Huo Yanlin on the other side of the phone also chuckled and said slowly: "I'm waiting for your performance, don't let me down."

His voice was very low, with a bit of indescribable sexiness in his tone.

Wen Shutong's action stopped for a while, and suddenly the strange feeling rose in his heart.

In order to force down the idea in her heart, she gently hammered her chest.

Really, ares is so nice to herself and always likes her, isn't it?

Why does it happen that he is bewildered and disturbed by Huo Yanlin again and again.

She took a deep breath. From then on, no matter what Huo Yanlin said or did, she just wanted to firmly think about Ares.

Soon his address was sent to him. It was an amusement park in the center of the city.

After seeing the address, Wen Shutong raised his lips and sneered.

I didn't expect that Huo Yanlin, a seemingly inhumane thing, had such a girlish heart.

Without any delay, Wen Shutong drove directly to the playground.

Now the weather is getting warmer, and the playground is at its peak.

But when she got to the door, there was no one. It was empty, as if she had experienced a big event.

She got out of the car and watched at the door for a while. She said with emotion, "why is it so empty here? Is it difficult that this amusement park has been closed because of an accident?"

"If you have a normal mind, it's a good thing to talk about it. It's an amusement park invested by my father. There's absolutely no possibility of any accident."

A milky voice rang out behind her, but the words were especially impolite.

Wen Shutong slowly turned his head and looked over, only to find that it was Huo Yanlin's son, Wen Yueqi.

She looked at the little guy's young face and sneered, "so what about your father's playground? He's not Superman. He said nothing would happen? Why do you lick your father like that? "

The moon's mouth has always been fierce, immediately impolitely said: "then what are you? Are you a crow? What do you say happens? "

"You say that children can't speak so much. No matter how I used to be your mother!" She crossed her waist and spoke impolitely.

"Then I should be glad that my biological mother raised me, not a vicious woman like you, otherwise..." The moon returns to her with sharp teeth.

Wen Shutong interrupted him and said impolitely, "come on, if I were your mother, I would not have raised you. I would have drowned you at a young age."

"Then I'll make you angry before I drown!" The moon crossed her waist and spat out her tongue. "A little bad woman, no wonder there are no children!"

Wen Shutong's anger suddenly jumped up. Now the world has really changed. Even a little kid dares to brag at her.

I really don't know how Huo Yanlin taught me. He raised such two children without quality.

She strides forward and intends to pull the moon directly to her side to educate him.

At this time, a low voice suddenly sounded in the distance: "moon, come to Dad!"

The shadow of the moon is like a ghost. After a few shakes, it disappears, and then appears next to Huo Yanlin.

In addition to him, Huo Yanlin's hand also led the stars, three people stand side by side in the original place.

This should have been a harmonious scene, but because of the lack of mother, this picture always feels something is missing.

But Wen Shutong's heart is very calm. She is not cheap, so she won't rush to be a mother for others.

Looking at Huo Yanlin from a distance, she spoke directly about the conditions: "I have come now, you should also abide by what you said before."

"On my way here just now, I've asked someone to draw up the contract. Please see if there is anything else that needs to be changed."

After that, she took out her mobile phone and sent a document directly to Huo Yanlin.

Huo Yanlin did not delay, and soon took out his mobile phone to see.

I have to say that although the contract was drawn up in a hurry, the above content is very sufficient.

It includes her responsibility to Huo Yanlin and her bottom line during the contract period.

Among them, Huo Yanlin can only treat her as an ordinary employee, can't get along with her as a husband and wife, and can't treat her harshly beyond the standard of employees.

And in her own obligations, she also wrote clearly.

She can be Huo Yanlin's assistant and follow him around 24 hours. She can also pretend to be his intimate partner when necessary.

From this point of view, there is really no problem with this contract, and strictly speaking, Wen Shutong has made great concessions.

In addition to accompanying Huo Yanlin every day, she also promised to bring profits to the company.Huo Yanlin's eyes flashed a meaningful look.

"Ares has taught you a good job in business. I don't think he ever worked out a contract, has he?" Huo Yanlin slowly said, "but in the end he taught you, or his father taught you."

What happened to Ares's father was the most taboo thing in her heart.

She doesn't like to hear people talk about her, and she never takes the initiative.

Frowning, Wen Shutong said in a deep voice: "it doesn't matter who taught me. I just want to do what I promised."

"I'm just talking about business with you. I'm not asking you to check your account."

Huo Yanlin is still silent, continue to ask: "it is said that ares's father first met you in the orphanage, when you were only 6 years old."

"There were a lot of children there. It was said that they were a little older than you at that time, and there were also people with more mature style, but he chose you."

"Did you tell him about it?"

Huo Yanlin's voice was very low, and every word seemed to be concerned.

But these words in Wen Shutong's ears are like a knife rubbing her eardrum.

Once the memory of the moment like water suddenly poured up, occupied her whole brain.

That year, she was only seven years old. In order to get the chance to get ahead, she wanted to show all her skills.

In order to make ares's father accept herself, she pretends to speak and deal with things like an adult.

Ares's father was satisfied with her intelligence, so he took her out of the orphanage.

At the beginning, his father smuggled a batch of goods, which is likely to face foreign legal sanctions.

In order not to let his only son suffer, he sent ares out of the country and formally adopted himself.

As his daughter, I plan to blame myself later. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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