said with a sneer.

Wen Linlang has never heard Huo Yanlin scold people with such a clear goal. She is stunned in situ and seems to have never thought that Huo Yanlin, who has never put people in his eyes, would be so kind.

Five years ago, when they were just married, she went to a party with Huo Yanlin. At the banquet, some people spoke ill of her. She complained to Huo Yanlin with red eyes. What did Huo Yanlin say?

Wen Linlang has never forgotten Huo Yanlin's indifferent and merciless appearance. He said without expression at that time: "being ridiculed and looked down upon by others means that you have no ability to make people look down on you."

Finish this, turn around Huo Yanlin let a person cut off cooperation with the other party, give that person long memory, but it is only once.

He did it to protect the Huo family's reputation, not for her.

Wen Linlang recovered, bit his lips and lowered his head: "I just want to care about my sister."

"Thank you, then." Wen Shutong turned to Huo Yanlin and said, "did the murderer find out last night?"

Huo Yanlin stopped for a moment and said: "yes, Ji Tongsheng has been interrogating him, but the other party has been biting and refusing to admit the crime. Moreover, Ji Tongsheng said that the other party didn't really kill people, but the other party couldn't provide evidence. He suspected that he had caught the wrong man. "

Wen Shutong raised his eyebrows and said, "yes, he caught the wrong person. Because the killer It's Wen Linlang. "

When Wen Linlang heard her say so, she immediately raised her hand, waved and said, "sister, I know that my parents are partial to me. You have never liked me very much, but how can you frame me up in such a serious matter?"

Wen Shutong asked, "what did I frame you for?"

"Frame me for stabbing you." Wen Linlang said with a strong voice, "just Yan Lin is also here, but he heard."

Huo Yanlin was directly laughed at. He looked at Wen Linlang like a pig and said, "first, don't call him Yanlin. He's disgusting. He should be diaphragmatic. Second, didn't you know how she got hurt before? Now how do you know it's a stab? Take a brain when you go out next time, or it will take your brain to talk to you. "

Wen Lin Lang's face changed and said: "no, I said wrong, I remember wrong."

Wen Shutong showed Huo Yanlin's sneer and said: "if you want people to know, you can't do it. What is this

With that, she took out a necklace from her pocket and held it in front of the public.

The necklace was pulled from Wen's neck during the fight between Wen Shutong and Wen Linlang. When she fainted, she held it tightly in her hand. The doctor couldn't take it out, so she had to hold it like that.

After the operation, Wen Shutong was drugged and fell into a coma. The necklace was finally taken out of the palm of the hand by the nurse and put in the patient's uniform.

When Wen Linlang saw the necklace, her face turned white. She knew she had lost a necklace, but she didn't expect it was taken by Wen Shutong.

"You, you are slander," she stammered

"Isn't this your necklace?" Wen Shutong looks at Wen Linlang aggressively and says.

In front of Huo Yanlin, Wen Linlang dare not say that this is not his own necklace, because this necklace is wrapped by Huo Yanlin and specially customized for her, and her initials cough in it.

Wen Linlang's eyes flashed and said, "I've lost this necklace for a long time. Who knows how you got it? You must have stolen it without knowing when, just to slander me at this time. "

"I slander you? Where do you think you deserve to be stabbed and slandered all over your body? Don't look down on yourself too much, OK

Wen Shutong was so angry that he saw such a stubborn person for the first time. "It's stupid of you to resist the death."

Huo Yanlin timely said: "I know. I'll let Ji Tongsheng watch the surveillance video again. Since it's Wen Linlang, she must have been out of the hospital last night. It's very simple to track the whereabouts of suspicious people. It's really not possible. We also have surveillance cameras on the corridor outside the hospital ward. I can borrow equipment from the capital city to the Public Security Bureau Biological scanning. "

Wen Linlang's face turned white. He knelt down on the ground directly and prayed in a low voice: "Huo Yanlin, one day husband and wife hundred days' grace, do you have to kill me completely?"

In this way she confessed her crime.

Huo Yanlin seemed to realize Wen Linlang's stupid brain on the first day, and asked, "why don't you ask yourself when you poison your grandfather and pull out the oxygen mask for him? Even if you were soft hearted to your grandfather once, you would not end up like this. But grandfather was in danger twice. Which time didn't you do it? "With that, Huo Yanlin couldn't help but lift his feet and slowly climb to his side. Wen Linlang, who was about to hold his thigh, kicked out.

Wen Linlang fell to the wall and fell down again. She was lying on the ground in a mess. She felt that her whole pancreas was misplaced and her bones hurt like she was going to be broken.

She cried with snot, or repentant, just a strong request for Huo Yanlin to bypass himself.

Wenmu and Wenfu hugged her and pleaded for Wen Linlang.

Wen's mother still can't forget to scold Wen Shutong in a roundabout way. He is cold-blooded and merciless. He looks at his sister without expression when he is bullied.

He slandered Wen Shutong in front of Huo Yanlin. Both inside and outside the words mean that Wen Linlang is kind and can be bullied. He is slandered and bullied by Wen Shutong. However, Wen Shutong has a deep mind and ruthless means and does not give people a way back.

Wen Shutong silently listens to Wen's mother's more and more ugly abuse and slander. The black hole named "disappointment" in his heart is getting bigger and bigger, which almost engulfs her.

Huo Yanlin turns his head to look at Wen Shutong with heartache, and finds that she hangs her head in silence, and even a word refutes it.

Not before the appearance of glib, the body of the thorn also put away, let others bully, it seems particularly distressing.

Wen Shutong felt Huo Yanlin's eyes. Her body trembled for a while, but she did not raise her head.

She did not know whether Huo Yanlin would believe in himself, after all, Huo Yanlin almost never believed in himself.

In Huo Yanlin's eyes, there is only evidence, only truth and principle, and there is no kinship in it, so whoever can get the evidence is right.

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