Wen Shutong didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, but after getting the contact information, he thought it was good.

That woman is not attractive, but this business card is a great help to her.

So without hesitation, she dialed the number on her business card.

When the phone got through, there was a slightly greasy male voice: "who? What's wrong with calling me so early? "

It's two o'clock in the afternoon. It's not early at all.

It's just that it's really early enough for those people who turn day and night upside down and make up for sleep during the day.

But Wen Shutong was not polite to him. He lowered his voice and said, "I'm Wen Shutong, you..."

Before her words were finished, the people over there interrupted with disdain: "you are Wen Shutong. What's so great about that? Should I know you? Who do you think you are when you have nothing to do but call and report your name directly

"Do you think everyone in the world should know your mother?"

It's not impolite, it's just no quality.

Wen Shutong's face is gloomy. She has never been wronged like this.

She lowered her voice and said coldly, "when you talk, put your mouth clean. Do you want to die?"

"You don't know what's the relationship between Ares and me. If you don't want to continue that cooperation, you can continue spraying manure."

In this way, the person on the other side of the phone seemed to react violently, and he quickly said, "Oh, hey, look at my brain. I really forgot all the important things. How can I forget you, a noble man? Sorry

"It's all my fault that a cheap woman made me unhappy yesterday. I went to bed with anger. Don't blame me for my bad temper in the middle of the day. "

"Miss Wen suddenly came to me. What's the matter?"

Wen Shutong didn't talk too much nonsense with him, so he made his intention clear.

The man didn't hesitate at all, and immediately said, "since it's you who spoke, of course I have to agree! How much does that list cost? "

Wen Shutong also accurately reported a number: "this should not be too difficult for you?"

After hearing her numbers, the man was silent for a long time on the other end of the phone.

"This is really not much, but I don't know much about it. If I guess correctly, it should be an order from Huo Yanlin company. Why do you..."

Now almost all the people in Jincheng know that Wen Shutong and Huo Yanlin have become incompatible.

Now he's helping him with his business again, which everyone doubts.

Wen Shutong has already met with numerous setbacks because of this incident, so it's no surprise.

She said in a low voice, "you don't have to worry about things. I won't betray Ares. You always say whether you can do it."

The person on the other side of the phone pondered for a moment, followed by a horizontal heart: "OK, then you come! I'll see you at seven this evening. I'll give you a pleasant word after reading the contract. "

Wen Shutong hung up the phone with a smile on his face. For this reason, it's basically the same as consent.

How about the character of the sales director? Let's not talk about it. It's a big help for her.

Today, unexpectedly, she didn't leave ahead of time. She even worked overtime for a while and didn't get up until six o'clock.

What Wen Shutong didn't know, however, was that Huo Yanlin didn't leave while she was working overtime, waiting for her all the time.

After he left before, Huo Yanlin had nothing to think about. Unexpectedly, today is different from before.

The place Han chose was a bar. This kind of place has always been a good place to talk about business. Wen Shutong is not surprised.

When she was abroad, she had been in and out of numerous such occasions, and Ares herself was also a bar driver, so she was familiar with light car driving.

The waiters at the door were two young boys. Before they could speak, Wen Shutong said directly, "I'm here to find Hancheng, boss Han. I don't have an appointment. "

The two waiters looked at each other with a strange look in their eyes.

Then one of them said, "Mr. Han has already come. He is waiting for you in his room. Please follow me."

The waiter led her through the corridor in front of the bar to the back elevator.

Swipe a black card and let Wen Shutong in.

Generally, the top customers of hotels have black cards, which not only show their noble identity, but also have absolute concealment.

With a black card, you can go to the bar's second floor, where the rooms are all separate. No one can go up easily without a card or an appointment.

The waiter didn't keep up, just put Ka into Wen Shutong's hands."Boss Han is in the room No.1 above. He said that he would let you go up with the card. I wish you a happy evening."

The elevator soon stopped on the second floor, and Wen Shutong opened room 2 with a card brush.

The design of the room is very elegant. Besides the white of European style, there is a big white piano in the middle.

When she opened the door, it was empty and there was no movement.

Just when Wen Shutong was curious, a voice with a smile came from behind the door: "it seems that Miss Wen is really worried. She came here so early."

Frightened by his voice, Wen Shutong almost couldn't help crying out.

But she soon put down her emotions, and slowly stirred up a smile: "because it's really urgent, so it's early. Mr. Han, you are the same."

"If I don't have any important work, I usually stay here. It's no different from my half home. I didn't come early." Mr. Han opened his hand with a smile.

She is not familiar with everything about Jincheng, and she has never been to this bar.

Originally, Wen Shutong thought it would be an ordinary bar.

Inside the room is a card seat, and then sit a group of people dancing in the light.

I didn't expect such an elegant environment.

But boss Han, who is fat and big, doesn't look like a person who can get on such a high and elegant hall.

Boss Han is not tall. He looks about 1.6 meters, but he weighs 200 Jin.

The stomach in front of him is very abrupt, and his face is pockmarked. He looks fat and disgusting.

Wen Shutong didn't want to have too much contact with him, so he took out the contract from his bag: "this is the relevant terms of the order. Take a look and sign it if there is nothing wrong."

With a smile, boss Han glanced at her and said with great interest, "Miss Wen is really a workaholic. Is she so straightforward?"

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