When she caught up with her, Huo Yanlin had already left the office. She didn't mean to stop at all.

Tezhu also reached out to stop her and said in a low voice, "Miss mu, this matter has been solved. You should work hard."

The hand hanging on one side clenched, and Wen Shutong said coldly, "do you call this a solution? How do they treat me? Are you blind? "

"They want to say all the bad things about me behind my back, which is also called solution?"

Helplessly, tezhu said in a soft voice, "I'm really sorry. I can't help you with this matter. This is the way the president said to deal with it."

"What's more, you don't have any substantive relationship with the president now. At most, you are his secret object. How can you ask him to help you?"

Wen Shutong felt a chill spread all over his body.

The words "the object of darkness" are really hurtful.

She thought she had at least some place in Huo Yanlin's heart, but now she finds out that this is not the case.

With a sneer, she said impolitely, "what he means is that only when I successfully become the president's wife, will he help me in front of everyone?"

Tezhu thought that his words were very convincing, but he didn't expect that mu Wanling was such a leader.

When others fail, they lose their temper. When she fails, she is actually looking for reasons and solutions.

After a pause, tezhu couldn't bear to disappoint her, so he said, "it depends on what you think in your heart. Miss mu, you're very good. There's no need to do something you don't like."

"As long as you don't make trouble in the company, no one dares to touch you."

"Next time, even if the president doesn't come out to help you, I will!"

Wen Shutong sneered in her heart. What she wanted was Huo Yanlin's preference and to show her off in front of everyone.

What's the use of a special help even if it comes out.

Just at this time, Huo Yanlin, who just entered the office, suddenly appeared with a document in his hand and was about to go up the elevator.

It is obvious that he is going out to talk about his work, and it is not known when he will come back.

Wen Shutong heart a horizontal, directly push away in front of the special help, can not help but say rushed up: "Huo Yanlin!"

Her voice was full of air, and more than half of the people in the president's office heard it and laughed at it in their hearts.

Some people even taunted her: "it seems that some people really don't know what shame is. They have already made it clear that they don't care about her, but they have to post it by themselves."

"That is, do you think the president will circle around her when he is so idle all day?"

These people all heard him, but Huo Yanlin turned a deaf ear and stepped into the elevator.

At this moment, Wen Shutong's brain's reaction speed has exceeded her body's. she rushed up directly and blocked the elevator with her arm.

As if the elevator door didn't feel her existence, it was still closing in.

Huo Yanlin's eyebrows wrinkled, quick reaction directly pulled her back to his side.

As long as he slows down a little bit, I'm afraid Wen Shutong's arm will be in the elevator.

Shaking off her hand, Huo Yanlin said in a deep voice: "are you crazy?"

"I also want to ask if you are crazy? How can you do such moody things day by day Her hands cross the waist, I stare at Huo Yanlin.

An unexpected look flashed in his eyes. Huo Yanlin frowned: "what do you mean?"

"You're the one who said you wanted to try with me, and you're the one who promised to bring me to the company. Now I'm in conflict with the people in the company, and you don't have any extra words?" She said fiercely.

Huo Yanlin's pretty eyebrows gently wrinkled, with a kind of playful look: "do you want me to have any preferential treatment and stand on your side directly regardless of everything?"

"Wrong is wrong, right is right. Why should I reprimand my loyal employees for you?"

The more he said that, the more dissatisfied Wen Shutong was. He simply asked, "I don't believe it. If it was Wen Shutong who met this kind of thing today, you would not be on his side!"

Huo Yanlin was forced down the anger immediately came up, he frowned, coldly said: "who do you think you are? Are you qualified to compete with her? "

"If she was in the company today, she would not fight with the company's employees anyway."

"I will not provoke them again and again when I know they are hostile. Only you can do this kind of thing."

In fact, Huo Yanlin saw mu Wanling solve the problem today, and suddenly realized that there is a big gap between her and Wen Shutong.

No matter what the outside scene is like, Wen Shutong seldom takes the initiative to participate in the quarrel, and will not be torn up with these people with rhythm.

And even if she is angry again, she won't rush forward and slap directly.

Sometimes he felt that the people in front of him were really like Wen Shutong.

But sometimes. He felt again that his whole body was full of disobedience.

After Huo Yanlin's words came out, the air between them suddenly became serious.

Tezhu knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so he quickly took the document from Huo Yanlin and said, "president, I'll go down and wait for you. If you're good, just look for me."

Tezhu also left, leaving only two of them in an instant.

Wen Shutong looked up at the person in front of him and said sarcastically, "it seems that I didn't guess wrong before. The reason why you treat me so well is that you always look for another person's shadow on me."

"The reason why you don't help me today is that I don't treat the world like Wen Shutong, so I have no interest."

"But people will not step into the same river twice, and there are no two people who are absolutely similar in the world."

"Everything I do is my most real reaction. If the person you love is a woman who is bullied and has to swallow her anger, then I can only say, change your mind as soon as possible!"

Her words were cold and heartless, which directly pushed all the expectations in Huo Yanlin's heart to the bottom.

His face suddenly became very ugly. Huo Yanlin couldn't help but hold her wrist and pushed her to the wall behind her.

Wen Shutong only felt that his back was heavily bumped against the wall, and unbearable pain swept over him.

She was in a rage, frantically struggling: "let go! If you touch me again, believe it or not, I'll sue you! "

Looking down at her eyes, Huo Yanlin lowered his voice: "before, you were always in a hurry to get close to me. Now I haven't left anything, so I have to go?"

Huo Yanlin's peach blossom eyes are very attractive. Even if he doesn't do anything, it makes people feel scared.

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